I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 991 [1 madman! 】

Beijing Satellite TV.

The door to the rehearsal room was kept closed.

The sound of guitar…

Bass sound…

The melody comes in waves.

Only there is no singing voice!

Because Zhang Ye can no longer sing at this moment. His voice is so severe that he has lost his voice. He can still make syllables when he speaks, but when he sings, half of his voice cannot be produced, it is empty! But even so, he hummed along and tried his best to cooperate with the band.

The first song is finished.

Then the second song was rehearsed immediately afterwards.

Two hours later, the band and the on-site staff couldn't bear to see the man wearing a clown mask standing precariously on the stage.

Bai Yuanfei couldn't help it anymore, "Okay, it's done!"

However, Zhang Ye said: "Bandmasters... teachers, let's do it again..."

Bai Yuanfei was anxious, "You're already like this, it's almost enough! Go to the hospital first!"

Zhang Ye shook his hand, "I'm fine, come back again." Then he walked off the stage, bumped heads with the band's guitarist, and pointed out a few issues, "I'm going to...ahem...here... …guitar…no other…instruments.” Pointing to another place, he said with difficulty: “Here I…sing a cappella.”

The guitarist hurriedly said: "I know, I know, you, please stop talking!"

Zhang Ye nodded, "If you do it again, it will be troublesome."




This has always been Zhang Ye's style. He is too strict with himself. He has never allowed any flaws in his artistic pursuits. Even if his physical condition is very poor at the moment, he must still demand himself. Do the best you can within the limits of what you are allowed to do.

Fool it?

Make do?

That's almost it?

That's not his style!

Han Qi sat on a chair under the stage,

At some point, her eye circles turned red.

The song rehearsal is over.

Han Qi hurriedly ran onto the stage, supported the clown, and pestered him to get off the stage. Hurry back to the lounge. "The doctor has been invited to the station and has arrived!"

Zhang Ye nodded, "Thank you... thank you."

Han Qi said distressedly: "You, please stop talking."

They just walked off the front foot. On the back foot, Hu Fei came with his people!

Hu Fei asked worriedly: "How's it going?"

Bai Yuanfei smiled bitterly and said, "The rehearsal is over."

The guitarist also looked moved. "I have never seen such a hard-working person! This healthy contestant only rehearsed two songs seven or eight times yesterday, and he was so sick. He actually rehearsed two songs a total of twenty-three times! I have never seen such a person! This is life-threatening!"

Brother Hou asked: "Can he sing? Can he go on stage?"

Da Fei said nervously: "Recording will start soon!"

Bai Yuanfei pondered for a moment, "Don't worry. He will definitely be able to get on stage. For a person like him, even if the sky falls, he will stand on the stage and sing the last line before falling down!"

In addition to Joker, the other five starting singers are ready.

Sunset red lounge.

Xiyanghong asked: "How is the clown?"

Her contact sighed: "I heard that the rehearsal just finished. I can't sing at all."

Sunset Red: "What a pity."

The contact said: "Yes, he will definitely be eliminated."

Petal Shower's Lounge.

Her contact said: "Teacher, how do you feel?"

"It feels good." Hua Petal Rain smiled. "Can't wait."

The contact person said: "That's great, we will definitely crush other singers this time!"

Hua Petal Rain suddenly asked, "I heard that a masked singer is sick?"

The contact person snorted, "Yes, it's quite serious. It's difficult to even speak. The rule is that two people have to be eliminated in each round. He must be one of them. It doesn't matter whether he can sing the first song or not." Let alone the second song.”

The other contestants have heard about the clown, and they are all very sorry. In their opinion, although this person's previous songs were a bit weird, he is still very strong. There is really no one else who can sing bel canto. Ordinarily he should They are a strong competitor, but now, a severe cold that has lost his voice is obviously fatal. Whether the clown is on stage or not, it seems that he has lost the chance to advance!


Zhang Ye has returned.

Han Qi said anxiously: "Doctor, please show him quickly!"

At this moment, Zhang Ye was sweating profusely. He was sweating like a trickle. He couldn't see his face with the mask on, but he knew it would definitely not be good!

The doctor frowned and walked up, "Open your mouth."

Zhang Ye did as he was told.

"Speak up."


"Tongue down."

The doctor brought a thermometer and asked him to put it in his mouth, put on a stethoscope, and made gestures on his body. At this time, the display of the thermometer came out, and the doctor took it to take a look.

Fever 40 degrees!

The doctor's expression changed!

Han Qi also looked a little pale!

The door to the infirmary was pushed open one after another. Hu Fei and the people from the column team arrived, as well as Dong Shanshan. After putting on makeup, she heard about the emergency here and hurried over.

Dong Shanshan asked: "How's it going?"

"Doctor," Hu Fei said, "Can he do it?"

The doctor said without thinking: "Substitute, he can't play!"

Hu Fei took a breath, "How serious is it?"

