I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

243. Chapter 242 Sea Of ​​Maggots! Summon Hellfire!

"Damn! Why are the mosquitoes here so big!"

In the mountain forest, Zhuang Shuai hid his plump body in a huge quagmire. His whole body blended perfectly with the quagmire, only two big thief eyes were exposed.

"Lord, what should we do..."

Next to him, a chubby soldier in dark clothes came over and asked in a low voice.

Zhuang Shuai rolled his eyes: "How do I know? Tell the brothers to wait until these flies fly away."

"Master, do you want me to take my brothers to catch some flies and try to see if they can be eaten?"

"Get lost!" Zhuang Shuai cursed and said, "Eat flies? Are you tired of living? Aren't you afraid of all kinds of viruses and bacteria on flies?"

The subordinate asked strangely: "Virus? Bacteria? What is that? This fly is also a strange beast. Can't we eat it?"

"Can it be eaten?"

"Yes." The subordinate nodded vigorously: "When we were very hungry, let alone flies, we even ate mice, ants, and some worms..."

"Ugh... stop talking. Then you secretly take a few brothers to fetch a few flies from the edge of the quagmire. Be careful when they move!"

"Don't worry, my lord!"

Soon, several huge fat fish appeared in the quagmire and quietly approached the big tree on the edge.

There, there were several giant flies lying down, still eating the carrion beside the mire.

Didn't notice at all, a few pairs of malicious eyes.

Soon, more than two hours later, in a corner of the mountain forest, Zhuang Shuai looked at the dark flesh in his hand, which was as black as paste, with a few broken wings stuck on it, with a strange expression on his face.

"Lord, can you eat it?"

Beside him, there were only a dozen soldiers left.

But each of these dozen soldiers had a fat body, dark skin, and layers of chapped wrinkles like spider webs on their skin. They looked like big wild boars walking upright.

Zhuang Shuai twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You want to try?"

"Just try it!"

The soldier who spoke took the black meat from Commander Zhuang's hand and bit into it.


A foul smell immediately filled the air.


"What is the taste?"

"It stinks..."

"Stinky tofu mixed with snail noodles? It also smells like stinky mandarin fish, yuck..."

"Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly!"

A few minutes later, several fat black men hurriedly ran behind the big tree, holding their stomachs.

"Get up and drive! It's about to pull!"


Looking further away, the dense swarm of giant flies continued to move backwards, and an area surrounded by a large swarm of giant flies appeared.

Below this area, the entire mountain turned into an extremely wide quagmire.

In this quagmire, boulders, trees, strange beasts, etc. were all transformed into rotten mud.

In the mud, there were groups of maggots...maggots as big as an adult's head!

These maggots are pale, flowing with sticky liquid, and are bulging and crowded together, forming a huge maggot lake!

Swarms of giant flies flew around, grabbing hold of the strange beasts that were still struggling.

Black-skinned worms, colorful spiders, three-headed snakes, even flying thunder dragons, sandworms, etc. were all thrown into this maggot lake and used as food for the maggots!

They use the exotic beasts of Jiasha Island as nutrients and food for the giant flies!

Suddenly, one of the maggot bags began to stir.

Dozens of maggots rolled down, revealing the silhouette of one of them.

The old woman in black!

At this time, her whole body was covered with mucus, which highlighted her enchanting upper body.

But her lower body was a huge and bloated sac. As the sac continued to agitate, maggots crawled out of her body one after another, and then merged into the sea of ​​maggots.

Her eyes subconsciously looked to the southwest.

"With that aura, there are actually humans taking the initiative to attack my people? Hahaha... You really overestimate your capabilities!"

"Although my tribe has only been born for three days, the giant tree that was born from the ripening power of the human hero is no longer weaker than an adult!"


Following her roar, thousands of giant flies that were as tall as a person, with scarlet compound eyes, and whose skin and fur were golden mixed with green, soared into the sky, buzzing and screaming.

Next to these giant flies, there are a larger number of slightly smaller giant flies, and there are thousands of them densely packed.


She pointed to the southwest and shouted angrily: "In that direction... there are the enemies of our alien Zerg tribe! Kill them, bring their bodies back, and feed the other tribesmen!"

"Buzz buzz...!"

Thousands of giant flies buzzed and buzzed, as if they were agreeing to the old woman in black.

Subsequently, countless giant flies, led by a thousand golden and green giant flies, fiercely pounced toward the southwest of the forest.

And that direction is exactly the direction Zheng Cheng led his army to attack!

The edge of black fog.

The fire gradually dissipated, and hundreds of hectares of surrounding forest were burned to a white ground.

The surrounding area was filled with burnt corpses of giant flies.

Niu Jindao and others led the soldiers to clean up the battlefield.

The first wave of encounters with giant flies were won by Zheng Cheng's soldiers!


On the giant eagle, Shadel was breathing heavily, and her forehead, cheeks and waist were covered with sweat.

In this battle, she contributed the most.

Using the combination of Crazy Fire Technique and Wild Wind Technique, a huge sea of ​​fire was formed, burning thousands of giant flies into charcoal!

This battle also caused her level and strength to increase rapidly.

Zheng Cheng from behind hugged her distressedly: "Shadel, are you okay? There's no need to be so anxious."

Although Shadel's face was a little pale, her smile did not diminish.

"Lord, I'm very happy. Is this my power..."

"I really hope this power can continue to grow and help my homeland..."

"Don't worry Shadel, I will help you."

