Holy shit!

Holy shit!

Holy shit!

When the clown opened his mouth, everyone was dumbfounded!

Shi Guang was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground!

AMY suddenly stood up!

Wang Zhuishu was stunned!

Hu Fei and Xiao Lu opened their mouths!

Rain of Petals and Sunset Red Spinach in the audience almost lost their feet!

The entire audience was stunned!

Minnan Language!

It’s Hokkien!

what happened?

What the fuck is going on?

How could a clown sing in Hokkien? Impossible! This, this is impossible! When did he learn Hokkien? He, he, who wrote the song for him! ?

The clown didn't even look at other people's reactions and expressions, and sang loudly in a particularly standard Hokkien dialect:

"Life is like waves on the sea."

“Sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down.”

"Good luck, bad luck."

"You have to do your job anyway."

"Destined in three days!"

“Seven points come from hard work!”

"You will win if you love to fight!"

Oh my God!

So cool!

This is so fucking awesome!

Those in the audience who knew Hokkien were as if they had seen a ghost. Shi Guang could sing in Hokkien. This was normal, because Shi Guang was Zhao Qiquan, and he was a professional Hokkien singer.

He has been singing Hokkien songs for more than ten years, but who is this clown? Who the hell is he? How is it possible that there are still people in China who can sing Hokkien songs like this? And whether it's voice, singing skills or technique, are they better than Zhao Qiquan, the first person to sing in Hokkien? This this……

And where did this song come from?

It's obviously my first time listening to it, but why is the melody so good? Are the lyrics so good?

The clown sang:

"When you lose your ambition for a while, you can't help but sigh."

"It's hard not to be frightened when you're down for a while."

"Natong lost hope."

"Drunk every day."

"Soulless and physical relatives are like scarecrows."



a hundred!

Many viewers stood up!

In particular, those audiences who spoke Hokkien had the greatest response. Many people had dumbfounded expressions on their faces while waving their light sticks crazily!

This song is great!

It sounds really good!

"Life is like waves on the sea."

“Sometimes it rises, sometimes it falls.”

"Good luck, bad luck."

"You have to do your job anyway."

Time's face turned green!

Not far away, Spinach burst out laughing when he saw Shi Shi's expression.

Sunset Hong next to her burst into laughter when she saw Spinach smiling like this, and looked at the clown on the stage. Let’s look at the time in the audience. She really liked this clown!

Chen Guang is convinced!

Zhang Xia is convinced!

Yao Jiancai was convinced!

The column team and everyone present were convinced!

They no longer know what language to use to evaluate the clown!

The clown pointed at the ceiling:

"Destined in three days!"


“Seven points come from hard work!”


"You will win if you love to fight!"

With the rhythm of the drums, the audience's emotions were ignited!

AMY said loudly: "How come he can speak Hokkien!"

Wang Zhui wrote: "Who knows!"

Chen Guang was delighted, "This guy really brings surprises time and time again, by the way. Who said just now that the clown will definitely lose this round?"

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "That's what you said."

Chen Guang coughed and said, "Did I? I didn't say anything."

Yao Jiancai laughed loudly, "Old Chen is starting to go back and make amends. Stop being so round!"

Chen Yidong said speechlessly: "Who thought he could sing a Hokkien song? Who thought he also had such an original Hokkien song! Wow, I'm convinced. Who is this person?"

Listen to the song. As they spoke, they couldn't help but subconsciously cast their eyes on Shi Shi off the court. Judging from the shocked expression in the eyes under the Time Mask, you can tell that even if he was beaten to death a hundred times, he would never have guessed that the clown would sing a Hokkien song today!

You really have to work hard to win!

Everyone thinks the clown is too innocent!

In the last issue, they felt sorry for Li Yu!

This issue. They feel sorry for Time!

Han Qi was so excited that he waved his hands and screamed below. Everyone thought the clown was going to lose, but who would have thought that someone would come up with such a song!

"Life is like waves on the sea."

“Sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down.”

"Good luck, bad luck."

"You have to do your job anyway."

"Destined in three days!"

“Seven points come from hard work!”

"You will win if you love to fight!"

Time has begun to curse my mother in my heart. He still doesn't want to believe that the clown really sang a song in Hokkien. This is not like Cantonese. There are many people singing it, and there are more good songs in Cantonese, so people who like to listen to Cantonese songs can sing it at least twice. sentence, maybe the pronunciation is quite standard. Time sings in Hokkien, which is a relatively small language, and there are not many particularly popular Hokkien songs in the world!

The hell can you sing this too?

You can even sing this?

I guess you are too versatile, right? ?

You did it on purpose!

On stage.

The clown finished singing.

The audience below also burst into shouts and applause!




Those who understand Hokkien shouted the loudest!

Looking at the time, his heart skipped a beat. He knew that he was probably going to lose today. The home field advantage he relied on for survival had now turned into the clown's advantage! He originally wanted to step on the clown and win the game, but unexpectedly, the clown slapped him directly with a loud slap! Shi Shi really regrets coming to this stage. He didn't gain much from his popularity. Now it seems that he has to lose all his original popularity and status!

Although there are wins and losses on this stage, even Petal Rain has lost, this is actually nothing. But Shi Shi's current situation is different. He was the one who provoked the clown first, and he was the one who forced the clown to fight him. As a result, he, a Hokkien flag-carrying singer, was slapped in the face by a foreigner singing a Hokkien song? What does this feel like? Just thinking about it makes me unable to look straight at it!

More than just face pain?

My eggs are so painful that they will break to pieces!

As I thought about it, my face turned red and green!

Zhang Ye walked off the stage briskly.

Thumbs up from Petal Shower!

Spinach raised his hands and gave a thumbs up!

Xiyang Hong also smiled bitterly, "It's bad luck when I meet you!"

Spinach chin Nunu said in another direction, "Teacher Zhao is almost crying! Teacher Clown, you are too cruel, really too cruel, hahahahaha!"

Today's game is so exciting!

Some people want to die, some want to laugh.

People looked at the clown with more confusion, and more people wanted to go up and take off his mask. Everyone wanted to know who the clown was!

Can you sing Mandarin songs?

Can you sing Cantonese songs?

Have you ever sung Northeastern dialect songs?

What now? You can even sing in fucking Hokkien! ?

Where did you learn this? Where did your songs come from? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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