around the stage.

It was all the sparse voices of the audience.

"It hasn't started yet?"

"Hurry, I can't wait."

"All good things come hard, haha, don't worry!"

"Already ten minutes? There are still five minutes to go, hurry up!"

"Looking forward to the duel between these two!"

"When it comes to real singing ability, Time is really not as good as Clown and Sunset Red. The showdown between the two of them to be the king of singers in this issue is really exciting!"

"My appetite has also been whetted!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"If we talk about the state, Sunset Red is unrivaled today!"

"The state doesn't mean anything. Do you still remember the first period of the competition? The clown was so sick and his voice was like that. How bad is his condition? But he still won the most important singer in the first period! The clown has always been the kind of person who doesn't play by the rules!"

"Not here yet?"

The audience was eager to try it.

The whole audience was waiting for Joker and Sunset Red to take the stage.

Petal Rain and Spinach stood in the audience and watched.

Spinach asked: "Sister Hua Petal Rain, who do you like?"

Hua Petal Rain smiled and said: "Today I am optimistic about Sunset Red, but I want to listen to the clown's song."

Spinach's eyes lit up, "Me too, I just want to hear what he sings this time."

Dong Shanshan looked at his watch and felt that the time was almost up, so he walked onto the stage in advance, communicated with several staff members, and talked about the precautions for a while.

Dong Shanshan: "The microphone will be given to the contestants in the waiting area in a moment."

Staff: “I understand, Teacher Shanshan.”

Dong Shanshan: "For those of you standing here, move to the right. Lens No. 3 is blocked here."




After the arrangement was completed, Dong Shanshan also stood there to take a rest. She suddenly thought of Hu Fei's words, and couldn't help showing a helpless smile. On the way here, it seemed that Xiao Lu and Da Fei were also preparing the next move for him. The two of them didn't mention Yue's "birthday" clearly, but they asked her insinuatingly what she liked. They probably wanted to prepare gifts, but Dong Shanshan was too embarrassed to tell them that her birthday was not next month.

She is today!

Today is her real birthday!

Not many people actually know about this!

Because she was born wrong, her parents were late in completing the formalities. In the end, the date of birth in her household registration book and ID card was a full month late. However, her information was exposed long ago, and her date of birth was also incorrect. It was posted all over the Internet. No one knew that her birthday was today. They all thought it was next month. In fact, in the past few years, Dong Shanshan didn’t want to explain anything. She was relatively free and easy in doing things. Since others thought she My birthday is that day, so be it. She herself was quite helpless.

The headphones rang.

"Attention all departments, attention at all departments, singers are ready."

"Ten seconds countdown."

Dong Shanshan straightened his suit and pushed Jin Bian's eyes.




In an instant, a bright smile appeared on Dong Shanshan's face, "Now it's time to enter the playoffs. We invite the clown!"

The audience screamed!


"Come on!"

"I love you!"

"Looking forward to it! So looking forward to it!"

"What are you singing? Cantonese or Hokkien?"

"Huh? Where's the band?"

The clown walked onto the stage slowly, as he always did.

Chen Guang first realized, "Where are the people in the band?"

AMY was stunned, "Yeah, why isn't there a band?"

Then, everyone was stunned to see that the clown who walked on stage walked towards the empty band and picked up an electric guitar among the instruments!

Spinach was surprised: "Guitar?"

Petal Rain also didn't expect: "He can also play guitar?"

Wang Zhui asked: "What does this mean?"

Yao Jiancai asked with interest: "Do you play and sing by yourself?"

Zhang Xia took a breath and said, "He is so courageous. He dares to play and sing by himself on such a stage?"

Singing without accompaniment, or using a guitar, is all possible on the street or in a bar, but on such a large stage with so many audiences around, this way of singing and playing is really too much. It’s an adventure, it’s not something ordinary people can control!

Dong Shanshan was also stunned for a moment, gave up the stage, walked down the stage and looked at the clown curiously.

The clown had already sat down, adjusted his posture while holding the guitar, moved his hand on the strings, and tried the sound.

All eyes are on him!

No one knows how or what he wants to sing.

Xiyang Hong also walked to the waiting area unknowingly and looked at the clown on the stage.

Zhang Ye moved his butt and smiled.

Today, he wanted to give this song to a person, a person who was very important to him, a person who he once liked very much and made him anxious.

I remember that the first time I met her was in an English class in college. Zhang Ye, who got into the University of Communication by throwing away his pen and doing multiple-choice English questions, could understand college English. What was strange about the class was that the teacher handed out a paper that day. He was suffering from a headache and was moaning worriedly in his seat. The girl sitting in front of him looked up at him and then smiled. Zhang Ye remembered that smile very clearly, and even now he can't forget that smile.