He patted the giant eagle's head and signaled the giant eagle to fly down, letting Shadel have a good rest.

As for himself, he came to the giant fly's body and chopped it down with his sword.

Random Dissection!

[Skill casting failed! ]


Zheng Cheng frowned slightly, the skill failed?


Another sword strike, still a failure.

"Failed again? Is it because the body was burned, or... this giant fly can't dissect special ingredients?"

He thought for a moment and opened the properties page of the Hero Altar.

as expected.

In the column of collecting exotic beast souls in the Hero Altar, the number of six-star exotic beast souls is only 1450/10000!

The number of six-star alien beast souls before was only a little over a thousand, and that was what was left before.

And after they killed so many giant flies, they accumulated the souls of more than three hundred six-star beasts.

In other words, these giant flies are not real six-star alien beasts, but just empty bodies.

It takes about three giant flies to fuse a complete six-star alien beast soul.

At this time, most of the giant flies were burned to ashes by Shadel's mad fire technique, and some were burned into mummies.

Only a very small number of giant flies still retain their complete bodies.

All Zheng Cheng could dissect were these corpses.

It was only after dissecting more than twenty animals that I got the hint of success.

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Big-headed Bluefly Feathers. ]

[You obtained the DNA molecule of Big-headed Greenfly (Glyph fly). ]

[You activate the Big-headed Greenfly (Glyph fly) DNA map. ]

[Special ingredients: Big-headed greenfly fly hair]

[Quality: six stars (fake)]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 3 points of spirit and 1 point of strength. The consumption is limited to ten sticks. Levitation ability +1, virus resistance +1. ]

[Explanation: The villi of the big-headed greenfly have withstood the erosion of hundreds of viruses and bacteria and still remain standing. ]

Looking at the malicious and slightly curved, seven or eight centimeter long hair on his hand, the corners of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched subconsciously.

Is this thing really edible?

The dissection continued, and after a long time, a large ball of big-headed blowfly fluff appeared in Zheng Cheng's space ring, like a ball of hair.


Baker flew over quickly and shouted: "Reconnaissance guards are watching, there are a lot of giant flies and strange beasts coming ahead!"

"how many?"

"Densely packed, all of them!"

Zheng Cheng looked up and saw that the depths of the thick black mist began to roll again.

He stretched out his hand, and the fur ball in the space ring appeared in his hand, and threw it to Baker.

"Distribute these things to the magician team. This battle depends on you."

Baker was already a hero at this time, so he could see the attributes of this ball of fluff. His eyes immediately trembled, and he nodded: "Yes! Lord!"

He distributed these big-headed greenfly fluffs to other magicians, and he also frowned and ate ten of them.

However, his brows quickly expanded, and the ten fluffs gave him 30 points of spirit and 10 points of strength.

This force is very powerful!

"Buzz buzz..."

The black mist in the distance started rolling again.

Through the thick fog, you can vaguely see huge flies flying!

All the soldiers stood ready, waiting for the giant fly to charge.

At this time, the magician team behind the team began to chant obscure but very neat spells.

"Buzz buzz~!"

When the first giant fly appeared, the flames filled the sky fell again.

Fire wall technique!

Fire wall technique!

Fire wall technique!

In the face of such a large-scale war scene, the fire wall technique is undoubtedly a great weapon!

The fire wall, which was seven or eight meters high, was burning brightly, and the blazing flames were flying in all directions.

At this moment, another team of magicians took action.

Hurricane technique!

Hurricane technique!

Hurricane technique!

The fire took advantage of the wind and swept across them, causing the height of the Fire Wall Technique to skyrocket again by three to four meters.

But at such a height, it still cannot reach the point of burning a giant fly.

At this time, the third team of magicians took action again.

The staffs in their hands were pointed towards the ground.


The enemy that was originally burning with flames suddenly shook, and earth walls rose from the ground.

Earth Wall Technique!

The earth walls rising from the ground were burning with blazing flames, which immediately enveloped the giant flies that flew out and started burning.

There was another huge earthquake in the black fog in the distance, and what rushed out this time was a special giant fly with a fat head and backward wings.

They had six thick limbs and thighs, and they rushed out fiercely like domineering tanks.

Zhang San's expression changed. This was the first time they encountered such a strange beast.

However, he quickly reacted and shouted: "Earth Dragoon Regiment, charge with me!"


"Come on!"

Four hundred Earth Dragon Knights, led by Zhang San, immediately launched a charge towards these strange giant flies.

The two quickly collided with each other, and immediately they were knocked over, and shouts of death and screams continued.


Zhang San shouted angrily, and the long knife in his hand flashed with light, and he immediately cut the giant fly's head in half in front of him.

With a twist of his body, he stepped on the corpse of the giant fly and soared into the sky. He fell into the swarm of giant flies again and killed them wildly.


Suddenly a burst of explosions came from the sky, and he subconsciously looked up.

The dark sky suddenly became darker and darker, and huge black and green fireballs fell from the sky one after another, slamming into the giant flies deep in the black mist.

A large number of giant flies were smashed into meat paste, and black-green flames exploded suddenly, burning the surrounding giant flies and beasts to death.

At the same time, as the black and green flames burned crazily, a giant about ten meters tall, with its body made of huge rocks and burning with black and green flames, stood up from the giant flies.

With one step, several giant flies were trampled into pulp.

Behind the magician army, Baker Roland's blond hair danced wildly, and the magic book in his hand shone with rich green light.

Summon Hellfire!

boom! ! ! (End of chapter)

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