Chapter 66 Cai Shen: I Have Four Dads

"Which vocational university are you considering?"

Zheng Cheng returned to the hotel, pondering the university matters all the way.

Yao Zhixue's goal was clear, to attend the Imperial Capital Vocational University.

What about himself?

Where should he go?

According to Shen Nanfeng, the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Night Watch had recruited a new person with peculiar skills this year, a girl who had been heavily trained by a specialist.

Should he go to the Imperial Capital Vocational University to meet this new member of the Night Watch?

Or should he go elsewhere?

Moreover, the Imperial Capital served as a transit station connecting several major alien battlefields.

For professionals to go to the alien battlefields, they must pass through the Imperial Capital using the Two-Realm Teleportation Array.

The Imperial Capital was a place all professionals must visit!

In addition, there was something else tonight that concerned him greatly.

The attributes of the Lord of the Dark Sun.

When she possessed Song Chaoyu, her spirit reached an astonishing 1050 points!

It was well known that even a nine-star professional, upon entering the Mythical realm, could only obtain a total of 900 points of free attributes!

As an eight-star reincarnator, how could he have so many spiritual attribute points?

Could it be because of being a reincarnator?

Did the blessing of alien bloodlines allow one to break through professional restrictions?

Or was there another kind of blessing?

"I didn't have time to ask, I'll ask the captain and the director next time..."

"Brother Cheng~! You're back!"

Before reaching the hotel, two figures, Chen Xiao and Cai Shen, ran out from the entrance.

Chen Xiao said, "You're back so late, we couldn't sleep with everything going on outside."

"Yeah, Brother Cheng, what's happening outside? Teacher strictly ordered us to stay in the hotel and not go out. We sneaked out, and Ping'an is covering for us."

"The whole school, only you, Yao Zhixue, and Liang Feifan are missing."

"Liang Feifan?" Zheng Cheng wondered, "He's missing too?"


Zheng Cheng frowned, quickly realizing what might have happened.

After all, Liang Feifan was also a reserve member of the Night Watch, an official identity.

If he wasn't seen at the military camp, it was highly likely that he was being held by other Night Watch members to maintain order in town.

Or he had gone to the crystal mine with Meng Fusheng and the others!

"Let's go back."

Back at the hotel, he reported to Teacher Gao Yang and then returned to his room.

On the way, Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an kept asking questions, and Zheng Cheng could only say, "Fallen Ones were found in Wei River Town. It might not be peaceful in town these days. Stay in the hotel and don't go anywhere."

"Fallen Ones!" Chen Xiao exclaimed, "How did those guys come here? They just won't go away."

"What's the situation now? Has it been resolved?"

"Yeah," Zheng Cheng nodded, "Most of it has been resolved, but I'm afraid there are still people hiding in the dark."

"How is that possible!" Chen Xiao scoffed, "The Lord of the Dark Sun is not a deity. How could she make ordinary people awaken as professionals?"

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Zheng Cheng suddenly had a thought.

Making ordinary people awaken as professionals, becoming professionals...

It seemed like there was indeed someone who had achieved that!

Song Chaoyu!

If his classmates knew about Song Chaoyu's opportunity, how shocked would they be?

Could it be that there was some secret behind Song Chaoyu awakening as a professional?

Zheng Cheng took a deep breath and suppressed these unrealistic fantasies.

All the results would be revealed when the spiritual occultist from Jincheng arrived.

A six-star professional spiritual occultist.

Most of their abilities were focused on hypnosis, illusions, and mind-reading.

To determine a person's true nature, the spiritual occultist could directly seek answers from their subconscious using the "Heart Inquiry" secret technique!

No one could escape!

"By the way," Zheng Cheng suddenly asked, "the college entrance examination is in half a month. What universities are you all considering?"

"University?" Chen Xiao spoke first, "Military Academy!"

"Brother Cheng, didn't I tell you before? I must apply to the military academy!"

Military academy...

Zheng Cheng remembered.

Chen Xiao's father seemed to have been a soldier.

Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself on the battlefield while serving in the alien battlefield.

Because of this, Chen Xiao had always aspired to be a soldier and fulfill his father's wish.

"Which military academy?" Chen Xiao hesitated, "Although my professional star level is only five, I'm an MT, so any school would need me."

"Either the Army Engineering Vocational University, or the Chang'an Guard Military Academy, or maybe even the Imperial Capital National Defense Vocational University."

"I won't consider the Coastal Naval Vocational Military Academy, as my professional effect only works when I'm on the ground..."

"What about you, Chicken Brother?" Chen Xiao then turned to Cai Shen.

"Hasn't your mom already arranged everything for you?"

"My mom..." Cai Shen smiled bitterly, "Yes, my mom wants me to go to the Rongcheng Vocational University, where she graduated from."

"What about your dad..."

"My dad..." Cai Shen shrugged, "He's just one of my mom's husbands. He doesn't have much say."

"But after I awakened as a professional, my dad's status has risen a lot. All three uncles now respect my dad!"

Chen Xiao punched Cai Shen and said, "Rongcheng, damn! There are so many beautiful women in Rongcheng, delicate and easy to conquer, all of them are lolita types. You're so lucky!"

"Tch~ What's so fun about those little girls? I prefer mature ones~"

Cai Shen's mother was a professional.

A beast tamer, working for the Professional Association.

Cai Shen's father was his mother's fourth husband.

The first three husbands were still alive, and the whole family of ten or so lived happily together.

Cai Shen had seven or eight siblings.

Unfortunately, even now, he was the only one who had awakened as a professional!


This situation was very normal and quite common in the current world.

As Chen Xiao and Cai Shen chatted casually, Zheng Cheng's expression became somewhat strange.

One of her husbands?



"Cai Shen, you said you have three other uncles?"

"Yeah," Cai Shen helplessly said, "I used to call them dad when I was young, but as I grew up, I changed it."

"My mom gets along with them, but in the future, I'll definitely marry four wives, hmph!"

Zhang Ping'an also said, "I envy you guys. You're all combat professionals, while I have a life profession. I can only stay in Eternal Peace City."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The room door was suddenly knocked on, and when it opened, it turned out to be Gao Yang and the homeroom teacher of Class Two, Teacher Yang.

Gao Yang asked first, "Zheng Cheng, you reported to me before that you joined the Night Watch, and today you should have participated in the Night Watch mission, right?"

Zheng Cheng nodded, "Yes, Teacher Gao. What's going on?"

"It's like this..."

"Zheng Cheng!"

Before Gao Yang could finish speaking, Teacher Yang from Class Two hurriedly asked, "Did you see Liang Feifan during the mission?"

"We haven't heard from him all night!"

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