I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

91. Chapter 90 Murloc Boss: I Want To Create A New Race!

Chapter 90 Murloc BOSS: I want to create a new race!

River bottom.

Li Jiao woke up in a daze.

She only remembered that she and her eldest brother were forced by the orcs to fall from the air and fall from the cliff.

She has a floating talisman prepared by her family. On weekdays, she also adds some free attribute points to her constitution and strength when upgrading under the guidance of her elder brother.

In addition, she has been learning dance since she was a child, and her body is very flexible.

At the critical moment, he tore open the floating talisman and slowly descended downwards with the help of the floating talisman.

But who knows, a strong wind suddenly hits from a distance, forcing him and his eldest brother to separate.

Fortunately, there was a river underneath her, but when she fell down, she found a large number of half-murloc creatures and half-orcs fighting on the shore!

She hid quickly and wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

But she was still discovered by both parties. After a fight to escape, she was still unconscious from exhaustion and was caught!


It was a group of fishmen who captured her!

They grabbed her and dived into the river, and she didn't know what happened after that.

When she woke up, she found herself in a huge cave.

In the distance is a pool of spring water, and the air is filled with a very humid fish smell.

Around the spring, a group of murloc babies, only about half a man tall, were lying around, playing around.

Around the cave, there are a large number of skeletons and corpses of unknown creatures piled together.

Next to the corpse were piles of weapons scattered around.

"What is this place?"

Li Jiao said strangely: "I remember very clearly that I was caught by these fishmen. How come..."

She looked down and saw that her clothes were intact and she had no injuries.

The equipment on her body has the ability to automatically protect her body. As long as the durability is still there, it cannot be taken off and it cannot cause harm to her.

Beneath him was a huge, polished and luminous bluestone, with a lot of pearls piled around it.

"Hey, this is... gray moonstone? And moonstone! Spirit water pearl? They are all special gems!"

Li Jiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and she subconsciously touched the space ring and put all the gems in it one by one!

As children of aristocratic families, each of the five of them has a space ring on their hands.

"This should be a hollow inside the river, connected to the river outside."

"No matter how I got here, I have to find a way to go back. Brother is still waiting for me, as long as..."

Just as she was thinking about it, she subconsciously looked up and was stunned.


The hole above her head was actually inlaid with a large number of gems emitting different lights.

There are at least hundreds of them densely packed.

And unlike the one-star gems piled on the ground, the special gems inlaid on her head are all three-star gems!

"Three-star luminous stone? When embedded in a weapon, it can increase dark attribute attacks, and it has an amplifying effect on all dark attribute skills!"

"This is the most suitable gemstone for me!"

“So many, and they’re all from Samsung!”

She looked up excitedly, and her lips began to tremble.

"Although I am a seven-star Dark Priest, and my grandfather loves me very much, but based on this relationship alone, I cannot possibly ask my family to come up with such a luminous stone all at once!"

"It's sent, hey hey, it's sent..."

She smiled and wanted to find a way to get these gems off.

"By the way! I still have the floating talisman... No matter where this is, as long as I can..."

"Huh? What is that..."

She was stunned again.

In the center of the densely packed luminous stones on the roof of the cave, there is actually a special gemstone the size of a tennis ball, crystal clear like a diamond, and emitting an earthy yellow light.

"This is...the Heart of the Earth?"

"How come the Heart of the Earth is here!"

She blinked her eyes and rubbed them vigorously, unable to believe her eyes.

"It's really the heart of the earth! Hahaha, if everyone knew that I found the heart of the earth so easily, hehehehe..."

The more she talked, the more excited she became. She immediately took out a blue-white talisman from the tool list and pretended to tear it open.



Suddenly, a strange scream woke her up.

She subconsciously looked back, only to see a large group of murloc children surrounding her.

They opened their huge dead fish eyes and stared at her, still chattering something in their mouths.


She screamed and quickly backed away: "What are you going to do?! Get away!"



A group of half-murloc children with dead fish eyes looked at her with their heads tilted, not knowing what she was shouting.

Some of them were still holding sharp daggers and forks, dripping with blood, looking at her as if they were looking at a moving piece of food!

"Stay steady, be sure to stay steady, don't be afraid!"

