I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 993 [The clown appears! 】

on site.

"When will the bright moon come?"

"Ask the sky for wine."

"I don't know the palace in heaven."

"What year is it today?"

This is Hua Petal Rain's singing. She is singing Zhang Yuanqi's song, or to be more precise, she is singing Zhang Ye's song written for Zhang Yuanqi!

As soon as she opened her voice, she shocked the whole audience!

Zhang Ye also heard her singing on the monitor in the lounge. Petal Rain actually used her same technique of singing with falsetto throughout the whole process. No one dared to sing like this, almost none, because the change in falsetto was too small. , too monotonous, and many syllables are not so easy to control. However, Hua Petal Rain's voice and processing method are quite special. Her falsetto is really different from others!

This is her killer weapon!

Several guests from the guessing team were also shocked by her!

After the singing ended, Dong Shanshan came on stage, and the first singer, the King of Wonders, also appeared. The three of them stood in the center of the stage, looking at the judging panel.

Dong Shanshan smiled, "What do the teachers think?"

Zhang Xia praised: "Petal Rain, this song is so good!"

Hua Petal Rain bowed slightly and said through the voice-changing microphone: "Thank you, Grandma Zhang."

Zhang Xia blinked, "You call me grandma, but you're not very old?"

Hua Petal Rain said: "Isn't grandma your official title?"

The audience laughed.

AMY was stunned and said: "Are you Sister Yuanqi? Are you deliberately using a falsetto to deceive us? To prevent us from recognizing you?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Petal Rain immediately imitated Zhang Yuanqi's stance and customary movements.

Everyone was amused.

Zhang Xia immediately smiled and said: "It's definitely not Yuanqi. Yuanqi is not that lively."

Chen Guang looked at King Qi Pa, "Do we know each other?"

The strange king looked at him;


Chen Guang asked again, "Do you have my mobile phone number?"

The strange king was silent for a while, "...Yes."

The audience roared!

AMY went up to grab Chen Guang's phone, "Give me the phone and I'll look through the phone book!"

Chen Guang also had his hair on end, "I still want to read it, but I don't recognize him at all! There are more than a hundred people making music on my phone!"

under. It’s the on-site voting session.

The game is divided into two rounds. In the first round, the six contestants competed in pairs. The winner entered the next round of the singing king competition and selected a current singing king. The three losers also faced off again. One safe spot is selected from the three to remain on the stage, and the other two are eliminated directly. You can choose to reveal your face, or you can leave alone without revealing your face. Two people are eliminated in each period, it is such a cruel competition system!

Dong Shanshan pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses. Announced: "Please pick up the voting device in your hands and vote for the player you like."

Voting begins!

on the big screen in the back. The number of votes for both parties began to increase.

There were a total of 500 judges on site, with a total of 500 votes.

The audience was excitedly looking at the screen while voting!

Finally, the votes were cast!

The Strange King: 137 votes.

Rain of Petals: 362 votes.

One vote abstained. It is not a valid number of votes!

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "I announce that the first promotion spot is - Petal Rain!"

Petal Rain bowed slightly. He glanced at the guest seats.

Chen Guang was also looking at her. The two seemed to look at each other for a moment, and then quickly separated again.

Dong Shanshan said to King Qi Pa: "Please also ask King Qi Pa to go to the backcourt and take a rest. Prepare for the next round of competition."

The King of Wonders didn't have much expression, nodded to the guests and the audience, and left.

Some in the audience were happy and some were regretful.

"I like King Weird very much!"

"Petal Rain sings better!"

"My singing skills are awesome!"

"It's so fun! This show is more interesting than "The Voice"!"

"Hahaha, you can't say that. It's not the same type of show as "The Voice", but it's really good to watch! I just want to know where these people who sing so hard come from. Huh? Which big shot is he pretending to be?"

"Petal Rain must be a big deal!"

"That's right!"


The second set of duels began.

Sunflowers under the starry sky VS sunset red.

The scene was filled with screams again!

"The sun is my name."

"The sky is my belief."

"The earth is my sustenance."

"Humans are my enemy."

Amazing singing filled the audience!

The clown was already on the scene, standing outside the door, ready.

Hu Fei came over specially, "How is it?"

Han Qi hurriedly said: "Director Hu, don't let the teacher talk."

Hu Fei nodded, looked at the clown and said, "Just try your best. Winning or losing is no longer important. It's enough for you to be able to hold up such a body on stage."

Da Fei also came, "Yeah, if you can't sing anymore, just come down. It'll be fine, no one will blame you."

The clown smiled and said nothing.

In fact, no one knew that the clown's physical condition was worse than they knew. It was not as simple as a cold or a fever. It was a hidden wound inflicted on him by a master of martial arts, a master of more than a dozen martial arts schools. As well as the hidden diseases left behind by the siege of his disciples, Zhang Ye is now almost powerless.

The boiling sound of the scene can be heard here.

Voting has already begun.

"Sunset red!"

"Sunset red!"



The audience was shouting the name of the singer they supported!

However, Zhang Ye didn't pay attention, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the victory or defeat of others. He had already spent all his energy just standing here.

Finally, the voting is over!

Just listen to Dong Shanshan announce: "Let us congratulate the sunflowers under the stars!"

Sunset Red lost, it was a pity that they lost, only missing by a mere dozen votes!

At this time, the live recording paused.

Dong Shanshan confirmed with Hu Fei through the earphone.


"I am here."

"Can the next player be available?"

"He's fine."

