on site.

The equipment is still being debugged and recording has not started yet.

But many people in the audience were already excited.

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

One person shouted!

As a result, many people shouted along!

Zhang Ye's second and third sisters also stood and shouted together with the others. Before the song was sung and the venue was out, the popularity of Sunflower Under the Stars had already exploded. There were also many audience members who were not fans of Li Yu. However, after watching this scene and being affected by the atmosphere, they also started to look forward to it. They also felt that the king of singers today must be Sunflower. No singer can compete with Sunflower under this momentum.

"It's so popular."

"Yes, that's Li Yu!"

"Today, Hua Petal Shower and Clown will have to run with us."

"The former front line really deserves its reputation!"

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Will Li Yu sing Cantonese songs today?"

"If he sings in Cantonese, he really has no opponent!"

Guests Zhang Xia, Chen Guang and Yao Jiancai also sat on the judging panel early and were communicating in low voices. Although they all knew the tricks and inside stories, they all knew that Li Yu couldn't afford to lose. To be honest, this kind of behavior that is almost cheating makes some of them feel very uncomfortable. If you do this, how can others compete? Who else can compete with you for the singing title? What's the point of this game? Is this the stage where you perform alone?

Yao Jiancai asked, "Did the draw come out?"

Zhang Xia said: "It seems so."

Chen Yidong smiled and said: "The first one is spinach, and the second one is sunflower."

AMY spoke, "No, I just heard that Hua Petal Rain took the initiative to exchange the order of appearance with Spinach, and she was the first one to appear.


Chen Guang was shocked, "Huh?"

Neither does anyone else.

Zhang Xia was startled, "What's going on?"

AMY coughed, "Hua Petal Rain seems to be angry!"


Did she take the initiative to challenge Himawari?

Too. Li Yu is such a fool. Who wouldn’t be angry?

Chen Guang smiled bitterly.

Zhang Xia said: "Does she want Sunflower to stop competing for the Singer King in the third period? Press him down?"

Wang Zhuishu sighed and said: "Courage is commendable, but the strength of Petal Rain itself is comparable to that of Sunflower. Although I have always liked her, I still don't think much about her versus Sunflower. Who won today's Sunflower? Petal Rain can't do it. , let alone clowns." Then he turned to look at the camera. "Don't air this episode of ours."

Suddenly, the host Dong Shanshan exchanged a few words with the headset and walked onto the stage with a smile.

The audience takes a look. The cry is louder!


"here we go!"

"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

Dong Shanshan said amidst the cheers: "Welcome to "The King of Masked Singer" exclusively broadcast by Liangguo Coco." She bent her knees and gave a playful blessing. "I am your host, Dong Shanshan."

As the ratings exploded, the show became a hit. Dong Shanshan's popularity is also growing. But today, no one seems to pay attention to what Dong Shanshan wears, glasses, and hair. There is only one thing everyone is looking forward to: what song Sunflower will sing, and how Sunflower will win the throne of singer!

An advertising slogan passes by.

Dong Shanshan gave up the stage. "Then let's invite our first singer today - Petal Rain."

Petal Rain walked out.

In the aisle connecting the stage, several singers were present.

Spinach said: "Sister, come on!"

Yesterday Huang Hua said: "Get it down for Sunflower!"

Sunset Red and Clown also looked at the back of Petal Rain.

Zhang Ye felt that today's Petal Rain seemed to be a different person, as if he had high morale, and a breath of air was held in his body, as if it was about to explode at any time!

Some have seen it!

Don't lose!

The audience still applauded.

"It's a rain of petals."

"She sings well."

"But the falsetto is good, how can the others compare with my Li Yu?"

"That's right, Li Yu is a quasi-singer in Hong Kong and Taiwan!"

"Yes, there are only a few singers in China who can compare with Li Yu, but those few people are unlikely to come to participate in "The King of Masked Singer"."

Zhang Ye found his parents' seats in the audience.

Dad looked serious.