Li Jiao took a deep breath, quickly retreated, and hid behind the bluestone slab.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the naturally armed dark staff appeared in his hand, aiming at these half-murloc children from a distance.

If he fights to the death, he may not be a match for these half-murloc babies.

In the worst case scenario, even if you die yourself, you will have to support a few people.


Just when she was about to give her all, the river in the distance suddenly started to roll.

Then, a dozen huge triangular snake heads emerged from the river.

More than a dozen pairs of cold vertical eyes stared at her!

"Snake, why are there so many snakes!"

Li Jiao was also shocked, especially because the cold murderous intent emanating from the pupils of these giant pythons had completely locked onto her!

Her delicate body trembled, and she felt cold all over.

"Black, black water snakes? Why are there so many black water snakes here?"

Li Jiao's eyes moved wildly, and then she moved again: "No! It's not a real black water snake, it's just a mutant giant python with the blood of the black water snake..."


At this moment, the pool water rolled again, and another huge creature appeared.

That's a... huge fish-man with a fish body and human legs!

It was nearly three meters in size, with black-red scales and a pair of dead fish eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

He also held two huge copper hammers in his hands. The copper hammers were densely covered with steel spikes, which gave them strong power at first glance.

In addition, this giant fishman was also wearing a suit of armor that didn't fit very well.

Its huge fish head makes it even bigger.


Li Jiao exclaimed, and the giant fish-man BOSS in the distance also noticed the awakening Li Jiao and immediately swam towards this side.

In those dead fish eyes, a rare light of excitement appeared.

Li Jiao's expression changed and she quickly backed away.

Unfortunately, the cave in the lake is not big and is surrounded by lake water.

There was a group of half-murloc children next to her blocking her way, making it impossible to leave.


The giant fishman stepped ashore and strode towards Li Jiao.

"Don't come over! What are you going to do! I'm warning you not to come over!"

Li Jiao was startled. She pointed the dark staff at the giant murloc from a distance and roared inwardly.


The giant fishman opened his mouth and made a series of sounds, as if he was saying something.

Li Jiao was confused: "Intelligent creature? No? What language is it speaking? Why can't I understand it?"

"I took the electives of Orcish, Elvish and Half-Monster in advance. I have never heard of such a language..."


Seeing that Li Jiao didn't respond, the giant fish man strode towards her.

"Ah~! Go away! Go away quickly!"

Li Jiao screamed and hid quickly.

One person and one fish began to circle around the huge bluestone, and the half-murloc child blocking the way was kicked away by her.

The giant murloc kept shouting something, but unfortunately Li Jiao couldn't understand it at all, so she just dodged subconsciously.

After concentrating his energy, he flashed the dark staff, and a slow spell landed on the giant fish man.

The giant fishman's speed suddenly slowed down for two or three seconds, and then recovered immediately.

"Slowness works!"

Li Jiao's eyes flashed, and she immediately became hopeful.

As long as he can persist, Brother Qin Zheng will definitely come to save him!

Suddenly the giant fishman stopped, opened his mouth wide, and suddenly spat out a huge bubble.

Li Jiao's expression changed drastically and she quickly dodged.

Unfortunately, this bubble shot onto her body at an extremely fast speed, directly surrounding her whole body, and slowly floated into the air.


Li Jiao's body was immediately flipped up, and she was lying in a huge bubble struggling, only to find that the bubble was just a control skill.

Her entire body, under the influence of the water bubbles, slowly floated towards the giant fish-man.

"What is it going to do? It's not going to eat me!"

"Brother Fishman, no, Brother Fishman, I don't even have a hundred kilograms of meat on my body. You can't even stuff it between your teeth to eat me!"

Li Jiao immediately begged with a mournful face: "If you want to eat human flesh, can I go and call Bai Jingqi?"

"He weighs almost 200 pounds, and he exercises every day. His muscles are so chewy. You will definitely be happy to eat them~"

Li Jiao shouted, but found that the giant fish-man didn't respond to him at all.

Instead, a pair of huge dead fish eyes stared at her, and his breathing became more concentrated.

Seeing the familiar light in the eyes of this giant fish-man dead fish, Li Jiao's expression suddenly changed.

"You damn XXXXXX, you actually want to sleep with me, my damn XXXXXXXX..."

