I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 21 Yaoyaoqike Is Making Trouble! I Said Snake Gallbladder And You Said Medicine!

Chapter 21: Medicinal Snake Gall! I Say Snake, You Say Medicine!

In front of several people were huge thermostatic boxes.

Black and yellow pythons coiled together, with sinister vertical pupils and sharp fangs at the corners of their mouths.

Director Zhu explained, "These are Bo Si Qu snakes, a rare breed of pythons newly bred by the beast tamer master Yang Qu in the Professional Guild."

"Bo Si Qu snakes were originally one-star magical beasts, but after being bred and crossbred with other domesticated snakes by Master Yang Qu, they have become these large-sized Bo Si Qu snakes, which are not very dangerous."

"However, for ordinary butchers, Bo Si Qu snakes are still very dangerous."

"Their blood contains potent toxins, which can cause ordinary people to fall into a coma just by smelling it."

"But their meat is delicious and rich in spiritual energy, making them very popular among the wealthy, and therefore very expensive."

"Usually, only professionals can afford to consume them..."

Zheng Cheng nodded and asked, "So who usually slaughters them?"

"Just a few professional butchers at the factory," Director Zhu said. "But they rarely slaughter them, for fear of being poisoned by the snakes."

"I see..."

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up. "Director Zhu, I want to try slaughtering a Bo Si Qu snake, how about it?"

Director Zhu exclaimed, "Really?"

"Thank you so much, Zheng, for this. Quick, release a Bo Si Qu snake!"

The workers quickly operated the machinery to lure a Bo Si Qu snake out of the thermostatic box.

Then, they used an electronic anesthetic gun to shoot the Bo Si Qu snake.

Zheng Cheng also noticed that the anesthetic used for the Bo Si Qu snake was different from the regular one used for domestic poultry and livestock.

The anesthetic for regular animals was a transparent liquid, while the one for the Bo Si Qu snake was light green!

Soon, the Bo Si Qu snake began to sway its head and quickly fell to the ground, motionless.

It was only then that Zheng Cheng had the opportunity to fully examine the Bo Si Qu snake.

It was over ten meters long, as tall as a three to four-story building.

It had a diameter of about one meter, with black and yellow patterns, looking very fierce.

Wearing a gas mask, Zheng Cheng entered the specialized slaughterhouse.

With an alloy long knife in hand, he decisively struck down!

The illusory surgical knife flashed again, completely enveloping the Bo Si Qu snake's body.

After a few breaths, a large amount of blood gushed out from the Bo Si Qu snake's body.

Chunks of the Bo Si Qu snake's flesh and blood immediately separated and piled up on the ground.

On Zheng Cheng's hand, there appeared a dark green piece of flesh, the size of a goose egg.

It felt cool to the touch, very refreshing.

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained an ingredient: Bo Si Qu snake gall.]

[Item: Bo Si Qu snake gall]

[Quality: One-star]

[Effect: Consuming it permanently increases 1 point of spirit, limited to 20 uses. Also, permanently increases poison resistance by 1%.]

[Explanation: Medicinal Snake Gall! I say snake, you say medicine! Snake gall, medicine! Snake gall, snake gall, snake gall, medicine, medicine, medicine!]

Looking at the description of the Bo Si Qu snake gall, Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched involuntarily.

But this was exactly what he wanted!

A permanent increase in spirit!

The more spirit he had, the more times he could use his skills.

He wouldn't need to drink a bottle of clarity potion every 10 skill uses.

In addition, this Bo Si Qu snake gall could actually increase poison resistance.

Although only by 1%, it was already remarkable.

"Limited to 20 uses, meaning 20 points of spirit and 20% poison resistance!"

He raised his hand and said, "Director Zhu, I'll take this gall too!"


Director Zhu looked somewhat conflicted. "This, might be a bit difficult."

"Why, is someone else interested?"

"It's the pharmacists' guild," Director Zhu explained. "They have ordered all medicinal items such as ox gall and snake gall from our slaughterhouse."

"There's a fixed monthly production for them, they are our big customers..."

"I'll pay more."

"No problem!"

For the rest of the afternoon, Zheng Cheng stayed in the Bo Si Qu snake workshop, slaughtering all the Bo Si Qu snakes.

Unfortunately, there were only about thirty Bo Si Qu snakes in the entire workshop.

He spent the whole afternoon there, but only managed to obtain nine Bo Si Qu snake galls!

"Director Zhu, are there any more Bo Si Qu snakes?"

Looking at the piles of Bo Si Qu snake meat on the ground, Director Zhu was also wide-eyed.

Seriously, these thirty-odd Bo Si Qu snakes were their supply for the month.

And Zheng Cheng finished them all in one afternoon?

A natural-born butcher!

He shook his head, dispelling the unrealistic idea, and said, "The monthly supply of Bo Si Qu snakes is very limited, but we can bring in some from other slaughterhouses..."

"How soon can they arrive?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow..."

Back home, Zheng Cheng placed all nine Bo Si Qu snake galls in a steamer.

While waiting, his phone suddenly beeped.

He picked it up and saw that it was a notification from the class teacher Gao Yang inviting him to join a group.

There were only about a hundred people in the entire chat group.

Apart from four or five teachers, the rest were all this year's awakened professionals from the 12th High School!

Glancing at it, Zheng Cheng saw Chen Xiao, Cai Kun, and Yao Zhixue among others.

Principal Yang Shenli: "Congratulations to all of you for successfully awakening and becoming professionals worthy of respect from Human Venerable!"

"In the past few days, after continuous efforts from the school, we have finally secured a qualification for a trial instance."

"Here, I want to give special praise to Yao Zhixue!"

After some explanation, Zheng Cheng finally understood.

Every year, after successfully awakening, new professional students have a month to familiarize themselves with and practice their skills.

After that, the school organizes students to go to some low-level monster areas in the wilderness for monster-killing training and leveling up.

But this year, because of Yao Zhixue's nine-star profession, the Eternal Peace City Professional Education Department actually provided the 12th High School with an additional opportunity for a trial instance!

An instance!

Completely different from the small worlds in the wilderness, the monsters inside would continuously evolve and reset according to the world rules.

Compared to the wilderness, the trials inside the instance were undoubtedly safer and more convenient.

At least, there was no need to trek through the wilderness and search for monsters.

Principal Yang Shenli: "Give the students one day to prepare, and the day after tomorrow, all new professional students will gather at the school to be led by teachers into the trial instance for the trial!"

Principal Yang Shenli: "Before entering the trial instance, I hope that students can form teams according to their professions, with five people in each team, covering attack, defense, support, healing, and other professions, to challenge the instance together!"

Principal Yang Shenli: "The difficulty of the instance is divided into normal, hard, nightmare, and hell levels, and the experience and rewards obtained from challenging instances of different difficulties also vary."

Principal Yang Shenli: "I hope that students can take this seriously and cherish this opportunity to challenge the instance!"

"All mute restrictions lifted."

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(End of this chapter)

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