I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

241. Chapter 240 Shadel Takes The Initiative? The Plague Of The Fly Family!

Chapter 240 Shadel takes the initiative? The plague of the fly family!

Baker Roland's tone was still extremely respectful, and he performed a standard mage salute to Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng looked Baker Roland up and down. At this moment, his mage robes had not changed much, but his aura became more calm and restrained.

His eyes became more mature and confident.

The staff originally held in his hand disappeared and was replaced by... a book!

"Beck, how do you feel?"

"Magic is power..."

He said respectfully: "Lord, I have successfully transferred to a six-star hero profession...magic scholar!"

Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "Magic scholar? What abilities do you have?"

Baker smiled and explained: "According to what some people on your planet say...the magical world is vast, and I will explore it from top to bottom!"

"In front of magic, I'm just a little person who just wants to learn."

"Magic scholar? I will search high and low?"

With a thought, Baker's attributes appeared in front of him.

[Name: Baker Rowland]


[Race: Human race]

[Star rating: six stars]

[Occupation: Magic Scholar]

[Level: LV59 (upper limit: LV60)]

[Recruiter: Zheng Cheng]

[Physique: 171]

[Strength: 72]

[Agility: 165]


[Morale: 100]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Hunger level: 10]

[Skill 1: High Level Fire Magic Specialization LV7. Years of meditation and study have enabled you to master most Low Level fire magic, Middle Level fire magic and part of High Level fire magic. ]

[Skill 2: High Level Earth Magic Specialization LV7. Years of meditation and study have enabled you to master most Low Level earth magic, Middle Level earth magic and part of High Level earth magic. ]

[Skill 3: High Level Alchemy Mastery LV6. Years of study and experimentation have enabled you to master some of the methods for making high-end alchemy items. You can use different materials to make alchemy items with different properties. ]

[Skill 4: High Level Potion Specialization LV7. Years of study and experimentation have enabled you to master most of the essence of potions. You can use different materials to refine different potions and fully exert their effects. ]

[Skill 5: Summon Hellfire LV1. With fusion magic, you have to consume mental power to summon hellfire from another world, burn the earth, and at the same time condense a flame giant, which you can control. ]

[Skill 6: Word of God LV1: When you are practicing magic knowledge, you will accidentally hear special murmurs in the dark, thereby obtaining answers to current questions or knowledge. ]


Looking at Baker's specific attributes, Zheng Cheng took a deep breath.

He could have guessed that Baker would be eager to get angry, but he didn't expect that he would get angry so much.

The first four so-called skills are actually knowledge that Baker himself has mastered.

High Level Fire Magic, High Level Earth Magic, Alchemy, and Potions.

The next two skills are the gifts you get after changing jobs and becoming a hero.

Summons hellfire.

A pure summoning + attack magic, very powerful.

And the sixth skill...Word of God!

This ability is the embodiment of the most important ability of a magic scholar.

You can obtain answers and knowledge to current questions while practicing magic knowledge.

Isn't this an open-book exam?

Think about it, if Baker is studying a forbidden spell and meditating hard but cannot get the answer, and suddenly the answer given by the so-called Word of God comes to his ears.


The way Zheng Cheng looked at Baker began to change.


Baker said respectfully: "No matter what, you are my master. This subordinate... will never betray you in his life!"

"I trust you……"

"Lord," Baker said again, "We killed a Carnilla Jaw Hero this time, as well as the corpses of several other alien bosses. Can we hand them over to my subordinates?"

"What do you want their bodies for?"

"The corpses of these strange beasts contain powerful life energy. I want to try to see if their corpses can be refined into some alchemy tools."

Baker explained: "If I wanted to refine it before, my subordinates would have to mobilize a large number of magicians to study together, or even refine it in a dedicated magic tower."

"But now that my subordinate has become a hero, I have a strange feeling... I can refine alchemy items by myself!"

Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "I'll leave it all to you!"

In the past half month, in addition to the Carnilla Jaw Bee he just killed, Zheng Cheng also deliberately left the corpses of several alien bosses.

Or rather, parts of their corpses.

For example, the forelimbs of Shura Mantis, the horn of Flying Thunder Dragon BOSS, the fangs of Sandworm BOSS, etc.

He originally planned to bring these things out of the Secret Realm, but he unexpectedly gained Baker's allegiance.

Moreover, he changed his job to a hero!

If there is another chance to enter Jiasha Island in the future, wouldn't it mean that he will have an ever-improving logistics base?

"Thank you, my lord!"

Beck said respectfully and stepped back with great excitement.

Zheng Cheng looked into the distance: "Wait a minute, the home crystal on the top of Heita Mountain..."

Late at night, while Zheng Cheng was resting, he suddenly sensed a shadow approaching.

Her breathing was a little disordered, but very calm.

A rustling sound sounded.


In the darkness, Zheng Cheng opened his eyes.

"You don't have to do this. I said that I am bound to get the Home Crystal. And I also promised you that I will not let alien beasts enter the desolate world."

