on site.

Time singing ends.

The audience applauded enthusiastically, but the private discussion did not seem to be as enthusiastic as it appeared on the surface.

"sounds so good."

"Yeah, sounds good."

"But I always feel like there's something missing!"

"It's all about children's songs today!"

"Well, I have listened to three songs, one by the replacement singer, one by Sunset Red, and one by Time. By the way, the song by another replacement singer also has a children's song lyrics added at the end, but The melody was adapted by him, which is a little bit new, but it sounds good, and I can’t bear to listen to it so much. The positive energy is good, but this is too much of your mother’s positive energy, isn’t it?”

"What can I do? Several singers have been named!"

"Not only "The Masked Singer", but other singing programs as well."

"Hey, isn't there a singer with guts to step forward?"

"Who will stand up? Shoot the first bird!"

"Do you think everyone is like Zhang Ye?"

"Speaking of Teacher Zhang, I miss him so much. If Teacher Zhang were on the stage, it would be wonderful. He doesn't care about the cultural department or the TV association!"

"Haha, yes, Zhang Ye has this temper!"

"That's not wrong. Sometimes I always scold Zhang Ye, but if I haven't seen him for a few days, I really feel like something is missing. Do you think this is an illness?"

"What a pity, there is no Zhang Ye on this stage."

"Teacher Zhang has been completely banned. I don't know when he will be able to return to the world."

"Oh, the entertainment industry without Zhang Ye is really boring!"

"It's time for the clown!"

"The last one!"

"Let's see what he sings."

Dong Shanshan's voice sounded,

"We invite the last singer - the clown."

The audience applauded, and everyone still had great expectations for the clown.

The clown takes the stage.

The title of the song was also displayed on the teleprompter at this time.

--"I am a little bird"?

The audience was speechless at first sight.

"Depend on."

"Another children's song?"

"Little bird? It must be a children's song!"

"I'm tired of hearing this!"

"Can you stop singing children's songs? Please!"

"These people from the Television Association. Isn't this just messing up! How can a singing program be forced into such a bad state? The same goes for these singers. Not a single one of them has any backbone?"

"Really boring!"

"Yes. No one dares to come out and shout?"

"This is actually not bad. You haven't seen the other singing competitions, which are all red songs."

"Alas, I still miss Zhang Ye and refuse to cross Jiangdong!"


The singers who had finished singing were sitting in the tea room.

When I first came back, I glanced at the TV and said nothing.

The newly replaced singer said, "Is clown also a children's song?"

"Am I a little bird?" Xiyang Hong blinked.

Hua Petal Rain said with a bit of emotion: "If you don't sing children's songs, what's the point? This is the safest choice!"

Another fill-in singer sighed: "Now is the time. It's best for us to be careful."

On stage.

Several guests also looked at each other.

Another children's song?


Chen Guang smiled bitterly.

Zhang Xia and AMY had expressionless faces.

Today's episode, even they found it boring.

The lights dimmed.

Music starts.

Some audience members became distracted for a moment after seeing the title of the song.

Suddenly, without warning, the clown's voice started singing. As soon as this singing came out. Many people froze there at that time and were caught off guard!

"Sometimes I feel like a little bird."

"Want to fly."

"But I can't fly high no matter what."

Everyone was stunned!

Not a children's song!

Damn it!

This is not a children's song!

It's fucking rock 'n' roll!

Petal Rain's eyes changed in the tea room!

Shi Guang also widened his eyes in surprise!

This song...

This lyrics...

The audience suddenly became energetic!

There was despair and gloom in the clown's eyes:

"Maybe one day I will perch on a branch."

"But he became the target of hunters."

"I flew into the blue sky to find myself, and I have been helpless since then."

What do you want when you are transported to Huagai?

Before he dared to turn over, he had already met his head.

Wearing a broken hat to hide one's face in the bustling city.

The leaky boat carried wine and flooded the water.

He is really annoyed!

Really disappointed!

The clown's voice trembled slightly: "Every time it's late at night, I always can't sleep."

He pointed to his chest and poked it hard, "I wonder if I'm the only one who won't get better tomorrow."

"What does the future hold?"

"Who on earth would know."

"Is happiness just a legend?"

"I'll never find it."

Chen Guang gritted his teeth when he heard this!

Yao Jiancai was shocked!

AMY was also deeply shocked by the clown's lyrics. He didn't even notice the image of himself opening his mouth very ungracefully, and just listened stupidly!

The clown suddenly said loudly:

"I'm a little little bird!"

"I want to fly and fly! But I can't fly high!"

"I'm looking for, looking for, looking for, a warm embrace!"

"Is this too high a request?"

Countless spectators stood up suddenly!


"Oh my God!"

"Joker! Joker!"

The audience was extremely excited!

In the tea room, several singers were also shocked!

Shi Guang said: "He really dares to sing?"

Even a fool can tell that, except for the fact that the title of the song sounds like a children's song, the rest of the content has nothing to do with the children's song!

The clown closed his eyes:

"Everyone who knows my name, are you okay?"

"The world is such a small place."

"We are destined to have nowhere to go."

"When I taste all the warmth and coldness of human kindness."

"When you decide to burn for your ideals."

"Which is more important, the pressure of life or the dignity of life?"

For me, dignity is more important!

To me, it is even more important than life!

But I tried my best!

I really tried my best!

My requirements are not high, I just want to work safely and find a place that suits me and accepts me. But why not? Why do I have nowhere to go now?

Is it really difficult?

Is this requirement really difficult?

Han Qi cried when she heard the clown's song. It was as if the clown's song had some kind of magic. Tears flowed out of her eyes for some reason. She didn't know who the clown was or what happened to him, but she knew that it must be a man. A sad, angry and desolate story!

Clown teacher.

Who are you?

How many things have you gone through to be able to sing such a song!

The clown's voice suddenly rose:


Or shout?

Or are you asking questions to the world?

"I'm a little little bird!"

"I want to fly and fly!"

"But it can't fly high!"

"I'm searching for you! I'm searching for it! A warm embrace!"

"Is this too high a request?"

The clown smiled self-deprecatingly, and his singing voice suddenly dropped again. With his disappointment in this industry and his questioning of the world, he sang: "Is such a request considered too high?" (To be continued.) Enabled New URL

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