I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1089 [Sing 3 songs in a row! 】

"Director Zhang!"

"What are you doing?"

"I really can't sing anymore!"

"It's raining too much, how can I sing this?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Teacher Zhang, you don't really want to..."

Many people backstage hurriedly came up to persuade him.

When they saw Zhang Ye grabbing an acoustic guitar that was lying there, the program staff and singer guests all showed incredulous expressions. They knew that Zhang Ye was really going to play. On such a windy day, On such a rainy day, he really wants to go on stage and sing!

What are you planning?

Why are you?

Zhang Ye didn't say anything. He walked onto the stage and raised the microphone. In just a few movements, he was completely soaked from head to toe. At this time, the acoustic guitar was playing in his hand!

In the wind and rain, Zhang Ye's voice echoed through the sky!

His first lyric made the whole audience stunned!

What am I picturing?

I don’t picture anything!

He sang:

"In my heart, there was once a dream."

"I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain."

"Who is the real hero in the bright starry sky?"

"Ordinary people move me the most."

The audience was stunned!

Everyone was stunned!

Then the next moment, the shouts exploded!


Zhang Ye sang!

He didn't leave!

He really came out!

Zhang Ye sang while playing:

"No more hatred,

There is no more pain. "

"I hope there is love everywhere in the world."

"Use our songs to give you a sincere smile."

"May your life be different from now on."

"Seize every minute of your life!"

"Go all out for the dream in our hearts!"

"How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain!"

"No one can succeed casually!"

"Grasp every touch in life!"

"Enthusiasm with my beloved friends! Hug!"

"Let heartfelt words, and happy tears!"

"Flowing in your and my heart!"

The Miracle Wheels guys were stunned!

They swore they had never heard the clown sing this song during rehearsals. When did you write it? Just open your mouth? Can you sing just by opening your mouth?

Han Qi shouted: "Great! Great!"

Hu Fei suddenly grabbed Brother Hou, "Camera! Is the camera on?"

Brother Hou glanced at the cameras under the stage and said, "It's on! Two machines are on!"

Hu Fei said loudly: "Open them all! All!"

Brother Hou said: "All?"

Hu Fei shouted: "Go quickly!"

Brother Hou immediately said: "Okay!"

After one song, there was thunderous applause!

It's obviously a rainy day!

Obviously the rain falling on the ground makes a lot of noise!

Obviously, the acoustic guitar played by Zhang Ye couldn't make much sound in an open-air venue like this!

But the applause was too big! It was almost twice as loud as when many singers sang before it rained! Because the audience was very moved, because there was actually someone who could stand in the wind and rain and sing to them in such windy and rainy weather! In their view, celebrities are very valuable, especially first-line stars like Zhang Ye, who are even more valuable. There will be bodyguards gathering wherever they go, and there will be someone to protect them wherever they go!

But Zhang Ye is not!

He was literally singing to them!

He was really singing to them sincerely!

Even if the heavy rain had already drenched him!

Wu Zeqing smiled happily.

My mother was also excited, "This is my son! This is my son!"

Wu Zeqing said: "Your son is born with a kind of charm. In the eyes of many people, it is strange to like a star with this kind of temperament, but in my opinion, it is really strange for people who don't like him."

Zhang Xia smiled bitterly, "It sounds so good!"

Chen Guang's blood boiled with excitement!

The audience shouted:

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

Brilliant starry sky.

Who is the real hero?

Today, you are a hero!

At least today, you are a hero in the eyes of all of us!

The next moment, the guitar melody changed!

Zhang Ye didn't rest for a minute and sang:

“How strong the black coffee tastes.”

"I just want the ease of a soda."

"A daydream on a hot day."

"I dreamed that I turned into a rainbow."

"I had the urge to run."

"With you, I am calm even when I fall."

“Fearlessly pursue your dreams.”

"Sweat writes this honor."

"The characters in the movie will be different too."

"Every little person also has a little dream."

"The big screen cannot reflect the undercurrent of reality."

"I just want to hold hands with you in the rain! Wait! Color! Rainbow!"

in the rain?

Waiting for a rainbow? ?

The audience burst into cheers!

Zhang Ye pointed to the audience, pointed to the cute little girl who had just come on stage to hold an umbrella for him, pointed at everyone and sang:

"You said I was your superhero!"

"Occasionally, I'll also be your punching bag!"

"I accept this honor willingly!"

"Be the firefly beside you!"

"Eh, oh, eh!"

"If I were your superhero!"

"Sing this love-song for you right now!"

"A little tacit understanding makes love turn!"

"Be your proudest hero!"

The audience shouted:

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

The second song!

No, that's not right!

If you include the "Boundless Sea and Sky" he just sang before, this is the third song he has sung in a row, and it was in the heavy rain, and he didn't even take a breath!

Several Zhang Ye fans cried in distress!

"Take a break!"

"Teacher Zhang, take a rest!"

"It's raining too much!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

Many people shouted!

Hu Fei also said anxiously: "Hurry up and tell Zhang Ye to take a rest. Don't let anything happen to you!"

Rainy days consume too much physical energy, not to mention singing so desperately. Even Iron Man can't stand it. During the first episode of "The Masked Singer", Zhang Ye almost collapsed due to high fever and "cold". , which scared everyone in their column group at that time!

But the next second!

The melody of the guitar in Zhang Ye's hand has changed. While playing, he even jumped up!

one time!


Three times!

Play faster and faster!

The melody gets faster and faster!

Suddenly, Zhang Ye shouted with a high pitch that is difficult for normal singers to achieve:

“Not tired at all!”

"I've been dancing for three days and three nights!"

"I'll get drunk even if I drink soda in my current mood!"


Hu Fei was stunned!

Spinach stayed!

All the audience were stunned, and then suddenly became HIGH!

Many people were moved by the rhythm of this music and screamed and jumped together!

Zhang Ye then laughed while playing:

“I won’t be tired at all!”

"I will dance for three more days and three nights!"

"My mood is so light now that I feel like I can fly!"

At this time, the drummer of Miracle Wheel suddenly rushed onto the stage, sat down, and a drum beat suddenly hit!

The guitarist of Miracle Wheel also laughed. His electric guitar was useless, so he also grabbed an acoustic guitar and jumped on it!

Zhang Ye sang:

"Join me!"

"Jump from day to night!"

"Happiness will not suffer!"

"No one can refuse!"

The whole audience was excited!

"Three days and three nights in the middle of the night, don't stop dancing!" "Three days and three nights in the middle of the night, floating only rely on music!" "Three days and three nights in the middle of the night, only sweat is left on your body!" "Three days and three nights in the middle of the night, all you need is music!" In the middle of the night, Ba-Ba-Ba! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba!" Zhang Ye shouted! The sound of the door is louder than the other! "I won't be tired at all!" "I won't be tired at all!!" "I won't be tired at all!!!" "Real Hero"! "Super hero"! "Three days and nights"! Singing three songs in a row, Zhang Ye shocked the audience! Mobile users please visit the mobile website

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