I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

76. Chapter 76 Professionals From Aristocratic Families! Hundred Battles Sword King?

Chapter 76: Family Professionals! Hundred Battles Blade Emperor?

Late at night.

Zheng Cheng returned to the hotel.

Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an were called to Zheng Cheng's room.

After an explanation, the three of them were all stunned.

"What the heck! Song Chaoyu awakened a hidden profession? Is it true or not!"

"Damn! Brother Cheng, are you saying I can join the Night Watchmen? Is it true or not!"

"I... Brother Cheng, it's not my business, right?"

The reactions of the three were different.

Chen Xiao was surprised, Cai Shen was delighted, and Zhang Ping'an was helpless.

Zheng Cheng said, "Don't be in a hurry, let's take it one by one."

"I just found out about Song Chaoyu. With the help of the Night Watchmen, she did awaken a hidden profession."

"And it's an eight-star Soul-Sucking Succubus. She has already joined the Night Watchmen."

"I see..." Chen Xiao murmured, "An eight-star profession, just one star lower than Yao Zhixue..."

Zheng Cheng couldn't help but say, "Brother, don't worry. As long as you are sincere..."

"Sincere about what?"

Chen Xiao said, "I don't like her, I'm just surprised by her hidden profession."

"My goal is to enter the military academy! Become a soldier! Guard the country and the family!"

"Love affairs and such are not in my plans!"


"Truer than pearls!"

"That's good." Zheng Cheng said, "This girl Song Chaoyu is quite clever. Ordinary people can't hold her down."

"Especially now that she has awakened an eight-star hidden profession, her vision will only be higher!"

"I see~"

"By the way, Brother Cheng, what's the deal with joining the Night Watchmen?" Cai Shen eagerly asked.

Zheng Cheng explained, "The Night Watchmen found an adventure-type Secret Realm and organized nine people to explore it."

"They are short of one person, so I recommended you."

"Chen Xiao, it's not that I don't recommend you, but your professional attributes are not suitable for adventure-type Secret Realms..."

"It's okay." Chen Xiao said, "My goal is to enter the military academy. If I join the Night Watchmen, I won't be able to go to the military academy."

"You guys go, I'll just cheer you on!"

"Okay, tomorrow I'll inform Teacher Gao, Cai Shen will stay with me, and then I'll take you to the Night Watchmen's base to report."


Zheng Cheng then looked at Ping'an, "Ping'an..."

Zhang Ping'an said, "Brother Cheng, don't look at me. I'm just an ordinary civilian professional. You guys are all combat types, and our gap will only get bigger in the future."

"As long as you guys don't forget about me in the future..."

"How could we!"

"Ping'an, we are good brothers, we'll prosper together!"

"Riches and honor, we'll share together!"


After bidding farewell to the three, Zheng Cheng took a shower and lay down on the bed.

He took out his phone and opened the information sent by Captain Zhao Yunxiao.

Information about five family professional Night Watchmen!

The first piece of information was about two professionals from the Li family.

These two turned out to be... twin siblings!

Li Zhen!

Li Jiao!

A photo of a pale-faced, glasses-wearing, and somewhat fierce-looking young man appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

[Name: Li Zhen]

[Origin: Li Family, Chang'an]

[School: Eternal Peace City First High School]

[Age: 18]

[Profession: Demon Warlock]

[Star Level: Seven Stars]

[Level: LV10]

[Skills: Corrosion Spell, Summon Imp]

"A seven-star Demon Warlock?"

Zheng Cheng marveled.

According to the "Professional Encyclopedia," this Shadow Warlock could rank among the top hundred even among all seven-star professions.

His main skills are spell attacks, summoning demons, and debuff weakening, making him very versatile, and he also has a certain melee combat ability...

Moreover, he has already reached LV10, truly worthy of being a family professional!

Looking at Li Zhen's information, Zheng Cheng was also somewhat admiring.