The doctor threw the thermometer over, "A fever of 40 degrees, severe viral cold, tonsillitis, and signs of pneumonia, what do you think?"


"So heavy?"


"That's really not possible!"

The doctor looked at Zhang Ye and ordered: "The car is right outside. You must go to the hospital with me immediately for treatment. Don't even think about playing. It's impossible!"

Zhang Ye shook his head, "I don't have a problem!"

The doctor said angrily: "You're like this and you still have no problem? Most people are burned like you and can't even get out of bed, but you still come to rehearse? And you have to rehearse the song for more than two hours? Do you want to kill you?"

Everyone knew what kind of physical condition the clown was in when he rehearsed the song just now!

A firm voice came from under the clown mask, "I'm fine."

The doctor said angrily: "Go to the hospital with me right away!"

Hu Fei also knew that it was impossible, and immediately said: "Teacher Clown, you..."

Zhang Ye interrupted: "I can go, needless to say..."

The doctor lost his temper and said, "You can't even stand! You can't even make your voice come out! Why are you on stage?"

Zhang Ye glanced at him and said, "Give me...a shot to seal it!"

The doctor said: "In your case, isolation may not be useful!"

Zhang Ye said calmly: "Give me...the needle!"

He now often loses his voice when speaking. So finish the sentence. Some words had no sound at all and were a bit choppy, but everyone still understood them!

"Teacher Clown!"


Zhang Ye shook his hand and signaled them to stop talking!

The doctor looked into Zhang Ye's eyes. "you sure?"

Zhang Ye nodded, "Come!"

There was nothing the doctor could do. "Let me tell you first, your situation is too serious. If you get closure, the damage and side effects to you will be greater than others!"

Zhang Ye simply said, "Understood!"

The doctor gritted his teeth. "Okay!" He turned around and said, "There are not so many people, please go out."

Hu Fei and others stopped talking. Still went out.

Han Qi did not leave, but stayed.

Zhang Ye loosened his collar a little. The neck has been exposed.

The doctor prepares the medicine and adjusts the measurement.

Han Qi was standing next to him, biting his lip. Not a word was spoken.

five minutes later.





The doctor pinched Zhang Ye's neck and quickly inserted a needle slowly.

Zhang Ye's eyelids twitched slightly, and a heartbreaking pain suddenly hit him. He was the kind of person who was most afraid of going to the hospital. His expression changed drastically when he mentioned the hospital when he was a child, so if he got sick, he would basically stay at home. Take medicine, but it won’t work today, he must have a voice, he must be able to sing!

Completed in one shot.

The doctor helped him stretch his muscles.

After a while, the doctor asked: "Try to make a sound."

Zhang Ye tried to sing, "Splendid...Mountain...Picturesque..."

Still lost my voice!

The doctor shook his head, "No."

Han Qi quickly said: "Teacher, forget it, really forget it!"

However, Zhang Ye simply said, "Okay... one shot! Another shot!"

The doctor said angrily: "You think it's an infusion? This is a closed injection! Do you know the side effects of this kind of injection? One injection is enough for you!"

"Come again!" Zhang Ye shouted loudly.

The doctor gritted his teeth and said, "If something happens, I don't care!"

Zhang Ye said: "Come!"

Another shot!

This injection actually hurt more than before. Zhang Ye's hands were shaking. The pain was not the pain of pinching you, but the pain that penetrated from the throat to the pit of the heart!


Zhang Ye sweated more. He waited for a while and waited for the medicine to take effect. Then he tried it again, "Splendid rivers and mountains...painting!"

much better!

But it’s still not enough!

Not in the upper register!

Zhang Ye closed his eyes and said, "Come again!"

Han Qi immediately stopped him and said, "It won't work! It won't work anymore!"

Zhang Ye looked calm and said, "Come again!"

Han Qi shouted: "Teacher!"

Zhang Ye couldn't help but said loudly: "Come on!"

The doctor said nothing this time. He looked at the man in the clown mask silently, turned around, picked up the syringe...

Han Qi couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned around, opened the door and ran out. Hu Fei had already gone to the stage to give instructions, but there were still many people left at the door of the infirmary.

Brother Hou, Xiao Lu, Da Fei, they are all here.

"how's it going?"

"Can you sing?"

"What's going on, Xiao Han?"

Han Qi didn't say anything, squatted on the ground and cried!

"Xiao Han!"


Everyone looked at each other and suddenly felt heavy in their hearts!

Not long after, the door of the infirmary was pushed open from the inside, and the doctor came out first.

Everyone gathered around in a hurry!


"Is it okay?"

"How's Mr. Clown doing?"

The doctor looked at everyone and put down his words: "If he has trouble again in the future, don't come to me! I have also treated many celebrities and applied isolation, but this is the first time in my life for him to be such a life-threatening lunatic. See you! Who is the person your column team invited this time?" (To be continued.):

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