I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

83. Chapter 83 Do Half-Orcs Also Get Parkinson’S Disease? The Invincible Song Chaoyu!

Chapter 83 Can half-orcs also get Parkinson’s disease? The invincible Song Chaoyu!

[Name: Iron Ax·Stone Ox]

[Race: Orc]

[Level: LV15]

[Height: 225cm]

[Weight: 125kg]

[Physique: 45]

[Strength: 33]

[Agility: 11]

[Spirit: 8]

When Zheng Cheng sent the specific attributes of the target he had detected to others, they all cursed secretly.

"45 points of physique? Damn it! My physique is only 18 points!"

"The strength is also 33 points, which is much higher than me!"

"Fortunately, he has less agility and energy. Isn't this just a big fool?"

Several people were surprised, and Zheng Cheng also frowned.

Although this half-orc's physique is not as high as mine, there is no doubt that his strength has surpassed mine!

His current strength is only 25 points.

"Don't be stunned! Kill!"

Zheng Cheng secretly shouted, drew his Yunxiao Sword and rushed forward.

Using the momentum of the slope, he jumped up halfway like Cai Shen.

It's a pity that I don't have chicken wings, so I can't jump directly on the orc's head like a rookie.

He could only use his inertia to rush to the blind orc, and stabbed him in the abdomen with one sword.


The orc screamed again, and struck Zheng Cheng with the giant ax in his hand without hesitation.

Zheng Cheng's agility attribute far exceeded that of the orc. He moved forward without retreating, and suddenly got close to the blind orc.

The blind orc who couldn't see anything missed this attack again, but who knew he actually opened his big mouth and bit Zheng Cheng viciously!


Zheng Cheng cursed secretly and rolled away like a lazy donkey.

At the same time, he swung his right hand again and struck the blind orc on the calf.

The sharp blade easily tore through his skin and muscles.

Blood spurted out.

The blind orc stumbled and almost fell to the ground, but luckily he used his giant ax to support him.


Liang Feifan's eyes lit up, and the magic sword suddenly flashed a green light again.

"Wind Blade Slash!"

The wind blade struck, bypassed the giant axe, and immediately tore a wound on the orc's neck.

Just when Zheng Cheng and Liang Feifan wanted to continue attacking, they saw the blind orc suddenly trembling violently.

The huge body was half kneeling on the ground, trembling and twitching wildly, foaming from the mouth, and then slowly fell to the ground.

His body curled up like a prawn, and the leg that was injured by Zheng Cheng twitched violently.

His whole body began to become stiff and twitching.

"W-What's going on? Orcs can also get Parkinson's?!"

Liang Feifan was also shocked.

His wind blade is a normal wind element attack. Why does this half-orc look like he has been poisoned?

Zheng Cheng gave Liang Feifan a thumbs up: "Oh, Xiao Fanfan, I killed an orc with one wind blade!"

Liang Feifan scratched his head, is it really me?

The wind blade has additional poisonous properties that he doesn't know about?

But Zheng Cheng thought of the mutation skill he just learned a few days ago, Knife of Tetanus!

When attacking physically, there is a certain chance (10%) of infecting the opponent with Clostridium tetanus!

Thereby infecting the other party with tetanus!

As long as someone is infected with tetanus, the biggest symptoms are trismus, paroxysmal spasms, and tonic spasms, causing the person to lose the ability to move and exercise.

In severe cases, symptoms such as general weakness, dizziness, headache, hyperreflexia, hallucinations, confusion in speech, and movement may occur.

It may even kill you directly!

But the infection probability was only 10%, so he only made two cuts.

Could it be that……

He subconsciously looked at the half-orc's naked body.

His body was covered with sword wounds, some of which were deep enough to see the bones, and some of which spread over most of his body.

In other places, dark plaster was smeared, and I didn’t know what it was.

"Clostridium tetani is a germ that infects wounds and thrives in hypoxic environments."

"This orc has wounds all over his body and has not received systematic treatment. Could this be a factor that induces tetanus?"

Without any experiments, he could only guess.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

"Kill him!"

Zheng Cheng gave the order, and the two of them pounced on him and chopped off his head!



Knife after knife, the orc in a semi-paralyzed state couldn't even resist, so he died in frustration!

A large group of soul power rushed out and divided into four groups of different sizes of soul power that merged into the bodies of Zheng Cheng, Liang Feifan, Yao Zhixue and Cai Shen.

Zheng Cheng has the highest output, and the more soul power he gets.

His level also broke through to LV11 at this moment!

But Song Chaoyu didn't make any effort and had no soul power at all.

"Brother Cheng! Come and help!"

Not far away, Cai Shen shouted.

When Zheng Cheng and Liang Feifan teamed up to kill the blind orc, he relied on his agility and wings to struggle with the second orc.

