I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,078 [The Chief Singer is Born! 】

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The Joker walked back to the front seating area.

AMY was quick to talk and said in a hurry when she came up: "Teacher, who are you? Can you please stop teasing us? I beg you, please tell me! I am almost dying of curiosity!"

Xiaodong stared at the clown.

So did Li Xiaoxian and the others.

The last song has been sung, but the clown still hasn’t revealed his face. Many people are too curious and are worried about the clown. It hasn’t been long. This is already the last song in the battle for the top singer. It’s already It’s the final sprint, why don’t you reveal it yet? What are you waiting for? It would be too late to wait until the results are announced before revealing the face! If you reveal your face now, you can get more votes!

Time looked at the clown nervously.

The same goes for King Weibo, who kept making small movements with his hands and tapping his thighs. It was obvious that his heart was not so peaceful.

Of course they don't want the Joker to be revealed!

This song actually shocked them both. Although they were scolded in the lyrics, they were still shocked!

Wang Zhui wrote: "Who are you?"

The clown remained silent.

He has promised spinach!

There is no way out if you keep singing down to earth?

Zhang Ye wanted to tell her that this road was not a dead end or a dead end!

So he is very persistent!


"Great God?"

"Speak to you?"

The clown smiled and shook his head silently.

AMY screamed and tried to persuade her.

Li Xiaoxian pulled her back and said, "Stop talking."

After listening to the song "Exaggerated", they already knew the character of the clown teacher. What he decided would definitely not be changed. Li Xiaoxian knew that before the result came out,

The clown will definitely not reveal his face, there is no reason, no reason, she just knows it.

Dong Shanshan's figure appeared on the stage.

Dong Shanshan checked the time, "The last song has ended. There are still three minutes until the final voting deadline. The voting window will close in three minutes!"

In the audience.

Mom quickly said: "I'll vote too, Mengmeng, how do you vote? Get it for me quickly!"

The third sister took her cell phone and said, "Who are you voting for?"

Mom said: "It must be a clown! No need to ask, this young man sings so well! My parents are here today too, right in the audience. What if my parents see their son singing so well?" Last place? How heartbreaking this is! Hurry up!"

Dad nodded heavily, "You're right, Mengmeng, I'll give you my phone too."

The third sister immediately started to operate, "Okay, I'll vote for you two!"

The second sister said loudly: "I gave it to the clown too, is it still too late? Is it too late?"

The eldest sister clapped her legs and said: "The difference in the number of votes was too big before! If the difference was only a few hundred thousand votes, I would definitely be able to catch up. But before, there was a difference of two to three million votes! How can we catch up?"

The second sister slapped her forehead and said, "It's over, it's over, my idol can't win the overall singing title!"

At the scene, many viewers were anxious and busy voting!

There are less than three minutes left!

Just listen to Dong Shanshan say: "Okay, let's take a look at the latest vote statistics. Please ask the staff to cut the big screen, thank you."

This is so tempting!

Hearing this, everyone suddenly raised their heads!

Zhang Yuanqi squinted at the screen!

Zhang Xia opens her eyes wide!

Chen Guang and Fan Wenli never blinked!

All eyes are in focus!

The audience in front of the TV couldn’t take their eyes away!

Li Xiaoxian clenched her fists!

Liao Yiqi (Spinach) backstage took a deep breath, his hands trembling nervously!

The Joker's contact person, Han Qi, had closed her eyes and did not dare to look. She faced the big screen with her hands clasped together and kept mumbling something that even the staff nearby could not understand, as if she was praying!

Only King Qi Pa and Shi Shi relaxed a little. When they heard that the clown would not reveal his face, they were completely relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he did not reveal his face, even if Zhang Yuanqi's identity was exposed, in their view Come on, there is no hope for the clown today. The main reason is that Zhang Yuanqi's mask fell off too late. It was already the last few minutes of the last song. Even the queen can't help the clown!

The first place in Time should be very stable!

The top three of the weird king are also done!

Xiao Lu said: "What a pity."

Da Fei sighed, "It's a little late, if it were earlier... ugh!"

Brother Hou: "He is really capable of winning the championship, but it's a bit late!"

Then, the number of votes was displayed on the screen!

When seeing the result of the votes, for a moment, the whole place suddenly fell silent!


Time, 4.01 million votes!


Joker, 3.56 million votes!


Rain of Petals, 3.21 million votes!

AMY was dumbfounded!

Fan Wenli and Chen Guang looked at each other in shock!

Zhang Yuanqi smiled!

Xiaodong shouted at the top of his lungs, "Oh my God!"

The entire audience suddenly became excited!

Many people jumped up in surprise!

Mom and Dad were so excited!

Zhang Ye's three younger sisters looked shocked!

Zhang Xia, Yao Jiancai and others also looked at the screen in disbelief!

"Catching up!"

"The clown is catching up with me!"

"He has caught up from one million votes!"

"Three times?"


"is this real?"

"There are still more than 400,000 votes left! There are still more than 400,000 votes left!"

"Oh my God!"

"Crazy! They're all fucking crazy!"

Shi Guang was so frightened that he almost fell off his chair!

How can it be!

How can it be!

How could he catch up?

There's no reason for him to catch up! !

Jiang Hanwei was stunned!

The King of Wonders and his guest singers were also stunned!

This, this is impossible!

One and a half minutes left!

The number of votes for Time has stopped moving, almost staying at 4.01 million votes, while the number of votes for Joker is still soaring at an incredible speed!

3.6 million!

3.7 million!

3.8 million!

Dong Shanshan was also stunned there!

No one could have imagined that the clown would actually catch up!

No one could have imagined that a clown would actually be able to do something that even a deity might not be able to do!

Forty seconds left!

Thirty-nine seconds left!

Everyone stands up!

Many people can't stand this stimulation, and their hearts almost beat out of their chest!

Countless viewers in front of the TV also screamed, they were witnessing a miracle with their own eyes!

3.85 million!

3.9 million!

3.95 million!

There are only the last ten seconds!

The spinach in the background has already rushed to the scene uncontrollably!

Han Qi looked at the vote count on the screen, tears falling uncontrollably!

Hu Fei looked at the screen stupidly!

Everyone looked at the screen blankly!

3.98 million!

Five seconds left!

Four seconds left!

3.99 million!


4.01 million!

4.02 million!

At this moment, the voting ends!

Looking at the final voting results, the crowd was stunned and suddenly roared!



"I really won!"

"The singer is a clown!"


"King of Singers!"

"King of Singers!"

"King of Singers!"

"King of Singers!"

"King of Singers!"

The whole audience shouted!

The ceiling is about to be knocked down! (To be continued.):

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