"Lord... these are all of my own free will and have nothing to do with other things..."

In the darkness, Sadele's delicate voice suddenly sounded.

"I like you, do you remember what I said when we met? Conquer me..."

"You don't regret it?"

"I, Shadel, will never regret it!"

Three days later!

Zheng Cheng's home has undergone great changes again.

In the main city, more than ten barracks buildings and living buildings were built in sequence around the home crystal.

To the left of the Home Crystal, the Pillar of Life stands tall, emitting a faint light.

On the right side is the reconnaissance guard construction base.

Griffin knights kept flying up and down, taking away the scout guards one by one and setting them up in the black mist in the distance.

A tall city wall surrounds the entire main city, with hundreds of arrow towers arranged in sequence on it.

Outside the city, there are still dense arrow towers and bunkers guarding the entire home.

At the entrance of the valley to the east, the remaining arrow towers and bunkers are concentrated, guarding the east gate of the home. ,

Continuing forward, in the thick black fog, one hundred and twenty reconnaissance guards were hidden behind boulders, on big trees, and in the river, monitoring the surroundings at all times.

In terms of military strength, it has been maximized, and almost everyone is a soldier!

The strongest ones are undoubtedly the three heroes Baker Roland, Shadel, and Zhang San.

Next, there are 49 units of court magicians.

It is still led by Baker Roland, who serves as the head of the court magicians.

200 units of sword and shield guards.

200 units of heavy armored cavalry.

These two arms formed Zheng Cheng's escort regiment, with Shadel as its leader.

400 units of dragon knights.

Among them, the Salon Knights have the smallest number, only 50 units.

The Silverback Armored Dragon has the largest number, 200 units.

The rest are all Raptor Knights, 150 units.

These 400 Earthly Dragon Knights formed the Earthly Dragon Knights, with Zhang San as the leader and Ma Lie as the deputy leader.

Next, there is the Griffin Knight.

The 1,500 units of Griffin Knights are the largest number of all units under Zheng Cheng's command, and they are also the strongest main battle unit!

The entire Griffin Knights are divided into two regiments, and the leader of the first regiment is Yang Houer.

The leader of the second regiment is Li Guerrilla.

The two men led 750 griffon knights respectively to protect their homeland.

The remaining 600 or so units are hard laborers, heavy troops and other living units.

These people are responsible for tasks such as logistics, baggage, and battlefield cleaning. Although their number is not large, their positions and tasks are also very important.

Outside the hall, Baker walked in quickly.

"Bang bang bang..."


In the room, Zheng Cheng was sitting upright, and Shadel next to him had a slightly red face.

"come in……"

Baker's face was a little anxious, his eyes did not dare to look in the direction of Shadel, and he said to Zheng Cheng: "Lord! Our reconnaissance guards discovered a new strange beast on the northeast side!"

"Oh?" Zheng Cheng, still sitting, took a deep breath and said, "What type of strange beast is it?"

"Giant fly!"

Baker said: "It is a giant fly that is as tall as half a man. There are so many of them that it almost occupies a large forest on the northeast side!"

"Giant fly?" Zheng Cheng frowned and said, "What exactly is going on?"

"We follow your order, my lord, and have been preparing for the expedition to Black Tower Mountain in the past few days. Most of the reconnaissance guards are concentrated on the northeast side."

"But who would have thought that the magician on duty today suddenly discovered a large number of traces of giant flies and strange beasts on the reconnaissance crystal. After learning about this, my subordinates will report to you as soon as possible..."

"Giant fly?"

Zheng Cheng asked: "Do you know this kind of strange beast?"


Baker hesitated for a moment and then said: "My subordinates speculate that it may be the Fly Clan, one of the three flying royal families of the Alien Zerg Clan!"

"The Fly Clan? What's so special about it?"


Baker said concisely and concisely: "The fly family is the best at spreading plague. They use the corpses of other creatures as hosts and lay fly eggs on the corpses of the creatures to reproduce quickly and form a large-scale tide of giant flies!"

"And these flies carry a large number of viruses and bacteria, which can cause the spread of plague on a large scale."

"In our world, there have been several kingdoms with more than 10 million people killed by the plague of the fly family!"

"It is precisely because of its ability to spread plague that it can be ranked among the three flying royal families of the Alien Zerg!"

Zheng Cheng said softly: "According to what you said, there was no Gypsy Clan on Jiasha Island before, but now that it suddenly appears, there may be a heroic unit of the Gypsy Clan behind it!"

"Or...their mission here is for the giant home crystal on Black Tower Mountain!"

Baker also nodded quickly and said: "It makes sense, Lord, what should we do, is..."

Zheng Cheng stood up abruptly, his lower body had already regained his composure, and said indifferently: "Send the order! The expeditionary force sets off!"

"This time, it's our turn to take the initiative!"


This chapter was reviewed and took a long time to be revised before being released.

(End of chapter)

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