I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 32 Can You Do It? Please Eat The Fire Rat Tail

Chapter 32 Are You Capable? I'll Treat You to Grilled Rat Tails~

With the addition of this group of elite monsters, Zheng Cheng was clearly struggling to keep up.

After struggling to kill two elite fire rats, the round shield finally ran out of durability and immediately shattered!

"Oh no!"

At that moment, Yao Zhixue behind him pinched her hands and a snow-white light flashed on her body.

A large mass of snow-white mist surged out, rushing to Zheng Cheng's side and forming a large ice wall, blocking the surrounding gaps.

Taking this opportunity, Zheng Cheng swung his sword again!


The elite fire rat let out a cry and died on the spot.

"Brother Cheng! I leveled up!"

"Damn! I leveled up too!"

"I'm level 1, and I have 5 free attribute points!"

"I have 3 points!"

"I also have 3 points!"

Chen Xiao and the others exclaimed excitedly, while Yao Zhixue did not stop her actions.

As a nine-star professional, she clearly needed more soul power to level up than others!

At this moment, Zheng Cheng was under immense pressure.

He had already leveled up before killing the first elite fire rat.

Unfortunately, a mere 1 free attribute point had no effect on him!

What he needed was to reach level 10 and unlock the two skills derived from the unsealing skill book!

Zheng Cheng shouted, "Hurry up and kill the fire rats! Let's talk after we finish these!"


After leveling up, Chen Xiao and Cai Shen immediately allocated all their free attribute points to physique.

Their health and defense increased, and they crowded around Zheng Cheng, blocking the fire rats that were charging over.

Behind them, Yao Zhixue was the main attacker.

As for Zhang Ping'an, he exerted all his strength to condense herbal essences from the herbs and handed them to Yao Zhixue to restore her energy.

Zheng Cheng swung his sword, and the fire rat was torn apart.

Another grilled fire rat tail appeared in his hand.

Agility +1!

His attack speed was getting faster and faster!

Ten minutes later, Zheng Cheng, Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, Zhang Ping'an, and the others leveled up again!

Level 2!

And at this time, Yao Zhixue also reached level 1!

Her spirit soared!

"Uh-oh! I've run out of the herbs I prepared!"

At the back of the team, Zhang Ping'an said with a mournful face.

He had prepared a lot of herbs for this dungeon, but he didn't expect to enter a hell-level dungeon and consume them all at once!

"Brother Cheng! Without herbal essences, we can't hold on at all!"

"Yeah, Brother Cheng, should we retreat?"

"I've leveled up twice in a row, I'm already satisfied!"


Zheng Cheng swung his sword and killed the last elite fire rat.

Random Dissection dropped, and he obtained another grilled fire rat tail.

"Huff, huff..."

All five of them were panting heavily, sweating profusely.

In this encounter, they had killed at least fifty fire rats and elite fire rats.

Each person's physical and mental energy consumption was extremely severe.

Only Zheng Cheng was still very relaxed at this moment.

He looked at the disheveled group and said, "Wait here, I'll continue to investigate inside."

"I'll use the fire rat corpses to block the entrance. You must not come out."

"If you hear any movement of other fire rats outside, you must immediately retreat, abandon the mission, and exit the dungeon. Understand?"

Yao Zhixue suddenly said, "I'll go with you!"


Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Aren't you exhausted..."

"I just leveled up, and I allocated all 9 free attribute points to my spirit."

"I see... 9 free attribute points..."

"Too powerful! I only get 3 free attribute points when I level up!"

Chen Xiao and Cai Shen were extremely surprised.

They had only seen the power of a nine-star professional in books and on TV.

It was the first time they had encountered a nine-star professional in reality, and they didn't expect them to be so terrifying!


Yao Zhixue continued, "Don't worry, Zheng Cheng, I still have energy. But what about you? Are you capable?"

"Am I capable?"

Zheng Cheng immediately became angry, "How can a man say he's not capable?"

He remembered the day he encountered the Daybreak Organization and the sudden appearance of the ice and snow figure from Yao Zhixue's body.

Until today, Yao Zhixue had not demonstrated this ability.

"Let's go! I'll show you what I'm capable of!"


Yao Zhixue sneered and walked out of the entrance.

Zheng Cheng followed closely behind.

After blocking all the fire rat corpses at the entrance and checking for any issues, Zheng Cheng walked over.

"Are you really going?"

Yao Zhixue looked skeptical, "Are you really a one-star Priest?"

"Of course, it's absolutely genuine!"

"Chen Xiao is a five-star Earth Knight, and Cai Shen, although his profession is strange, is still a three-star professional."

Yao Zhixue frowned and asked, "They can't hold on anymore, how can you still persist until now?"

Zheng Cheng smirked, "Me? I have innate divine power! Do you want to try?"

"Innate divine power?"

Yao Zhixue's eyes were full of disbelief, "You must have a secret..."

"But it's none of my business. You keep my secret, and I'll keep yours."

Zheng Cheng looked Yao Zhixue up and down, making her scalp tingle. She subconsciously took a step back, "What are you doing?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that a pretty girl like you would also have that..."

"That what?"

"Shut up!"

Yao Zhixue's face immediately turned red, and she gritted her teeth, "It's not that I... it's for Xue'er!"

"Who's Xue'er?"

"What's it to you? Hmph!"

Yao Zhixue snorted arrogantly and turned to leave.

Zheng Cheng followed behind leisurely.

According to the mission prompt, there were over a hundred fire rats in the rat's nest.

They had already killed over fifty, leaving about half remaining.

The remaining fire rats were probably hidden in the dark or gathered around the boss.

As they walked, Zheng Cheng took out a grilled fire rat tail from his inventory and ate it.

Agility +1.

After killing over fifty fire rats this time, he had dissected 11 grilled fire rat tails.

In other words, he could permanently increase his agility by 11 points!

So what if he was a nine-star professional?

So what if he had nine free attribute points?

Could they compare to him?!

Yao Zhixue also noticed Zheng Cheng's actions and asked curiously, "What are you eating?"

"Grilled fire rat tail. Want one?"

As he spoke, he took out another grilled fire rat tail and offered it to her.

"Rat... tail?"

Yao Zhixue subconsciously took a step back and shook her head repeatedly, "I'm not hungry, you eat it..."

"But you suggested it~"

Zheng Cheng didn't care and put it in his mouth.

"Another spicy strip~"


In the dim cave.

Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an gathered together again.

"Brother Xiao, why is Brother Cheng so powerful?"

"Yeah! You're a five-star knight, and Shen is a three-star druid, but you both can't compare to Brother Cheng?"

"He's gambling at the entrance, single-handedly making the fire rats cry for their parents. Why is he so awesome?"

Chen Xiao was also puzzled, "How would I know?"

"I'm his brother, not his father."

"It's the first time I've seen Brother Cheng so powerful. Could it be related to Yao Zhixue and the tall, beautiful woman who came with her?"

"Who is she?"

"According to Brother Cheng, she seems to be from the Night Watchman."

"Damn... Night Watchman!"

"No wonder~"

"I heard that the professionals in the Night Watchman are all monsters!"

"I've heard that too..."

(End of this chapter)

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