I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

55. Chapter 55 The Virtual Fire Burns The Body And Destroys The Wood Demon!

Chapter 55: Virtual Fire Incineration Burns the Wood Demon!

At the critical moment, Zheng Cheng swiftly dodged the attack with a sudden somersault.

The sharp wooden spikes pierced through Zheng Cheng's head, lifting a few strands of hair.

"Damn it...!"

Not far away, the wood demon cursed under his breath.

He had taken advantage of the moment when Zhao Yunxiao was trapped, intending to deal with the troublemaker first.

Unfortunately, he was still evaded by him.

"Isn't this kid a shadow priest? How can his reaction be so fast? Faster than the average assassin..."


In an instant, a figure suddenly dashed out from the dense vines.

The Daoist figure's Qingyan sword flashed with a sharp edge, piercing towards the wood demon's chest!


The Qingyan sword pierced through, instantly penetrating the wood demon's chest.

"Where are you looking?"

Zhao Yunxiao coldly remarked, swiftly slashing the Qingyan sword, directly severing the wood demon's left arm.


The wood demon let out a miserable cry as numerous fine vines sprouted from the wound, attempting to connect.

At the same time, a large number of vines burst from his body, crazily surging in all directions.

Zhao Yunxiao hurriedly dodged, but it was too late!

At least seven or eight sharp vines pierced through her body, splattering blood in all directions.

"I will kill you!"

The wood demon roared, his body merging under the influence of the vines.

"Captain, run!"

Xiao Ding shouted from behind as several wind blades swept in, intercepting the wood demon's vines.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zhao Yunxiao fiercely threw her Qingyan sword.


The sharp Qingyan sword immediately pierced the wood demon's neck!


A grating sound came as Zhao Yunxiao's thrown Qingyan sword firmly lodged in the wood demon's neck.

A hoarse voice emanated from the wood demon's throat.

"Ha ha, cough, ha cough cough..."

"Physical attacks are ineffective against me!"

"I will tear you into pieces...!"


Accompanied by his hoarse roar, more sharp vines emerged from his body, transforming into piercing wooden spikes aimed at Zhao Yunxiao!

"Captain, run!"

Wang Ning, covered in blood, also rushed over.

With a clap of his hands on the ground, a wall of earth suddenly rose up.

However, the wooden spikes still pierced through the wall, with several even bypassing it to target Zhao Yunxiao.

"Captain, let me..."

"Get lost!"

With several bloodied holes on her body, Zhao Yunxiao angrily shouted, grabbing Wang Ning and throwing him away.

Her action also shattered her hope of escape!

Three wooden spikes had already reached her!

"Poof... Boom!"

However, at that moment, a muffled explosion suddenly resounded in her ears.

Zhao Yunxiao, who had closed her eyes and resigned herself to death, instinctively opened her eyes.

The three wooden spikes in front of her were violently trembling, as if they were being held by a giant snake.

Further away, the wood demon, covered in wooden spikes and vines, let out consecutive miserable cries.

Invisible flames were fiercely burning on his body.

Virtual Fire Incineration!

Originally confident, he had been repeatedly obstructed by the night watchmen, Zhao Yunxiao, and others.

Especially with Zheng Cheng's presence, he had almost single-handedly caused the collapse of the entire Black Sun Church Fallen One defense line.

Already furious, seeing that Zheng Cheng was still alive only fueled his anger even more.

Who would have thought that this kind of anger would be the best fuel for Zheng Cheng!

Under the burning of the illusory flames, the vines and wooden spikes collapsed and turned into ashes at a visible speed.

His entire body looked miserable.

Large pieces of bark fell from his body, turning into ashes.

But he had no way to stop it.



"Where is the fire?"

"My body!"


"Retreat! Quick retreat!"

He screamed consecutively, filled with fear, and turned to run.


His emotional shift from anger to fear only fueled the Virtual Fire Incineration even more perfectly.


Almost everyone heard a violent burning sound.

It was like a hundred-year-old withered tree being struck by lightning in a thunderstorm, turning into powder in an instant.


After a dozen seconds, the massive figure of the wood demon crashed heavily to the ground.

His huge tree-like body was visibly burned at a rapid pace, leaving only a large portion of his body in just a dozen seconds.

"What... what's going on?"

The night watchmen who had surrounded the wood demon looked at each other, especially Zhao Yunxiao.

She subconsciously turned around and saw Zheng Cheng panting heavily.

He was still holding the Bloodthirsty Staff, aiming it at the wood demon.

Zhao Yunxiao's mind raced, and she blurted out, "Zheng Cheng... your new skill?"

Zheng Cheng had not stopped Yao Zhixue and the others to test his new skill in the instance.

He nodded and said, "Yes, it's a new skill."

"It uses the target's mental fluctuations as fuel. The greater the target's mental fluctuations, the stronger the power of the flames."


Zhao Yunxiao gasped, "Using mental fluctuations as fuel... what kind of skill is this?"

Helplessly, Zheng Cheng said, "My dear Captain Zhao, don't worry about that. Can you at least stop the bleeding on your body first?"

"So much blood, enough for you to have a ten-year period...!"

"Get lost!"

Zhao Yunxiao bluntly said, "I am a soul-reaping professional. The more blood I shed, the stronger my combat power!"

She reached out, and the Silver Dragon Spear inserted in the ground leaped into her hand and shot towards her.

"Clap clap clap~"

Zheng Cheng applauded hastily, "Well done! Another one!"

"Get lost!"

Struggling to get up, Zhao Yunxiao saw the ground in the distance starting to surge.

On the ground, the flames transformed by Xu Chicheng were following suit.

Sharp spikes and fireballs collided one after another, creating a large amount of heat and shockwaves.

Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Captain Zhao, why are the Fallen Ones of the Black Sun Church so powerful? You..."

Gritting her teeth, Zhao Yunxiao said, "They are all reincarnated... or rather, semi-reincarnated professionals!"

"Their bodies are partially fused with alien races, but they are not true reincarnated professionals."

"And the Fallen Ones, in pursuit of power, choose powerful and impactful skills when learning, even altering their own bodies..."


At that moment, the ground beneath the wood demon's corpse suddenly exploded, and a figure abruptly grabbed the wood demon's body, throwing it into the distance.

"Water Spirit! Swallow him!"

"Wood demon... damn it!"

The water spirit screamed, without hesitation opening its mouth and swallowing the half-body of the wood demon!

"Night watchmen, dare to kill our master's envoy, I will swallow all of you!"


As the water spirit was roaring, a low rumbling sound suddenly came from its body. After the half-body of the wood demon entered its mouth, it suddenly exploded.

One after another illusory flames surged out from its body, instantly burning its entire body!


"Earth Spirit! What did you make me eat... ah!"

Zheng Cheng widened his eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Did he just swallow the virtual fire?

And it turned out to be a good thing!

With a swing of the Bloodthirsty Staff, another Virtual Fire Incineration was thrown at the water spirit.


(End of this chapter)

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