I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1035 [Hire a female bodyguard! 】

Serve tea again.

Pour water again.

Yang Shu was busy for a while and looked at Zhang Ye eagerly.

Zhang Ye knew that his junior sister was the kind of person who was single-minded and relatively stupid. She would definitely do what she set out to do, and it would be useless for anyone to say anything. Thinking about it, her lifelong ideal is to promote Tai Chi. She has been living with him in the capital for so many days, but she can only do nothing at home every day. From time to time, she has to borrow money from Zhang Ye, which probably makes Yang Shu depressed. , she didn’t know how to use all the strength in her body, but suddenly someone recognized her. Neighbors in the street and even people from other surrounding communities came over to learn Tai Chi from her, and they were all taught by Teacher Yang and Master Yang. She must have found her value in this, and she also saw a way to promote Tai Chi to the whole country and even the world, so she was naturally very interested.


"Senior brother."

"you teach me."


Zhang Ye was about to speak.

At this time, Rao Aimin spoke and curled her lips and said: "It may not be useful if you beg him, he must be able to do it."

A method of provoking generals?


Do you think I'm going to do this?

Huh, okay, I really like this!

Zhang Ye stared, "Hey, who said I can't do it?"

Yang Shu's eyes lit up, "Senior brother, do you really understand?"

If others really don’t understand this, if a set of internal boxing is to be simplified into a boxing technique that ordinary people can learn, it will not only require a huge amount of time to design, but also require constant running-in and improvement. It is impossible to perfect it within three to five years. Yes, because this is not just a simple simplification. After simplification, it must also conform to the essence of Tai Chi and reflect the laws of Tai Chi, so it is particularly difficult. Sometimes, the deeper the Tai Chi skill, the more limited the martial artist will be. Because they are already at that height. It is also difficult to feel the scenery that ordinary people see.

But Zhang Ye is different. He comes from another world. On his earth, Tai Chi has long been simplified into countless versions, such as the forty-two forms of Tai Chi. Zhang Ye has seen all the twenty-four postures of Tai Chi. He even knew that the earliest twenty-four postures of Tai Chi was a simplified version based on Yang Style Tai Chi in 1956, and was promoted with the participation of the state.

In 1979, the Sports Commission took the lead and promoted a simplified version of Tai Chi based on Yang's Tai Chi and absorbing the essence of other Tai Chi. Most of the people on his earth used these methods.

Teach it.

There is nothing to hide in this one.

Zhang Ye stood up and said, "Watch it."

Yang Shu immediately opened her eyes wide.

Rao Aimin also narrowed her eyes with interest.

"This is the twenty-four postures of Tai Chi!" Zhang Ye said, already showing the starting posture!

The first type: starting position.

The second style: Parting the mane of the left and right wild horses.

The third style: White crane spreads its wings.

The fourth position: Hold your knees to the left and right and step forward.

One set of punches down. Moving clouds and flowing water!

Yang Shu was stunned!

Rao Aimin's eyes narrowed even more.

Just listen to Zhang Ye say: "Come again, this is the forty-two postures of Tai Chi!"

Get going!

Hold the sparrow's tail on your right!

Left single whip!


One set down. The last one to close.

Zhang Ye asked Yang Shu, "How many do you remember?"

Yang Shu immediately said: "I have written it all down!"

Zhang Ye was startled and sweated. Remember everything? Is it that exaggerated? He didn't believe it and said, "Then you try it again and let me see. I'll try both sets."

"Yes, senior brother!" After hearing this, Yang Shu immediately seemed to be a different person. His whole body suddenly became fierce, and he really hit him unchanged!

Zhang Ye was finally convinced.

This is talent, people have to die compared to others.

Yang Shu was very excited, "Senior brother, is it okay?"

Zhang Ye's eyebrows trembled a little, and he nodded: "Very good."

Suddenly, Rao Aimin looked at Yang Shu and said, "Are you interested in becoming my disciple? Turn to Baguazhang? Within half a year, I will ensure that you develop your dark power."

Yang Shu was stunned, "Huh?"

Zhang Ye was anxious, "Hey, hey, what do you mean, Lao Rao, robbing someone?"

Rao Aimin smiled and said: "Your junior sister is very talented and is very suitable for practicing Bagua Zhang. She has the foundation and high understanding. It is not a problem to switch to Bagua now."

Although Zhang Ye usually doesn't like this cheap junior sister, he is quite polite to talk to her when he has something to do, and he calls her in exchange for it, but the old man is blatantly trying to steal people from him, and Zhang Ye will not agree, "You Baguazhang There are so many people, there are only two of us in the Tai Chi lineage, why are you trying to rob me? Are you still a human being?" He immediately said to his junior sister: "Don't listen to her, you practice Tai Chi well and learn all kinds of breaking fists and breaking palms. It’s no use either.”

Rao Aimin looked at him and said, "Who do you think broke with fists and palms?"

Zhang Ye glared and said, "I will target anyone who steals people from me!"

The two almost came to blows.