The mother and several younger sisters were very excited and shouted something, but Zhang Ye was too far away to hear clearly.

The lights dimmed.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

However, not everyone learned to respect him. In the stands, several girls waved fluorescent boards in their hands and actually called Li Yu's name when Petal Shower came on stage!

"Brother Li Yu!"

"Come on Sunflower!"

"Li Yu, I love you!"

After saying that, they were still laughing.

Chief director Hu Fei’s face turned dark!

The band teachers had no choice but to stop and did not start.

Two people from the staff at the scene immediately ran over to warn them!

Li Yu's assistant in the audience smiled slightly and didn't think anything was wrong at all. Look, this is the popularity of Teacher Li Yu. In front of Teacher Li Yu, it is useless for anyone to come!

Zhang Xia frowned.

AMY kept shaking her head.

What quality is this? Their impression of Li Yu is even worse!

Spinach said angrily: "Isn't this making trouble?"

Yesterday's Yellow Flower: "It's all caused by Li Yu's Weibo!"

However, Zhang Ye discovered that the rain of petals was not affected at all. Standing in the middle of the stage, she gently closed her eyes and suddenly raised the microphone! When there was a little chaos in the audience, when the scene was not so quiet, no one expected that Petal Rain would sing a cappella at this time!

"Have you seen the rising sun?"

"It's warm and cozy."

"When one day you see someone singing in the morning sun."

"Yes, that might be me."

For a moment, the whole place was silent!

Zhang Xia was stunned!

AMY almost jumped!

Wang Zhui is so bookish!

The spinach, sunset red, yesterday's yellow flower and others below were also stunned!

The music starts!

Petal Rain sings:

"Have you ever seen the blue sky?"

"It's clear and real."

"One day you see someone laughing under the blue sky."

"Yeah, that might be me."

It’s the real sound!

Rain of Petals now uses real sounds!

At this time, even Himawari in the lounge changed his expression slightly!

This voice is really like a sharp sword. As soon as the first word comes out, it pierces the chest of the audience directly, one sword after another. The voice is so unique!

And it has power!

There is a power that almost all female singers do not have!

Zhang Xia has already guessed who she is!

With this kind of voice and this kind of singing style, there is no other female singer in the music world!

is her!

She's actually here!

The audience's hair stood on end and they were frightened. They all thought that Hua Petal Rain could only sing falsetto, and everyone thought that her falsetto was her biggest trump card. But when Hua Petal Rain's true voice suddenly came out, countless people They all felt an unexpected shock!

How can this be?

It turns out that her true voice is even better than her falsetto!

It turns out that Petal Rain was never serious!

It turns out that she had been "playing" all the time!

Even the few fans of Li Yu who made trouble just now were dumbfounded!

Petal Rain’s voice sang higher and higher:

"Have you seen the dark clouds?"

"It's murky, hazy."

"When one day you see someone roaring under the dark clouds."

"Yeah, that might be me."

The audience was stunned!

Zhang Ye's parents gasped!

Zhang Ye's three younger sisters also opened their mouths and forgot to speak!

So fierce!

This singing is invincible!

Zhang Ye also closed his eyes, and even goosebumps appeared on his arms!

Spinach and yesterday's yellow flowers are already confused!

On the stage, Hua Petal Rain's voice actually changed the tune again!

"Have you seen the sunset?"

"It's dim and about to disappear."

"When one day, someone makes his last cry in the sunset."

"Yeah, that might be me."

"No, that must be me!"

Suddenly, my voice rose again!





"Hey, ah!"

"Oh, ah!"




The cry of petal rain directly pushed this song to a climax!

Many spectators at the scene felt like they were sweating all over!

It’s so enjoyable!

So awesome!

At this moment, the scene broke out!

Countless people stood up!

Countless people screamed!

This song "That's Me", which is not very well-known in the music world, actually blossomed out of its soul under the performance of Petals Rain, and she sang it like a charm!

In today’s rain of petals, no one is her opponent!

This song, she is amazing! ! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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