
Recording time is coming soon.

Backstage, the contestants began to draw lots to determine the order in which the singers would appear and their opponents in the first round. This time, two newcomers were added. They didn’t know their last name or their singing ability, so every singer was also very interested. Pay attention to this draw, because who the opponent is and who performs the song is directly related to their final score and whether they can stay on the stage or take a step forward.

Clown Lounge.

The door opened.

Han Qi and the director team came in.

"Teacher, it's your turn." Han Qi said nervously. She also wanted the clown to draw a good lottery, preferably No. 6, which means he will be the last one to sing.

The Joker reached into the lottery box.

The camera also immediately focused on it.

At the same time, other players can clearly see the scene in the clown room at the moment on the TV in the lounge, all in sync.

The sunflower under the starry sky drew number 3.

Rain of Petals is No. 1.

The "God of War" who came in as a fill-in drew No. 4.

This is the result that has been drawn at this time. Sunflower's opponent has been determined, it is the God of War. When the camera was focused on the God of War's room, several singers saw the God of War collapse. The voice was that of a man, who seemed to be quite cheerful. Guy, I kept screaming for a long time. Because everyone who watched the first episode of The Masked Singer knows the strength of this sunflower. A sunflower or a rain of petals is something no one wants to face!

Now it's the Joker's turn and everyone is looking at the screen.

The clown took his hand out of the lottery box, squeezed out a small ball, and then turned over the side with the numbers on it, pointing it at the camera lens.

number 2!

He drew number 2!

The second appearance is the opponent - Petal Rain.

Han Qi also collapsed, NO! NO! NO!

The first one to appear, the opponent is still the Petal Rain, this is the worst sign!

Another lounge to fill in for newcomers,

He hasn't drawn the lot yet. However, I saw the clown draw the Queen of Flower Petals. He also breathed a long sigh of relief, then his opponent was determined to be Sunset Red. Hua Petal Rain is the singer with the highest number of votes in the predictions released on the official website. More than 100,000 people voted to predict that she would win the singing title in the second phase of the competition. Sunflower ranked second with 110,000 votes. Therefore, no one wants to play against these two, because their popularity has been accumulated, and they may not perform well. The audience and judges will also vote for them when they vote, because there are emotional points in it. Games are often claimed to be fair. But where can there be absolute fairness?

The door is closed.

The director team went out.

Han Qi was extremely anxious, "What should I do?"

The clown didn't say anything. Petal Shower was indeed a powerful enemy. To be honest, the last thing he wanted to see in today's first song was a rain of petals. But he happened to run into it.

A message has been sent from the scene that the recording countdown is on.

Han Qi was desperate.

Petal Rain now has a great reputation, but Joker has been questioned by countless people!

Can't win!

There's no way to win!

The people in the band and column team should know the lineup. They all felt sorry for the clown. There was definitely no chance of advancing to the top of the singing competition. They felt that the current clown should think about how to avoid relegation and how to retain his qualifications for the next round.

The place was packed.

The audience looked at the stage excitedly, the recording had begun!

Dong Shanshan came on stage. After a series of advertisements, she looked at the judging panel with a smile, "Guest teachers, after the first round, are there any singers you can guess?"

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "I couldn't guess it at all."

AMY laughed and said: "Even when the strange king revealed his face, I didn't believe it was really him. He was wearing a mask and his clothes were tightly wrapped. Who could guess it, but I always felt that Sunset Red's voice sounded familiar to me. , I still have to observe and observe.”

Xiyanghong in the background was looking at the screen in the room and smiled slightly when she heard this.

Not good.

Did AMY really recognize me?

I obviously changed the pronunciation area intentionally.

Chen Guang chuckled and said, "Let's listen to it again today."

Dong Shanshan asked: "Do the teachers have any players they are optimistic about?"

Wang Zhuishu smiled and said, "I'm still optimistic about Petal Rain."

Chen Yidong said: "I'm optimistic about Sunflower, today's singing king, his hopes should be greater."

Chen Guang also said: "If we talk about singing skills, Sunflower and Petal Rain do have a better chance of winning the singing crown, but in competitions, the results are always unpredictable."

Zhang Xia nodded, "Hua Petal Rain is very good, I think I must know her."

Yao Jiancai joked and looked at Chen Guang, "Old Chen, isn't it your wife who is here?"

Chen Guang's eyes twitched and he quickly smiled and said, "I thought Hua Petal Rain was Sister Zhang."

AMY laughed and said, "It's possible!"

Everyone is making wild guesses. In fact, many people really don't dare to think about the top celebrities in the music industry. They are still confused.

After a simple warm-up, the game is about to begin.