If it weren't for Yao Zhixue's support with ice and snow magic, he would have been smashed to pieces by this orc.

Zheng Cheng ordered: "Xiao Fanfan, go and support the rookie."

"Xiao Fanfan?"

Liang Feifan was stunned, "You are Xiao Fanfan, and your whole family is Xiao Fanfan!"

Although he cursed a lot, he still started to run in the direction of the rookie.

After sending Liang Feifan away, Zheng Cheng picked up the Yunxiao Sword and slashed at the orc corpse.

Random Dissection!

I wonder if anything useful can be found from the orc corpses?

With a flash of white light, a prop appeared in his hand.

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained special ingredients: Orc brain blood. ]

[You obtained Orc DNA molecules. ]

[You activate the Orc DNA Map. ]

"Hey, it worked!"

He quickly lowered his head to check.

A black-red ball the size of a marble appeared on his hand, and it seemed to be beating.

[Special ingredient: Orc brain blood]

[Quality: Samsung]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 1 point of physical fitness and 1 point of strength. The consumption is limited to thirty pills. ]

[Explanation: Only by killing an orc in a furious state can you get a drop of boiling heart blood, which contains the power of an orc! ]

"Three-star ingredients? Add 1 point of constitution and 1 point of strength? Dual attributes!"

Zheng Cheng said in surprise.


He looked at the black and red marbles that appeared in his hand, his eyes full of surprise.

Originally, he thought he would dissect things like the heart and kidneys again.

If the heart or kidneys are really dissected, will he eat them or not?

Unexpectedly, what came out of the dissection was a drop of blood!

Orcs are bleeding.

In fact, he was already mentally prepared to eat.

He had already raised questions when Zhao Yunxiao asked him to bring out the monsters and monster corpses in the Secret Realm.

What should we do if it is a humanoid creature, or the corpse of a human creature?

The answer I got was: Bring them out together!

According to Zhao Yunxiao, they humans were regarded as "food" by the aliens on the alien battlefield.

Except for a few intelligent races, almost all alien races can eat humans!

Since you can eat us, then we humans can also eat you!

Of course, their "eating" does not mean eating them alive.

Instead, they bring back the corpses of these foreign races, use special methods to condense their blood, strength, energy, etc., and then refine them into special potions, elixirs, etc.

Eat it and gain its power!

eat human……

In other words, eating aliens has no psychological pressure on human professionals, especially those on alien battlefields!

The same goes for monsters and monsters in Secret Realm!

Zheng Cheng opened his mouth and swallowed the black-red marble.

A stream of heat suddenly flowed out of the body and disappeared in an inadvertent moment.

Physical fitness and strength have increased by 1 point!

With a thought, another panel appeared in front of him.

A gray-white DNA pattern that spreads upward like a spiral.

In the corner of the map, a point of light is shining.

It was the Orc DNA molecules he had just dissected that activated the Orc DNF map.

It seems that all the orcs' DNA profiles need to be illuminated to produce special effects.



Song Chaoyu ran over excitedly, they had already discussed it before entering.

After killing the monsters and monsters in the Secret Realm, the first thing to do is to let Song Chaoyu condense the soul beasts!

This half-orc corpse is the best material!


A low whine suddenly came from Song Chaoyu's little mouth, and a strange wave fell on the orc corpse.

Immediately, waves of black mist surged up from the orc's corpse.

Soon, a strange figure, half human and half animal, floated in front of the two of them.

Twisted, evil, and containing an extremely cold aura.

Song Chaoyu said excitedly: "It cost me 2 points of energy, and there is no way to recover these 2 points of energy. I can only recover after the soul beast collapses and dissipates."

"That is to say, every time a soul beast is summoned, it will occupy 2 points of my mental power!"

"The more powerful the creature, the higher the spiritual power it occupies after being transformed into a soul beast."

"For a safe starting point, I can only control a maximum of 20 orc soul beasts at a time."

"Twenty? That's enough."

Zheng Cheng stretched out his hand and took back the space ring from the half-orc corpse.

The poor orcs had their bodies dissected and their souls condensed into soul beasts.

Even the last corpse had to be taken out by Zheng Cheng and handed over to the night watchman.

Zheng Cheng asked: "By the way, how did you add your attribute points?"

"I am currently at LV10, with a total of 80 free attribute points." Song Chaoyu said: "My profession is biased towards legal professionals, but I also have certain melee capabilities."

"So these 80 attribute points, I added them to the spirit, physique, strength and agility according to the ratio of 5221."

"In other words, 40 points of spirit, 16 points of physique, 16 points of strength and 8 points of agility are added, right?"




Under Song Chaoyu's command, the spirit beast immediately pounced on its former companion with its claws and fangs bared.