"okay, I get it."

The audience and guests at the scene also looked at Dong Shanshan inexplicably, wondering what was going on.

Recording continues.

Just listen to Dong Shanshan say: "The following player is in some physical condition today, but he still insists on playing, so we can invite - the clown!"


Zhang Xia was startled.

The audience looked towards the door and applauded warmly!

behind the door.

Hu Fei said: "Come on!"

Han Qi also felt distressed and said: "Teacher, come on!"

Da Fei raised his fist, "Come on! Teacher Clown!"

A female staff member also said: "You must insist on finishing the song!"

"You can definitely do it!" another person said.

Many people in the column group were moved by the clown's tenacity and stubbornness. They know it. A person who can seal himself with three needles is definitely not an ordinary person. This is a ruthless person who wants to take the stage even if he doesn't care about his life! None of them knew why this person would do this. Why are you so eager for the stage? Why are you already on the verge of collapse? But he still didn’t fall down! ?

light is on!

The door is open!

Zhang Ye touched his mask and moved forward step by step with a slow pace. The closer he gets to the stage, the firmer his steps become!

Another round of applause!


"This mask is beautiful!"


"What's wrong with the way he walks?"

"Are you so sick? Why go on stage then?"

"Sweat. It seems really serious!"

"Can he finish singing a song like this?"

"I do not know."

When the audience saw this, they all started whispering. Some people were pointing towards the stage.

For more than twenty meters, the man wearing a clown mask walked for a long time.

Zhang Xia frowned. "Is he okay?"

Chen Guang said: "I heard it's a high fever and a bad cold."

AMY was stunned: "Huh?"

They are all singers, and almost everyone has encountered similar situations. They know best what it feels like to sing in this state, and judging from this person's appearance, even his walking posture seems to be wrong. It seems that it's not just a fever or cold!

Chen Yidong said: "This is really not easy."

Wang Zhuishu sighed, "I hope he insists on finishing the song."

In each lounge, the other five players were also looking at him on the camera screen.

Center stage.

Zhang Ye finally arrived and stood there, gently closing his eyes.

The lights are out!

The scene instantly became silent!

The sound of the flute suddenly floated up.

Then, follow a few piccolo instrumental sounds.

The music started, but Zhang Ye remained motionless and did not even open his eyes.

Do you want to finish singing?

He had heard this sentence countless times on his way from the backstage. Did you misunderstand something? Do you think I have to stand here despite having three injections of sealant and old injuries just to finish the song no matter how good or bad it is? I don’t want to finish singing it, I want to sing it well!

What happened to losing my voice?

What if the old injury relapses?

These are not reasons!

I won't make excuses, and I don't need sympathy from others. I have been walking alone all this time, so I can't fall, because I know that if I fall, no one will help me, so I can only Go forward, keep going, go where I want to go - this is probably why I am standing here!

Gorgeous lights shine in all directions!

The camera is focused on him.

The audience is watching him.

Guess the judges are watching him.

The other five players were looking at him.

The eyes under the clown mask suddenly opened without warning, and the hoarse and painful voice from under the mask suddenly spread throughout the audience!

"I am a wolf from the north."

"Walking in the endless wilderness."

"The fierce north wind is blowing."

"The long, yellow sand is passing by."

Chen Guang was stunned!

AMY was stunned!

Zhang Xia was also stunned!

What song is this?

Why is this a song I haven’t heard before?

A wolf?

A wolf from the north?

Zhang Ye has completely devoted himself to it. Today, what he performs is not the aloofness of the original version of "Wolf". He uses his imperfect voice to sing about himself at this moment! A wolf, a wounded wolf! A wounded wolf who still wants to move forward!

Zhang Ye held up the microphone:

"All I have is gritting my cold teeth!"

"In return, two blasts and a long roar!"

"For nothing else!"

"Just for that legendary, beautiful grassland!"

This is his picture today!

It is also a portrayal of him in the past few years since he entered the entertainment industry!

He is very tired!

He is scarred!

But he must move forward!

AMY was fascinated by it!

Zhang Xia was also confused!

Chen Guang's eyes were fixed on him, as if he wanted to rush up and take off his mask now to see who he really was!


Cold wind!

Gritting your teeth, just for the beautiful grassland?

Your grassland...what exactly is it? Is it worth standing on stage and singing at the top of your lungs when your voice is already like this?

Even a layman like Yao Jiancai was moved!

Several guests knew that this must be a person with a story, but no one may know or understand his story!

Zhang Ye lowered his eyelids and sang:

"I am a wolf from the north."

"Walking in the endless wilderness."

"A shrill north wind blows."

"Long stretches of yellow sand pass by."

"I can only grit my teeth."

"Two long roars in response."

"For nothing else!"

"Just for the legendary beautiful grassland!"


The clown mask looks up to the sky and screams:


He's learning to howl like a wolf!

This long sound lasted for eight or nine seconds!

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly lifted!

Chen Guang stood up. This was the first time he stood up while listening to a song today!

AMY didn't stand up. She kept holding her head and exclaimed, "Oh my God!"

Zhang Xia was already extremely curious, "Who is this!"

Zhang Ye didn't care about the state of his voice at all. Was it broken? shake? Can't hit the high notes? Broken voice? Lost your voice? He doesn't care at all! He didn’t even have any distracting thoughts like “What if I can’t sing?” “What if I suddenly lose my voice?”

"For nothing else!"

"Only for the legendary beautiful grassland!" (To be continued.) New website enabled

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