He had worked hard for half a month, clearing the Hell-level difficulty dungeons, and assisted the Night Watchmen in killing the Lord of the Black Sun, and his level had only reached LV10.

And this Li Zhen had also reached LV10.

It's no doubt that it was due to the full support of family resources.

These big families and forces have access to resources such as monster spawn points and dungeon entrances for their family members to train.

They even have specific information and strategies for clearing dungeons.

These resources are something that ordinary professionals could never enjoy in their lifetime!

The second photo was of a delicate-looking, somewhat cunning girl.

Li Jiao, Li Zhen's sister.

[Name: Li Jiao]

[Origin: Li Family, Chang'an]

[School: Eternal Peace City First High School]

[Age: 18]

[Profession: Dark Priest]

[Star Level: Seven Stars]

[Level: LV9]

[Skills: Fear Spell]

"A Dark Priest?"

Zheng Cheng said strangely, "I didn't expect her to be a Dark Priest, somewhat similar to my profession."

"The novice skill is Fear Spell, which can cause the target to enter a state of fear, unable to attack or move for a short time."

"Unfortunately, she hasn't reached LV10 yet, so she hasn't learned new skills..."

"No! There are still three days before going to the Secret Realm. As long as she completes the breakthrough task, she can reach LV10!"

"A Dark Priest, rumored to be the strongest support professional!"

Zheng Cheng was immediately very interested. This Li Jiao was worth his attention.

The third and fourth pieces of information were about two individuals from the Bai family.

[Name: Bai Jingqi]

[Origin: Bai Family, Chang'an]

[School: Eternal Peace City Second High School]

[Age: 18]

[Profession: Hundred Battles Blade Emperor]

[Star Level: Eight Stars]

[Level: LV10]

[Skills: Group Vampirism (suspected), Melee Enhancement (suspected)]

"Hundred Battles Blade Emperor? An eight-star profession!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up. "This Bai Jingqi should be one of the six eight-star professionals mentioned by Yunxiao!"

"I've never heard of this profession. I don't know what its specific attributes and abilities are."

"Could it be the MT-type profession that Yunxiao mentioned?"

"An eight-star MT-type profession, truly a pillar of the team!"

"As long as he's alive, the entire team will never be wiped out!"

"And his skills, both are suspected... It seems that the Night Watchmen are not very clear about his specific skill effects."

"Is this also one of the privileges of family professionals?"

"The fourth person... Bai Jingsheng."

[Name: Bai Jingsheng]

[Origin: Bai Family, Chang'an]

[School: Eternal Peace City Second High School]

[Age: 18]

[Profession: Rune Master]

[Star Level: Seven Stars]

[Level: LV10]

[Skills: Freezing Rune, Trap Formation Rune]

"A Rune Master? Such a profession." Zheng Cheng was surprised. "The Bai family really has a lot of talent!"

A Rune Master is a profession that fights using runes.

Main attack runes like Thunderbolt Rune, Flame Rune, auxiliary runes like Swift Rune, Adamant Rune, and healing runes like Spring Breeze Rain Rune, all fall under the profession's skills.

Most importantly, when a Rune Master uses skills, they don't need to carry runes with them.

They use their own spirit and innate armor to draw runes in the air!

It's like an all-around mage!

Especially the two skills Bai Jingsheng learned, Freezing Rune and Trap Formation Rune, are both control skills.

Once Bai Jingsheng controls the enemy, Bai Jingqi can directly rush up and kill the enemy.

The two members of the Bai family, one close combat and one ranged, just by looking at their professions, it's clear that they will complement each other seamlessly!

"And the last person..."

He scrolled down the information and found that it had ended.

Then he found a new file in another folder.

"Confidential: Information on one of the three new nine-star freshmen professionals in Eternal Peace City (professional history of 366 years)."

The Qin family!

This new nine-star professional was specially singled out by Zhao Yunxiao.

He opened it and saw a simple line of information in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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