I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 997 [The first issue of the King of Singers is released! 】

The music stopped.

The singing is over.

Suddenly, someone in the audience shouted, "Clown! Clown!"

Someone shouted again, "Clown!"

Han Qi wiped his tears and shouted loudly: "Clown!"

AMY raised her hands and shouted, "Clown!"

Xiao Lu shouted, "Clown!"

Chief director Hu Fei also clenched his fists in the audience!


This song is great!

This guy... is awesome!





The shouts are getting louder and louder!

This picture is really difficult to describe in words!

Zhang Ye was stunned for a moment when he opened his eyes. He stood up from the piano, and with some difficulty, he bowed slightly in the direction of the guests and the audience, which was regarded as a bow. He didn't expect that his song would cause such a big commotion at the scene. He just wanted to say what he wanted to say, that's all. He didn't even expect that anyone would understand the content of this song, because this song was in Zhang Ye's world is not a popular song, not everyone knows it, and not everyone likes it. The original version is Sunshine at Noon, with lyrics and music by Wang Bao, and a piano soundtrack. Zhang Ye's singing was adapted from the original version. Some details were modified by himself, such as the repetition of "so beautiful, beautiful, beautiful" at the end, all by Zhang Ye himself. understanding. Han Hong has also sung this song, and probably more people have heard it.

Zhang Ye liked this song very much when he was in the previous world. He was not that handsome and his conditions were not that good. Anyone who knew that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry would tell him to give up until he entered the entertainment industry. , he felt even deeper. Everyone in the world likes roses and thinks roses are the most beautiful, but he knows that he is not a rose. He is just a red rose that he thinks is beautiful but no one cares about.

So he wants to change the song. Even if the song sucks. He also had to change songs temporarily.

The crowd was excited.



Some people even cried.

There was thunderous applause and everyone stood up!

Is this...applause for me?

Are these...tears shed for me?

When Zhang Ye saw it, he was suddenly moved. He wanted to say a poem in the same way as before. Say a few words, but he knew it wouldn't work.

Dong Shanshan came on stage. "Thank you clown for singing."

Zhang Ye glanced at her.

Dong Shanshan's smile seemed a little unnatural, "Please invite the sunflowers and the rain of petals under the stars to come back to dance..." At this point, her voice stopped.

Many viewers were stunned for a moment. They found that the host was crying.

Petal Shower was the first to take the stage. After seeing it, he immediately walked up and patted Dong Shanshan on the shoulder, and then gave her a simple hug.

Dong Shanshan smiled and wiped his eyes. He took the microphone and said, "Sorry, I'm a bit out of sorts." He turned his head and looked at Hu Fei in the audience. "Director, don't broadcast this."

Hu Fei raised his hand and gave her a thumbs up. He didn't blame her, but comforted her.

Dong Shanshan apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm not professional anymore."

Sunflower under the stars also came to the stage at this time, and patted Dong Shanshan's shoulder encouragingly like a senior.

Zhang Xia spoke, "It's okay Shanshan, I cried just now, and I want to know one thing now." She stared at the clown mask, "Who are you?"

The clown said nothing.

Zhang Xiafei said quickly: "A person with a high fever, cold, and poor physical condition can still sing such a song and integrate emotions to such an extent. If you say that you are not a professional singer, I will definitely not believe it, but the whole In the music world, I really can’t think of anyone who matches you!”

Wang Zhuishu said: "Maybe his voice changed after he caught a cold, and we can't hear it! Or maybe he is a new person? But how can there be such a new person!"

The guests were all confused!

Some people thought he was from the film and television industry before, but now they are shaken!

Some people just thought he was a big star in the music industry, but they hesitated after a while!

who is it!

Who the hell is this!

The audience all had this huge question at this moment. They really wanted to know the true appearance of this man under the mask!

Dong Shanshan has recovered by now, "Before the final vote, please guess your votes from the guests on the judging panel. Who do you think is the singer tonight?"

Wang Zhuishu thought for a while and said, "I think I might still give it a shower of petals! The singing is so good, the technique is so good, there are absolutely no flaws!"

The rain of petals bowed.

Chen Yidong said: "I give Sunflower Under the Stars. Based on his performance in the two rounds, I think he deserves to be the singer king in the first round."

Xiangkui nodded and said through the microphone with a changed voice: "Thank you, Teacher Chen."

Han Qi clenched his fists underneath.


Why not a clown?

What on earth are you thinking!

