I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

59. Chapter 59 What Is The Source Of Good Fortune And Misfortune? Does Killing Fallen One Have Soul

Chapter 59: Is fortune the root of calamity? Does Fallen One have soul power?

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Zhao Yunxiao shouted, about to chase after, but was stopped by a punch from the earth monster.

"Damn it!"

She retreated, gathering Qi with her spear, and then fiercely threw it in the direction the Lord of the Black Sun was leaving!


The spear cut through the air, and a piercing friction sound filled the air.

In almost an instant, it shot in front of the Lord of the Black Sun.

The Lord of the Black Sun suddenly turned around and grabbed the spear, saying coldly, "The natural armor of the Zhao family, hehehe..."

"Since the Zhao family takes pride in dying on the battlefield, then today, you shall die!"


A series of piercing screams suddenly rang out.

Hundreds of different-shaped soul beasts had completely crawled out of these people's bodies and viciously charged towards Zhao Yunxiao and Pu Jia.

As for herself, she turned and rushed into the underground passage!

"Damn it!"

Zhao Yunxiao cursed under her breath, drew a sword from her waist, and with a backhand stroke, severed the earth monster's fist!

"Captain! We're here to help you!"

"Captain, we're here!"

"Kill them!"

The remaining few night watchmen also ran over, but Zhao Yunxiao shouted, "These soul beasts are ordinary people bewitched, try to control them as much as possible!"


Xiao Ding was about to cast a spell but was interrupted by Zhao Yunxiao.

"These soul beasts are all condensed from the souls of civilians. Once dispersed, these civilians' souls will immediately disintegrate and die!"

"What should we do, Captain?"

"Find a way to control them! Or wake them up."

"If it's not possible, then choose to kill them, understand?"


On the other side, Pu Jia collided with the earth monster again.

This time, he was in a sorry state and kept retreating.

Having already been seriously injured in the battle with the Lord of the Black Sun, his injuries worsened from the direct confrontation with the earth monster.

Zhao Yunxiao rushed forward, "Let's join forces to take down the earth monster first!"

"Zhi Xue is with the Director, nothing will happen!"

"You guys handle these soul beasts!"

"This... understood!"

The faces of the few night watchmen members were grim, and they could only try to dodge the attacks of the soul beasts as much as possible.

When they couldn't dodge, they fought back.

However, these soul beasts did not evade ordinary attacks and continued to pounce on the night watchmen, tearing and biting.

This caused the night watchmen to be greatly shaken, with severe mental distress, and they retreated in a sorry state.

Although elemental attacks such as flames, lightning, and gales could harm the soul beasts, Zhao Yunxiao had given orders.

The night watchmen could only bind themselves and continue to dodge.

But some were driven to desperation and, disregarding Zhao Yunxiao's orders, resolutely attacked and dispersed the soul beasts!

"These people are followers of the evil god, their minds have been twisted. Even if we save them, it's useless!"

"Kill! Kill these soul beasts!"

"Captain Zhao, I'll help you too!"

At this moment, Zheng Cheng finally arrived at the battlefield.

Pu Jia, Zhao Yunxiao, the earth monster, and the golden beast were all powerful at LV69.

What use could he, a mere LV6 professional, be?

Not to mention that he was just one step away from the epic level, the Lord of the Black Sun.

So he had been on the edge, providing support all along.


The ground suddenly heaved, and a sudden surge rushed towards Zheng Cheng, who quickly dodged.

"An ambush!"

Zheng Cheng cursed under his breath and cast an Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst at the earth monster.


The earth monster suddenly paused, but managed to endure it.

"It's effective!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, and he drew the Bloodthirsty Staff, casting another Bloodthirsty Spell.


The earth monster roared, its eyes becoming wild, and regardless of leaving itself wide open, it crazily punched towards Pu Jia.

Pu Jia spat out a mouthful of blood and roared, "Bloodthirsty Spell! Damn it! Who buffed the enemy..."


Before he could finish, the earth monster suddenly paused.

It tried to clench its legs, but couldn't.

With a tremor, a large mass of manure sprayed out.

Along with it, there was a strong smell of blood.


The excruciating pain from the torn anus made the earth monster scream, its burly body standing still, not daring to move.

Pu Jia blinked, his eyes wide, and shouted, "Damn! You're good at combo skills..."

"I am, I am good at combo skills!"

Pu Jia laughed heartily, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

Grabbing the wolf-toothed club, he smashed it down on the earth monster's head.

Zhao Yunxiao also lunged forward, her sword turning into a flash of lightning, stabbing directly at the earth monster's throat!

"Damn it! You little brat, I'll kill you!"

The earth monster roared, and the surrounding earth surged in front of it, blocking Zhao Yunxiao's direct stab.

But Pu Jia's wolf-toothed club directly sent it flying!


Pu Jia continued to wield the wolf-toothed club, relentlessly smashing down without hesitation!

Zhao Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes remained extremely cautious.

"Zheng Cheng, do you have a way to save these civilians?" Zhao Yunxiao's face was grim. "After all, they are pitiful people bewitched by the Lord of the Black Sun. Save as many as you can!"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "How can I save them?"

"It's simple, kill the Lord of the Black Sun," Zhao Yunxiao said. "Once the Lord of the Black Sun is killed, her innate ability will dissipate, and these soul beasts she controls will return to their own bodies."

"Then go and kill her."

Zhao Yunxiao gave him a disdainful look, "There's another way, which is to find a way to wake them up."

"Wake them up? What do you mean?"

Zhao Yunxiao explained, "These soul beasts are formed from the souls of civilians. But they haven't truly died, and their bodies have a strong attraction to their souls."

"As long as we find a way to wake up their bodies, they can absorb their own souls back."

"Of course, once the souls that were drawn out by the Lord of the Black Sun return to their bodies, there will be some aftereffects."

"What kind of aftereffects?"

"Become an idiot? Or suffer from mental illness?"

"And this is just some?"


As they spoke, a huge surge of soul power suddenly rushed towards Zheng Cheng from a distance, directly entering his body.

"What's going on?"

Zhao Yunxiao was stunned, reaching out and grabbing the Silver Dragon Spear in the distance, which turned into a flash of light in her hand.

Zheng Cheng's expression was somewhat strange, and he said in surprise, "It seems like... I've leveled up?"

He glanced at his level and indeed, he had reached LV9 (12450/10000).

His soul power was full, but because of the existence of the breakthrough task, he couldn't level up.

Once he completed the breakthrough task and reached LV10, he could immediately learn new skills!

"Directly to LV9?"

"Shuilin, dead."

Zhao Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was something serious, but it's just the death of a Fallen One."

Zheng Cheng was even more puzzled, "Yes, Shuilin is a Fallen One, but she's also a professional. She should have died under my Virtual Fire Incineration."

"But how could killing a professional drop soul power?"

"If that's really the case, wouldn't the whole world be in chaos?"

Zhao Yunxiao glanced at him and said, "Shuilin is indeed a professional, but she also has another identity..."

Zheng Cheng hesitated, "Reincarnator?"

Zhao Yunxiao nodded, "Yes."

"Any professional who uses bloodline items to reincarnate as a half-alien bloodline professional will be considered half-alien."

"Killing her professional will yield soul power!"

"I see..."

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, "The LV69 Shuilin died at my hands, and it directly promoted me to LV9!"

"What about the breakthrough task?" Zhao Yunxiao asked, "What is your breakthrough task?"

"The breakthrough task... Light of Life."

(End of this chapter)

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