Very sweet.

Very beautiful.

Zhang Ye smiled.

The hand plucked the strings, and the melodious melody floated.

Chen Guang was stunned, "Folk ballad?"

AMY said, "Did you change it to a folk song this time?"

The next moment, they no longer cared about talking.

The clown sang softly:

"Miss Dong."

"You never forget your smile."

"Even if you are like me, you long for aging."

"Miss Dong."

"You look beautiful when the corners of your mouth turn down."

"Just like the clear water under the Anhe Bridge."

Dong Shanshan was suddenly stunned!

The guests and audience were suddenly stunned!

Miss Dong?

What Miss Dong?

AMY looked at Dong Shanshan subconsciously!

Countless viewers also subconsciously looked in the direction of Dong Shanshan!

The clown smiled and sang while playing:

"Miss Dong."

"I'm a complicated animal, too."

“I mentioned it with my mouth, but kept repeating it in my heart.”

"Miss Dong."

"Time flies at night in Drum Tower."

"Stranger, please give me a Lanzhou."

After the English class that day, the girl was very patient and explained to him one question after another. In fact, thinking about it now, Zhang Ye didn't even hear how the questions were answered at that time. He just focused on looking at the girl. Well, He responded um ah ah ah ah . But the girl took the trouble to tell him, comforting him that English was actually very simple. That was probably the most they had ever spoken to each other in their college careers. After their sophomore year, they actually didn't communicate much.

Zhang Ye knew that the two of them were not meant for each other.

One is in heaven.

One is underground.

But for some reason, these two people became best friends after graduation. She told him that she didn't want to get married, and she told him many stories. In the eyes of others, she is a person who loves to laugh and deceive, but the person you know is actually not true.

I know the real her.


Free and easy.

There are many stories about him.

Zhang Ye closed his eyes and sang:

"So those may not be true, Miss Dong."

"You are not a female classmate without a story."

"I met a wild horse, but there is no grassland in my home."

"This makes me despair, Miss Dong."

Many people had goosebumps!

I can't help but be transported back to that period of my youth by this song!

Chen Guang: "This"

Wang Zhui was stunned, "He, who is he singing for?"

Sunset Red and Petal Rain in the audience also looked at Dong Shanshan in shock!

Dong Shanshan was stunned, her eyes were red, and she stared at the young man singing on the stage without blinking. Her heart seemed to be filled with all kinds of images in an instant!

A picture appears in front of you!




Zhang Ye also felt a lot in his heart. He recalled that when they were still on campus, a group of them were chatting and laughing and playing around. He recalled the campus memories the girls recalled to him after graduation. The girls' expressions at that time were a little nostalgic, but also a little... Sad, or sad?

Zhang Ye played and sang:

"Miss Dong."

"You close it and talk about the past."

"You said this is how it will be for the first half of your life. There is still tomorrow."

"Miss Dong."

"You know I've said enough goodbye."

"On a May morning, sleep was finally lost."

"So those may not be true, Miss Dong."

"You are not a female classmate without a story."

Dong Shanshan’s tears started to fall without knowing when!

Is this a song for me?


Do you know me?

Clown a cappella:

"I met a wild horse, but there is no grassland in my home."

"This makes me despair, Miss Dong."

"So those may all be true, Miss Dong."

"Who would take the trouble to comfort that ignorant young man!"

"I want to be like you, regardless of those reasons."

"Get excited."

"Miss Dong."

The sound of the guitar suddenly stopped.

The clown's hand stopped.

He suddenly looked in the direction of Dong Shanshan and sang:

"Happy birthday."

"Miss Dong."

The guitar sounds again.

The melody and singing echoed throughout the entire venue!

After hearing the last sentence, many people suddenly realized it!

Hu Fei smiled and said, "So it's not a song for Teacher Shanshan."

Xiao Lu wiped his sweat, "Yeah, I was shocked too. I thought the clown and Teacher Shanshan knew each other!"

Some people in the audience also exhaled.

“Is Dong Shanshan’s birthday next month?”

"Yes, next month!"

"That's not a song for her!"

"I'm just telling you, it scared me!"

However, hearing the last line of the clown's song, Dong Shanshan had a different reaction than everyone else. At this moment, Dong Shanshan was simply a little creepy. She froze there with a look of shock on her face, she was dumbfounded! No one knows, not many people know her real date of birth! At this moment, Dong Shanshan can almost conclude that the clown must know him!

Happy birthday?

Why do you know!

Why do you know today is my birthday! ?

Who are you?


who the hell are you! ?

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