The audience is also looking forward to it more and more.

"Hurry up!"

"Flower of petals! Rain of petals!"

"I wonder what song Sunflower will sing today. I like him so much!"

"Hey, why didn't any guest mention the clown today?"

"The column team must have said hello."

"Well, there are too many doubts now. They are all questioning the clown's gold content in the last round of singing champions. How can he sing like this despite being sick? No one dares to say today. The guests themselves may also know that they are on the stage. Zhou was moved by the clown's song, mostly out of sympathy, because the lyrics were written to suit the occasion. Didn't Grandma Zhang Xia and Chen Guang also say that if they really compare with singing skills, the two newcomers who took the place today don't know, but among the others , it must be the petal shower and the sunflower that are the highest.”

"The Joker is definitely being opportunistic."

"The singer in the first issue should actually be Sunflower."

"Come on, it's sunset red."


"Watch this issue!"

"Hey, it's started!"

The audience also argued endlessly, and they all had singers they liked and supported, but the clown's name was mentioned less and less.

Dong Shanshan’s voice echoed throughout the audience, “Let’s invite today’s first performer—Flower of Petals.”

Applause broke out immediately!


"The first one!"

"Petal Rain, I love you!"

"Great, the first one is my Petal Shower!"

Many people were shouting and shouting, and the atmosphere was so lively!

In the first episode, everyone was wearing masks and had not yet opened their mouths to sing. No one knows how well the other person sings. Therefore, the applause after the singer appears is normal, but this time it is different. Everyone has watched the show, and some people have even been here last time. The atmosphere is naturally different.

Under the spotlight, Petal Shower took the stage.

The applause thundered again!

"come on!"

"Come on!"

"You are the king of singers!"

You can see it here too. How popular is Petal Shower!

Even the column team and the singers who were about to appear backstage also smiled bitterly. They only sang two songs in the first episode and they are already so popular?

How can you play this!

Just give her the singing title!

However, they also admitted that Petal Rain was really powerful. Thinking of this, the masked singers backstage felt a little sympathetic to the clown for a moment. He really got the worst lottery today!

The lights are dim.

The sound of violins rises.

The audience fell silent for a moment, and some even closed their eyes and listened quietly.

Hua Petal Rain held the microphone. Speak softly.

The falsetto sounds suddenly floated in the air!

It's still her singing style on this stage, and it's still the kind of shock that the audience is familiar with!

"Lies. Told a hundred times."

"But in exchange, it was a false promise."

"Wear a mask for a lifetime."

"Why can't it become the face I want?"

The audience will know it as soon as they hear it!

It's "A Face"!

It’s a very slow and heartfelt song!

AMY smiled bitterly and said: "That's great, you can sing better than me!"

Zhang Xia looked at her and said, "You are not a lyrical person."

AMY was convinced: "There is really no one else in the music industry with this kind of singing skills. This falsetto has changed too much. I am 100% sure that Hua Petal Rain must be a professional singer and a big shot!"

Wang Zhuishu agreed: "That's right, and I have a feeling that this person may be a big shot in the music industry that we can't even imagine. But her true voice is not revealed, so we don't know who it is!"

Yao Jiancai was also very happy to hear that, "Whoever competes with her will be really unlucky."

Chen Yidong said: "As long as Petal Rain doesn't make mistakes, it will be difficult for others to beat her. Her falsetto is really amazing. There won't be anyone with a better falsetto than her in the music world!"

Petal Rain acapella:



"That is……"

"It's my... face."

The singing is over.

Hua Petal Rain put down the microphone and bowed slightly to thank him.

Applause suddenly burst out!

Even the singers backstage were applauding her!

The audience even screamed!

"sounds amazing!"

"I didn't like this song before, but why does Hua Petal Rain sing it so beautifully!"

"This is the charm of a singer!"

"Definitely won!"

"Yeah, you don't have to listen to the next person anymore!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter who you love!"

"Petal Rain!"

"Petal Rain!"

Today, Petal Rain's performance is still stable, with no mistakes or broken sounds. Although it is not as amazing as her first song in the last episode, it may have something to do with the song selection and the type of song, but she also performed normally today. , still a nice song! And the most important thing is that this song is sung in falsetto throughout, and the falsetto changes all the time, which adds to the charm of this song. After all, no one has ever heard anyone dare to do this before. Singing, because falsetto is too difficult, not many singers have this ability, and not many singers dare to do it live! So in a curious state of mind, the song "One Face" by Hua Petal Rain once again infected the audience!


Or a guest?

Or the singer backstage?

Or someone from the column team?

No one thought she would lose! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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