In the past, Han Qi didn't like the clown very much. When they first communicated, the clown was teasing him. Everyone thought he was a veteran in the music industry and a very incompetent guy. But when he followed, Han Qi was completely impressed by the clown's contact with him. She was very glad that she was chosen. She was very glad that she was the clown's only contact in the column group, and she was also honored!

He is a rose!

A flower that is different from everyone else!

The audience in the audience also made some criticisms.


"Are these two blind?"

"Definitely for the clown!"

"The clown's singing is so awesome!"

"I think so too, it's really good, indescribably good!"

"You can't say that, Himawari sings better!"

"I still support Petal Shower."

It is normal to have differences. It is impossible not to have differences. Music itself is a matter of personal understanding. Everyone cannot have the same feeling after hearing the same song. This song "Red Rose" sung by Zhang Ye , maybe only those who have experienced it will understand.

At this time, Chen Guang spoke.

Chen Guang looked at the three masked singers, "From a professional point of view, I would definitely choose Sunflower and Petal Rain. Their voices, singing skills, songs, and appeal are all nothing to say. Impeccable. In the first round I chose based on this criterion when I was singing. Although I like Joker’s first song "Wolf" very much, now, I want to apologize."


What are you apologizing for?

Several guests were stunned.

The audience was also startled.

Just listen to Chen Guang loudly say: "I keep judging from a professional point of view. This is me being unprofessional! My choice may be a little willful or a little impulsive. But I can't help but be impulsive now. If I vote, I will absolutely, absolutely, absolutely ...I will only vote for the clown! No reason! No reason!”

Han Qi was pleasantly surprised!

Someone supports it!

Finally someone supports Mr. Clown!

Yao Jiancai also spoke. "Let me tell you first, I don't know much about what is professional or not. I am not in the music industry myself, and I have never been involved in music." He smiled: "If my funny old partner were here, he would The evaluation may be more professional. Well, I can only follow my heart. If I choose, like Lao Chen, I will 100% give this vote to the clown without any hesitation! I don’t know how the voice is. Singing I don’t know what it is like, but I know that this song "Red Rose" moved me! This song said everything I wanted to say."

AMY stood up and cleared her throat, "I declare that from now on, I am a fan of the Joker!" She looked at the Joker and said anxiously: "Who are you? I really, really like you!"

The clown bowed slightly.

Zhang Xia said: "This time, I also give my vote to the clown. Singing requires a voice, skills, and all kinds of things. But in the final analysis, music should move people, and feelings are above all else. Petal Rain does it , Sunflower has also done it, but today, with this song, the clown undoubtedly did it better. His second singing basically completely abandoned the so-called technology and skills. This is too advanced, this kind of emotional Integration and immersion, this disadvantage of poor voice condition is used to shine in the song, which is definitely not something that can be learned by studying, this has surpassed all skills!"

The guests have finished speaking.

Dong Shanshan said: "Then, the voting begins. Let the 500 spectators present judge and cast your vote. Let us welcome the first round of singer kings born tonight!"

Han Qi was extremely nervous.

Many people in the column group also discussed it.

"I love clowns!"

"me too!"

"This guy works so hard!"

"I just want the voting to end as soon as possible and let the clown go and rest!"

The audience has picked up the voting machines and pressed them one after another!

On the big screen, the votes are counted in real time!

Ten votes...twenty votes...thirty votes for Petal Shower!

The number of votes for Sunflower is also increasing rapidly... twenty votes... thirty votes!

"It's rising!"

"Ah, the sunflower is up!"

"Oh, Petal Shower is number one!"

"Joker! Joker!"

"The Joker is ahead! He's ahead!"

"Caught up!"

The competition is too fierce!

The guests looked at the screen in shock!

The audience also stared there without blinking, and many people called out the code name of their favorite singer!

The three people rise alternately, and you come and go. This is a scene that many people have expected, but no one knows who will be the winner of the first round of singing. The suspense is too great!

Finally, it’s time to vote!

Dong Shanshan said immediately: "The voting is stopped!"

After a pause on the big screen, the number of votes was suddenly fixed. Those who did not vote within the specified time were counted as abstaining!

At this moment, everyone is looking at the big screen!

The sunflower looks back!

Petal Rain looked sideways!

Han Qi cast his eyes tightly!

Only Zhang Ye did not turn around and stood there very calmly. Maybe he only had the strength to stand like this.

The results are out!

The King of Singers is born!

The whole place was boiling in an instant!





Han Qi was so excited that she shed tears again. She hugged a male colleague next to her and shouted, "We win! The teacher wins! Woohoo!" He cried and laughed at the same time!

The male colleague from the column team looked embarrassed and said, "Ahem, congratulations." (To be continued.) Launch a new website

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