With one claw move, it attacked the soul of the orc, which immediately caused the orc to scream.


The rookie was also startled and looked at the spirit beast in surprise.

"Is this the soul beast? The baby summoned by Song Chaoyu? It looks pretty fierce~!"

Under the bite of the soul beast, the half-orc holding the mace just roared crazily.

The huge mace struck the soul beast without hesitation.


No matter how much he smashed and beat, he could not defeat this spirit beast.

Soul beasts... are immune to physical attacks!

Only elemental energy attacks can hurt him!

This is undoubtedly bad news for the orcs!

Under the siege of the soul beast, Zheng Cheng and others, the half-orc also screamed and fell helplessly to the ground.

Zheng Cheng threw Random Dissection down, but didn't get any special ingredients.

He could only shrug helplessly and signal to Song Chaoyu.

Song Chaoyu also walked over with a smile.

Her soul beast had taken most of the attacks just now, but she had gained a lot of soul power.

Soon, another spirit beast with teeth and claws appeared in front of several people.


Yao Zhixue suddenly said in surprise: "Soul beasts seem to be immune to physical attacks. As long as we can kill the orcs, won't this just snowball and get bigger and bigger?"

Zheng Cheng put away the orc corpse and nodded: "Yes, I just thought of this."

"It seems that this trip to Secret Realm depends entirely on Song Chaoyu!"

Song Chaoyu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, leave it to my soul beast. We can definitely surpass those guys next door this time!"

The rookie also said: "According to the "One Hundred Thousand Common Alien Races" learned in school, half-orcs are just ordinary humanoid creatures. Most people in their race can only do physical attacks and melee combat, and only the best among them can Can learn fighting spirit."

"There are still a very small number of elderly tribesmen who can suddenly realize the power of sacrifice, but they are only common buff skills such as bloodthirsty and rage."

"Without these people, wouldn't Song Chaoyu be invincible?"

Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "This Secret Realm is tailor-made for Chao Yu."

"Stop praising me, I will be proud~"

Song Chaoyu waved, and the two soul beasts floated over and surrounded her.

Like two pugs.

"Okay, let's continue..."

"Zheng Cheng!"

Liang Feifan suddenly shouted, and several people subconsciously turned their heads.

"What's wrong?"

"Look...this weapon!"

Liang Feifan stepped on the mace, which was as long as a man, and marveled.

"What a strong attribute..."

Zheng Cheng also walked over to check, and his eyes lit up immediately.

[Name: Mace (Bronze Level)]

[Durability: 1445/2000]

[Category: Weapon/Mace]

[Equipment requirements: LV15, strength 45 points, constitution 30 points, restricted to warriors and knights]

[Effect: Strength +5]

[Attached skill 1: Heavy hit (passive), when using this weapon to attack the enemy, there is a very high probability of causing a heavy hit and knockback effect on the enemy. ]

[Attached skill 2: Critical hit (passive), when using this weapon to attack an enemy, there is a certain chance of causing double damage to the target. ]

[Description: Made by the black-bearded dwarves who have lived in the mines of Moria for generations, it is of high quality. ]

[Note: This equipment cannot be taken out of this world. ]

"This attribute is indeed good, but it's a pity... that it cannot be brought out of this world."

Looking at the last note, Zheng Cheng could only helplessly shake his head.

When I turned around and looked at the giant ax, I found that there was also a note on the bottom that said it could not be taken out of this world.

"Let's go. There's no way to take this equipment out, and the equipment requirements are too high. It's useless to us."


Zheng Cheng's expression suddenly changed, Cai Shen said strangely: "Brother Cheng, what's wrong..."

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"There is a large wave of orcs chasing us, at least twenty of them!"

During the Central Radar Life Detection technique, a large circle of red light points rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed.

The screams of the two orcs before they died attracted the pursuers.

In the mine next door, a group of red dots were catching up in front of Bai Jingqi and the others!

"So many! Where are we going?"

"Brother Cheng! This place is full of mines, so dark..."

Zheng Cheng's consciousness quickly searched in the Central Radar Life Detection technique, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

On the side directly in front of them, there was another passage that went around in a circle and extended to the main line.

In that passage, there were only three red dots, which were still in place, not knowing what they were doing.

"follow me!"

Zheng Cheng took the lead, and several people behind him quickly followed.

In the darkness, the five people quickly rushed to the fork in the road, turned around and got in.

Soon, a large number of burly figures of orcs ran past the passage where they were hiding and rushed towards their original position.

"Let's go!"

Zheng Cheng continued to move forward: "Chaoyu, let your soul beast be at the front, there are enemies ahead."

"The light of these three red dots seems to be much stronger than that of ordinary orcs. Maybe they are elite monsters!"


(End of chapter)

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