Yang Shu hurriedly said: "Senior brother, Master Rao, please stop arguing. Master Rao, thank you for your kindness. Tai Chi is passed down from my family. I will definitely not learn any other martial arts."

Zhang Ye nodded his head, "That's right!"

Although Rao Aimin is an extremely poor person in the martial arts world, she is a great master. Besides, Rao Aimin has never accepted a single disciple except Chen Chen. When he heard that Rao Aimin was interested in Yang Shu, Zhang Ye was really afraid that his junior sister would be raped by others. After being abducted, it is rare for me to have a fellow junior sister, is it easy?

Rao Aimin said nothing more and turned around and left, "Whenever you want to learn Baguazhang, come to me at any time. By the way, come over for lunch."

Yang Shu said: "Thank you, Master Rao."

Zhang Ye asked: "What to eat for lunch?"

"It's none of your business!" Rao Aimin strolled away.

Zhang Ye: "..."


Zhang Ye taught Yang Shu several simplified versions of Tai Chi.

Yang Shu almost doesn't need to read it a second time, she can do it once.

Zhang Ye was very satisfied, and the more he looked at Yang Shu, the more he liked him, "That's probably it. You digest it first. I don't care how to teach it or which method to teach. You make your own decision."

Yang Shu immediately clasped her fists and said sincerely: "Thank you, senior brother!"

Zhang Ye said happily: "We are all from the same lineage, why are you so polite to me?"

Yang Shu solemnly nodded, "Okay, then I won't be polite to you." Then she looked at him and said calmly: "Brother, can you lend me some more money?"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "Gone again?"

Yang Shu said: "Yeah."

Zhang Ye said: "You don't charge money for teaching boxing?"

Yang Shu said: "They all like Tai Chi, and I am too embarrassed to collect money from them."

"Then why are you so embarrassed to ask for it from me?"

"Didn't you say you don't need to be polite?"

"Did I say that?"

"Well, that's what you just said."

"I forgot."

"Senior brother."

"Okay, okay, I'm really convinced. Here, take it."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Seeing her miserable look, Zhang Ye couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, he simply took out all the cash in his wallet, totaling more than ten thousand, "Okay, I'll give it all to you."

Yang Shu waved her hand, "It won't take that much."

Zhang Ye said: "I don't know when I'm coming over. Just take it and use it first. Remember it later. If you run out of money, just tell me. If you have anything, tell me."

Taking the money, Yang Shu nodded, "Senior brother, you are so kind."

Zhang Ye snorted and said: "Stop talking about that nonsense, it's useless. Find a job as soon as you have time. You have to be able to support yourself first before you can teach others to practice boxing."

Yang Shu said dejectedly: "I interviewed, but they didn't use me."

Zhang Ye asked curiously: "What profession are you interviewing for?"

"Bodyguard." Yang Shu said.

Zhang Ye was stunned and said: "Huh?"

Yang Shu said angrily: "They thought I was a woman and didn't even give me a chance to interview."

Zhang Ye was amused, "You are a master of martial arts, what kind of bodyguard are you interviewing for? Who hired you? The leaders of the country don't have this kind of treatment, right?" His junior sister may not have this awareness, but of course Zhang Ye You know, with Yang Shu's kung fu, she is one of the top ones in the entire martial arts world, and she also practices Tai Chi. She can even be said to be the most orthodox successor of Tai Chi in the world. How about acting as a bodyguard? How embarrassing!

Yang Shu said: "But I know kung fu, but I know nothing else." As she said that, she remembered something, blinked her eyes and asked, "Senior brother, do you have a bodyguard?"

Zhang Ye sweated: "What do you want to do?"

Yang Shu said excitedly: "I will be your bodyguard!"

Zhang Ye said speechlessly: "Am I protecting you or are you protecting me?"

Hearing this, Yang Shu's excitement disappeared, "That's right, your kung fu is much better than mine and you don't need anyone to protect you. Then I'll look for you and see who needs bodyguards."


You can't live without this?

Zhang Ye couldn't stand listening anymore, waved his hand and said: "Come on, you are a bodyguard for others? If you are not embarrassed, I would be embarrassed. How about this? You can be my bodyguard. What activities can I do when I go out?" When things happen, I’ll call you and just block the fans and reporters for me. As for salary, I’ll give you 50,000 yuan a month first, and it will increase later. By the way, can you drive? Have you ever learned how to drive?”

Yang Shu nodded immediately, "I can!"

Zhang Ye made a decision and said: "Okay, that's settled. From now on, you can drive for me and block people. Of course, I won't call you every day. You should do whatever you usually do. I don't need you under normal circumstances." Later, prepare a bank card and I will give you salary every month."

Yang Shu was very happy, "Okay senior brother!"

Celebrities of Zhang Ye's level usually have bodyguards and full-time drivers. Even if they don't hire anyone themselves, the agency will hire them.

Now, Zhang Ye has all the manpower available.

Is the agent a martial arts master?

The bodyguard and driver is a martial arts master?

With this configuration, looking at the entire entertainment industry, there is really no one else! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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