Chapter 36: Wandering Merchant

All equipment is divided into categories: white, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, perfect, epic, legendary, and the most powerful Mythical Level.

Among them, white equipment is the simplest and most common.

The long knife in Zheng Cheng's hand and the round shield in Chen Xiao's hand both belong to this category.

They can be purchased with ordinary coins at a low price that ordinary people can afford.

But once the equipment reaches Black Iron Level, it is no longer accessible to ordinary people.

Equipment above Black Iron Level not only has equipment requirements but also comes with attributes.

Some rare equipment even comes with skills.

For example, the bloodthirsty staff currently held in Cai Shen's mouth!

Chen Xiao exclaimed, "Brother Cheng, this staff is perfect for you."

Cai Shen and Zhang Ping'an also chimed in, "Yes, yes."

"I'm just a basic class, I can't use equipment for the time being."

Yao Zhixue also said, "This staff is not suitable for me, you guys can have it."

Zheng Cheng also didn't want it.

What he really wanted were sword and blade type equipment.

The reason is simple.

"Random Dissection" requires the use of sword and blade type weapons.

But he couldn't think of any sword or blade type equipment suitable for a Priest.

However, considering the thoughts of the others, he could only take the bloodthirsty staff.

"Oh, right," Yao Zhixue suddenly said, "After killing BSS, shouldn't we leave the instance? Why did they give us half an hour?"

After a moment of thought, Zheng Cheng said, "I know, it's Main Quest 2!"

"Main Quest 2: Rescue the Wandering Merchant."

"Quest Description: Yesterday, a wandering merchant was accidentally attacked by fire rats and is now hiding in a corner of the fire rat's nest. Find him and bring him out of the fire rat's nest."

"That wandering merchant!"

"Hurry, let's find him!"

The group immediately started searching, with less than ten minutes left of the half-hour time limit.

"Brother Cheng! I found him!"

Cai Shen, in the form of a large public base, suddenly shouted, and everyone hurried over to see a smaller cave in the southeast corner of the cave.

It smelled foul inside, and a figure was tied to a wooden stake with a rope.

Zheng Cheng pinched his nose; the smell was really strong.

"Chen Xiao, go and rescue him, maybe it will trigger a quest!"


Chen Xiao's eyes lit up, and he eagerly ran inside.


Zheng Cheng, however, looked strangely at Cai Shen at the door, "Why haven't you withdrawn the skill and returned to your original form?"

The large public base swayed its head and said, "I won't! I like it this way."


Zheng Cheng was puzzled.

Zhang Ping'an, who was nearby, chuckled and said, "Brother Cheng, this kid has burst his pants after transforming. Once he returns to human form..."

"Stop! Don't say anything!"

Cai Shen shouted strangely and pecked directly at Zhang Ping'an.

"Haha, I won't say anything, I won't say anything..."

The two of them chased each other around the square.

At that moment, they suddenly heard Chen Xiao's shout from inside the cave:

"Damn! Brother Cheng, come in quickly!"

"This wandering merchant is not human!"

"Not human?"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Can't you just pull him out?"

"Oh, right!"

Chen Xiao quickly emerged, and behind him was indeed a small, weak figure.

This figure was only wearing tattered cloth around the lower body, was about four feet tall, thin all over, with a sharp head and ears, and was overall a dark green color.

A pair of triangular eyes looked cunning.

This is... a goblin?

No, it doesn't seem like it.

It's more like... a goblin?

A wandering goblin merchant?

"A goblin?"

"I am a wandering goblin merchant of the goblin race! Not those lowly, shameless, and plundering goblin bandits!"

The goblin wandering merchant corrected, "Respected humans, thank you for saving me."

Zheng Cheng was surprised, "You can speak our language?"

The goblin wandering merchant said, "Before entering your world, I once received a small wisdom inheritance and quickly mastered the language of your planet."

"My name is Doug Goldcoin, and to thank you for rescuing me, I can sell you some goods at cost price."

Doug Goldcoin chuckled, "Of course, I also accept bartering!"

"Cost price?"


The group exchanged glances, and Yao Zhixue whispered, "This might be a special reward for the Hell-level difficulty Fire Rat's Nest."

Zheng Cheng nodded inwardly and looked at the goblin wandering merchant, "The goods you mentioned are... your tattered pants?"

Doug Goldcoin blushed, although his skin was dark green, nothing could be seen.

"Damn goblin!"

Cai Shen also approached, towering over the goblin merchant.

Doug instinctively took a step back and said, "I am a merchant, goods are my lifeblood, how could they be taken by these despicable fire rats!"

He then hammered his abdomen, accompanied by a dry heave, and a worn-out ring was suddenly vomited out.

"Damn! A spatial ring!"

"Spatial equipment!"

"Damn it! Brother Cheng! Kill him!"

The group immediately exploded, shouting to take down the wandering merchant.

After awakening, all professionals receive an item bar.

However, the number is limited to ten.

From then on, for every ten levels gained, an additional ten slots can be unlocked.

In theory, after reaching level 100, professionals can have a total of 110 item slots.

However, under normal circumstances, over 99.9% of professionals are unable to level up after reaching level 50.

For professionals, a dozen item slots are simply not enough.

But spatial equipment is different; even the smallest spatial equipment has a volume of about one cubic meter, enough to hold many items and equipment.

Doug Goldcoin instinctively shrank his head and gritted his teeth, "Civilized creatures, this spatial ring is a treasure passed down through generations of my Goldcoin family. Only those with the bloodline of my Goldcoin family can unlock it."

"Even if you take it, it will be of no use to you!"


"More genuine than a mermaid's pearl tears!"

Zheng Cheng glanced at the time left to leave the instance, only three minutes remaining.

He weighed the value between killing the wandering merchant and the special reward and ultimately suppressed his urge to kill.

"What goods do you have?"

Doug Goldcoin's eyes lit up, "Healing potions! I'm sure you human professionals need them!"

"And a class change voucher! I have a class change voucher for the Assassin class, a dream come true for all low-level Assassins!"

"Also, I have an egg from the Pale Canyon, rumored to hatch into a sub-dragon demon pet..."

"In addition, I have a skill book waiting to be sold~"

"Skill book?"

Upon hearing the wandering merchant's words, the group's expressions all changed slightly.

For professionals, the most important things are not equipment or weapons.

It's skill books!!!

The more skills they master and the higher their proficiency, the stronger the skills and, consequently, their strength.

Unfortunately, skill books in this world are rare, as they are governed by the rules of the universe.

Apart from the novice skills obtained when awakening and the skills derived from their own skill trees, professionals can only learn corresponding skills through skill books.

And each person only has... 4 empty skill slots!

In other words, including the novice skills and the 10 skills attached to the professional skill tree, each professional can only master 15 skills!

I recommend a friend's novel, an old author:

Good news: transmigrated to a world where martial arts prevail, becoming a martial arts genius.

Bad news: Lost all cultivation and became a waste person.

Good news: My wife is a martial arts sect master.

Bad news: I'm a useless son-in-law and don't seem to be valued.

(End of this chapter)

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