I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

70. Chapter 70 You Are Not Song Chaoyu! You Are The Lord Of The Black Sun!

Chapter 70 You are not Song Chaoyu! You are the Lord of Black Sun!

"Captain Pu Jia, are you okay..."

In the makeshift ward, Zheng Cheng walked in carrying freshly bought fruits.

Pu Jia quickly sat up, threw away his phone, and smiled warmly, "Oh, you shouldn't have, coming here and bringing something..."

"By the way, do you have cigarettes?"

"I didn't buy any..."

Saying this, Zheng Cheng quietly passed a box of cigarettes to him.

Yao Zhixue remained composed, as if she hadn't seen anything.

Pu Jia quickly hid under the covers and gave a thumbs-up, "The young can indeed be taught. It's no wonder you caught the eye of Yunxiao."

Zheng Cheng brought two chairs and sat down with Yao Zhixue and Pu Jia.

"Captain Pu Jia..."

"Just call me Old Jia!" Pu Jia chuckled, "Once you're on night duty, we're all family."

"Don't be fooled by Yunxiao's usual cold demeanor, she cares about all of you more than anyone else."

Zheng Cheng took the opportunity to ask, "So... Old Jia, what kind of person do you think Captain Yunxiao is?"

Pu Jia immediately replied, "No matter the situation, Yunxiao is a partner you can trust."

"She's been at the Eternal Peace City Night Watch Division for less than a year, but everyone in the division trusts her completely."

"Even the chief values her highly."

"Out of over a hundred night watchmen in the entire division, at least seventy to eighty like Yunxiao. The remaining few dozen are just all bark and no bite!"

"To be honest, if I weren't so old and my kids weren't in elementary school, I might have pursued her myself, hahaha..."

Zheng Cheng asked, "What about Captain Xu Chicheng?"


Pu Jia paused, his eyes dim and his tone somewhat sorrowful, "Alas, life is unpredictable. I never thought Chicheng would... "

"Don't be fooled by his feminine traits, he's also a reliable partner."

"Lord of Black Sun, Black Sun Church, and Breaking Dawn..."

"I can already imagine that when Qingfeng returns, he will definitely not let Daybreak Organization off the hook."


Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Who is he?"

"Oh, you came in too early to know." Pu Jia said, "Xu Qingfeng is Xu Chicheng's brother and also a member of our Eternal Peace City Night Watch Division."

"But he went to the interethnic battlefield at the Two Realms Mountain as a supervising officer half a year ago, and will be back in a month or two."

"When that time comes..."

Pu Jia shook his head and fell silent.

"Supervising officer?" Zheng Cheng blinked, "What position is that? Old Jia, what does a supervising officer do?"

"Oh, it's just a supervising officer." Pu Jia explained, "It's a special position that supervises soldiers and professionals in battle on the interethnic battlefield. When encountering deserters, spies, or Fallen Ones, they can be executed without reporting to higher authorities!"

"Each of our Night Watch Divisions has the responsibility of appointing a supervising officer, and it rotates annually. It's Qingfeng's turn this year."

"Besides him, there are two other Profound Rank members."

"Before he left, he was already a Level 69 powerhouse, and I don't know if he has completed the breakthrough task in the past year."

"Level 69? Just one step away from reaching Level 70. Given time, he would be just one step away from becoming an epic-level professional, just like the Lord of Black Sun, wouldn't he?"

"Yes." Pu Jia nodded, "Qingfeng used to be the top powerhouse in our Eternal Peace City Night Watch Division, even the chief was no match for him after leaving the Array Tower."

I remember a year ago when Yunxiao had just been transferred to the division, she had a match with Qingfeng. In less than thirty moves, Yunxiao was defeated, and that was with Qingfeng holding back."

"So powerful?"

Hearing Pu Jia's words, Zheng Cheng also wanted to see Xu Qingfeng in person.

Although Yunxiao's profession was only a seven-star Soul Commander, she could embody historical generals through possession and gain their entire combat experience.

If such a powerhouse was defeated, it's easy to imagine Xu Qingfeng's strength!

After chatting with Pu Jia for a while, Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue bid farewell and left the ward.

After leaving the ward, Yao Zhixue suddenly asked, "Do you want to go see Sister Yunxiao and Song Chaoyu?"

"After all, you are her lifesaver."

Zheng Cheng's mind suddenly flashed with the image of a beautiful figure shining in the dark.

"Well... let's go take a look."

"Don't worry, I'm just interested in her profession, an eight-star Soul Sucker... "

"Why are your eyes shining?"

"Are they? Maybe you're seeing things?"

"They're even brighter now, just like a pervert."

"You can insult my character, but you can't insult my taste!"

"First, wipe the drool from your mouth..."

At the temporary base.

In the makeshift ward, Song Chaoyu sat nervously on a chair.

In front of her sat a tall, chestnut-eyed, high-nosed, and slightly curly-haired beautiful mixed-race girl.

Lian Yining.

A six-star professional, a spiritual occultist at the Night Watch Division in Jincheng.

Lian Yining said softly, "Song Chaoyu, right? Don't be nervous later, relax your body."

"As long as you don't resist, there won't be any harm to your body."

"I... I'll try..."

Song Chaoyu took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and then said calmly, "Senior, I'm ready."

"Then let's begin..."

As soon as she finished speaking, a pink light suddenly flashed in Lian Yining's eyes.

Her entire pupils also revealed a hint of pink, shrinking slightly and slowly spinning, like two whirlpools.

Almost simultaneously, Song Chaoyu's entire spirit, consciousness, and even soul were drawn into these two whirlpools.

In a daze, she found herself in a black vortex.

Her mind was clear, but her body felt like it was stuck in quicksand.

No matter how she struggled, she couldn't break free or refuse.

A gentle yet unquestionable voice came from the depths of her heart.

"What's your name?"

"I'm... Song Chaoyu."

"Who are you?"

"I... I'm a new student at the Twelfth Middle School in Eternal Peace City..."

"How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen..."

"You're lying!"

"I... I'm not lying..."

"No! You're lying, you're not Song Chaoyu, you are... the Lord of Black Sun!"


Song Chaoyu's mind suddenly exploded.

A soul-sucking enchantress with black wings and pitch-black, mesmerizing eyes appeared before her, laughing devilishly.

The pitch-black eyes almost occupied her entire field of vision.

Song Chaoyu began to struggle, suppressing painful moans and screams.

"Ah, ahhh..."

Lian Yining's voice came again.

"See, we have discovered your true identity."

"You are the Lord of Black Sun, the Black Sun of the Nine Days in Breaking Dawn!"

"Speak your purpose! What are you hiding in the depths of this naive soul?"

"Speak, and I will leave here, letting you have a good sleep..."

A wave of pitch-black aura suddenly emerged from Song Chaoyu's mind, enveloping her and slowly pulling her towards the abyss.

As her figure was about to be swallowed by the abyss.

A glimmer of light suddenly flashed deep in Song Chaoyu's heart.

It was a figure.

And a constantly flickering illusionary flame.

Song Chaoyu suddenly woke up.

"No! I am not the Lord of Black Sun!"

"I am Song Chaoyu!"

(End of this chapter)

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