I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 29 What The Hell Kind Of Profession Is This? Kill Instantly With One Knife!

Chapter 29: What the hell kind of profession is this? One-hit kill!

Outside the instance.

Zhao Yunxiao stood in front of the instance entrance, his expression was quite wonderful.

"You mean... Yao Zhixue, Zheng Cheng, they chose the Hell difficulty?"

Gao Yang appeared very awkward in front of the beautiful woman, and whispered, "Y-yes, I... I didn't stop them..."

"Damn it..."

Zhao Yunxiao quickly took out his phone and made a call.

After a few seconds, the call was finally answered.

"Zhao Yunxiao? Why are you calling now? I'm in a meeting..."

Zhao Yunxiao interrupted Shen Nanfeng's words directly and said, "Chief, do we still have the Boundary Breaking Pearl?"

"Boundary Breaking Pearl? What do you need that thing for?"

"Yao Zhixue and Zheng Cheng have entered the Hell-level difficulty Fire Rat's Nest instance."

"Bang... Crash..."

From the other end of the phone came the sound of a table being slammed.

Faintly, there were also sounds of broken glass and people shouting "Chief, are you okay?" and the like.

After a few seconds, Shen Nanfeng's voice came through, sounding somewhat anxious and frustrated.

"Zhao Yunxiao! What are you doing! The Hell-level difficulty instance is not so easy to pass through!"

"Yao Zhixue is only LV0! Although his skill proficiency is high, he can't casually challenge the Hell-level difficulty instance!"

"I know," Zhao Yunxiao said, "That's why I asked you for the Boundary Breaking Pearl."

"Only by using the Boundary Breaking Pearl to break the spatial blockade do I have a chance to enter the instance..."

"Boundary Breaking Pearl..."

Shen Nanfeng gritted his teeth, "I have already applied for it! But it will take at least an hour to get it to you!"

"You better hope that Yao Zhixue can hold on for an hour!"

Zhao Yunxiao took a deep breath and said, "I understand, I will take responsibility for this matter!"

"You take responsibility..."

Shen Nanfeng sighed and said, "By the way, who are the teammates who went in with Yao Zhixue?"

"I remember that there was an awakened Seven-Star profession and three or four Six-Star professions from No. 12 High School."

"As long as they act together, maybe they can hold on for an hour..."

"They are not."

Zhao Yunxiao interrupted Shen Nanfeng and said, "I just said, it's with Zheng Cheng and the others."

"Who is Zheng Cheng?"

"He's the young man who was attacked by the Fallen One organization Breaking Dawn with Yao Zhixue a few days ago. I was also thinking of recruiting him into our Night Watchman..."

"The one who gave people diarrhea, the One-Star Priest?"

"Yes, that's him."

"I..." Shen Nanfeng whispered, "Besides him, who else is there?"

Zhao Yunxiao looked back at Gao Yang, asked a question, and his tone also became somewhat strange.

"A Five-Star Great Earth Knight, a Three-Star Avian Druid, and a Three-Star Apothecary."


From the other end of the phone came another loud noise, "Five-Star! Three-Star!"

"How... how did Yao Zhixue, Yao Zhixue..."

Zhao Yunxiao instinctively moved the phone away and said without reservation, "Stop shouting, Chief! Quickly have the Boundary Breaking Pearl sent over."

"Also, I hope Yao Zhixue and the others can hold on for an hour..."

"But well, I do trust that little guy Zheng Cheng."

"What can you trust in a One-Star Priest!" Shen Nanfeng roared, "Even if his skills are a bit strange, what does that matter? Our bureau is not..."

"Wait a minute!"

Shen Nanfeng's tone changed again, "Avian Druid?"

"What the hell kind of profession is this?"

Zhao Yunxiao scratched his ear, "I'm not sure either. Wait until you have someone bring the Boundary Breaking Pearl, and I'll go in and take a look."

"You..." Shen Nanfeng was anxious, "You better make sure to bring them out safely for me!"


"Here it comes!"

"I have 9 points of constitution, I'll go first!"

Chen Xiao shouted and immediately raised his shield to protect the others.

"Brother Ji, quickly go around from the side!"

"Darn it... Koko..."

Cai Shen shouted, but it was too late to ask Chen Xiao to call him Brother Shen.

In a sorry state, he almost turned a corner in mid-air.

But the fire rat, due to inertia, still pounced towards Chen Xiao.

"Good timing..."


As soon as he spoke, a snow-white ice blade suddenly shot from behind, hitting the fire rat and tearing off a large piece of flesh.

Not only that, the cold air carried by the ice blade also immobilized the fire rat in place.

Its speed was reduced by at least half.

"Damn! Yao Zhixue!"

Chen Xiao shouted excitedly and rushed forward, "Brothers! Let's kill it quickly!"

With Yao Zhixue's control skill, this fire rat was trapped in place, struggling desperately.


Chen Xiao's shield smashed into the fire rat, causing it to squeal in panic.


"You chased after me!"

"You tried to burn me!"

Cai Shen also returned, and his claws immediately tore a large amount of flesh from the fire rat's body.

Even Zhang Ping'an, secretly holding a long knife, joined in.

"Brother Ji, aim for its eyes!"

"Here it comes!"

Cai Shen screeched and clawed at the fire rat's eyes, gouging them out.

Whether in the wild or in an instance, monsters always have weak points.

Attacking their weak points will cause significant damage.


The fire rat screamed in agony, covered in blood, as Cai Shen's claw nearly tore out its brain.

Struggling desperately, it ignored Chen Xiao's attacks and crazily clawed and bit at Cai Shen.

"Darn it! It's aggroed on me! Aggroed on me! Quickly pull the aggro!"

Chen Xiao raised his shield and smashed it on the fire rat's head.

"What aggro! I haven't taunted yet! I can't hold the aggro now!"

"Fly up quickly!"

Under Chen Xiao's command, Cai Shen quickly flapped his wings and leaped three or four meters away, narrowly avoiding the fire rat's next attack.

"Grandson! I'm here~!"

Chen Xiao roared, and the fire rat immediately pounced towards him.

"Darn it...!"

Frightened by the fire rat's dying counterattack, Chen Xiao also took a step back.

The shield was covered in marks from the fire rat's claws and bites.

"Darn it! This fire rat's attack is too high, I can't hold it, quickly..."


Just as he was shouting, Zheng Cheng walked up and slashed at the fire rat's neck!

"Brother Cheng, run... darn it!"

Zheng Cheng's slash directly cut off the fire rat's head.

Blood gushed out, and the fire rat, the size of a wolfhound, immediately turned into a corpse, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

Several faint red lights flashed from its body, shooting towards the five people.

Among them, Zheng Cheng received the most.

Yao Zhixue, Chen Xiao, and Cai Shen received about the same amount.

Zhang Ping'an received the least.

This was soul power.

Whether in an instance or in the wild, at least after killing monsters, Monsters, or even other races, you would obtain the soul power within them.

The higher the level and strength of the target, the more soul power you would obtain.

Of course.

If the opponent's strength and level were lower than yours, then you would not gain any soul power.

In Zheng Cheng's view, soul power was equivalent to experience.

"Darn it!"

Watching the corpse on the ground, Chen Xiao's eyes widened.

"Brother Cheng, when did you become so awesome?"

(End of this chapter)

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