"I am a member of the Li family in Eternal Peace City. The people chasing me can line up from Eternal Peace City to France. You are so damn XXXXXXX"

She screamed and cursed, and the temperament of the eldest lady from a wealthy family was clearly visible.

It's a pity that she is facing a fish-man BOSS and can't understand what she is talking about.

Seeing the giant fish-man gradually approaching, and the huge fish paws were already close to the blister membrane, Li Jiao immediately screamed again.



"Brother Qin Zheng!"

"Brother, help me!"

"And Brother Jingqi! Come and save me~!"


Seeing the prey in the bubble scream, the giant fishman's dead fish eyes became even more excited.

What a beautiful alien!

Even more beautiful than the female orc she captured!

As long as she has her, the black squid fishmen clan will definitely give birth to more beautiful clansmen!

I want to create a new race!

Hey Hey……

The giant fishman fantasized about the wonderful future, with sticky saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Not only that, even the lower body also had a big bulge.

if only……


At this moment, the water pool not far away suddenly opened again.

A black fish-man covered in blood rushed out rolling and crawling, screaming "squeaking" as he rushed back.

The giant fishman who was about to pop the blisters changed his eyes, turned around suddenly, and screamed again.

With a wave of his hand, a dozen black water snakes that were originally swimming in the pool immediately condensed and dived into the bottom of the river.


Li Jiao was also stunned and looked over subconsciously.

"What's going on? Are there reinforcements?"

"It must be Brother Qin Zheng! It's definitely him! He's here to save me!"

Li Jiao's eyes were full of surprise: "I knew that Brother Qin Zheng would not abandon me. I wonder who else?"

"Brother Jingqi? I should be here too. Although he is not very good at water..."

"Gu Gu Gu~"

The pool of water was rolling, and the giant fishman also walked to the pool of water, sensing something carefully.

A few minutes later, the water in the pool became more violent, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

The giant fish man's expression changed greatly, but Li Jiao shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha~ Just wait to die, you stupid fish head!"

"Brother Qin Zheng and my brother are here to save me. When they save me, I will chop you up and make fish head soup!"

Suddenly, the entire pond became calm again.

Although there was still blood gushing out, there was not much movement.

The giant fishman grinned, revealing rows of sharp fangs.

The group of giant pythons he kept in captivity were very powerful. It was thanks to these giant pythons that he was able to repel the attack of the orcs and steal the Heart of the Earth gem.


He stood up suddenly, turned around and walked towards Li Jiao again.

After killing the intruder, you can enjoy this female alien.

"How, how is it possible...there is no movement?"

Li Jiao, on the other hand, looked full of despair.

The fact that there was no movement in the pool meant that all the people who came to save her were dead.

Not only was she caught, but her companion who was the victim was also killed!

"Uuuuu~ Brother Qin Zheng, you guys died so miserably..."

"And brother, how should I go back to see my grandparents..."

"Uh... maybe I'm going to die too and can't go back, wu wu wu..."

She immediately knelt down and sat in the water, crying so hard that the pear blossoms were filled with rain.

Even when the giant fish man approached her, she didn't react at all.

I was already mentally prepared to commit suicide.

Just when the giant fish man grabbed the bubble and wanted to crush it, a surprised voice suddenly sounded in the empty cave.

"Fuck~! Such a big fish head!"


One person and one fish subconsciously looked back, only to see a figure appearing on the pond not far away.

He was holding a sharp sword in his hand and was slowly pulling it out from the head of a giant python.

“Zheng Cheng!!!”

Li Jiao exclaimed, her eyes filled with disbelief and the light of the aftermath.

"Why, why is it you!"

"Where's Brother Qin Zheng, and there's my brother too!"

Zheng Cheng kicked the giant python away, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately put the giant python's body into the space ring.

"Qin Zheng and your eldest brother? They went to rescue Bai Jingsheng!"

"We are responsible for you and the Heart of the Earth!"

Behind him, several jet-black soul beasts appeared again, as well as several other black water snakes that were fighting.

Among the two giant python soul beasts are Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan!

"I am in charge of you?"

Li Jiao muttered something, and a look suddenly shot out of her eyes.

Deep in crisis and despair, she immediately blocked several other words.

"You, you, you, is this a confession?"

I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day, and there will be one more chapter today~~~

(End of chapter)

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