the next day.

Saturday, night.

The ultimate concert of "The King of Masked Singer" is broadcast!

Audiences who did not have the opportunity to go to the scene stayed in front of the TV early and turned on Beijing Satellite TV early, looking forward to it with anticipation and nervousness. They are looking forward to it because they really want to hear Zhang Ye, Fan Wenli, Li Xiaoxian and others singing, especially this kind of live concert, especially the final song of "The King of Masked Singer". Some singers were not revealed until the finals last week. , only to find out the identity of the singer, and everyone is still not satisfied with it. I was nervous because everyone knew that it rained heavily in Beijing last night, and the concert was in the open air!

How to sing?

How to record?

Will it end halfway?

The program airs.

Singers appeared one after another.

When the concert was more than halfway through, as expected, I could see raindrops falling on the TV screen, and the wind was also very strong!

Dong Shanshan was on stage and announced that the recording ended early.

"Knew it!"

"Why don't you record it?"

"Ah, is that the end?"

"No way?"

"I haven't heard enough!"

"How could this happen? Is it really over?"

"You've been looking forward to it for a week, and you only sang so many songs?"

"I can't help it, it's raining too much."

"Yes, you all have to understand, don't blame them."

However, just when everyone was talking about it, just when many people were about to change the channel or turn off the TV, the song suddenly came from the screen, making everyone stunned!

"true hero"

"In my heart, I once had a dream.


"I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain."

"Super hero"

"You said I was your superhero!"

“Occasionally, I’ll also be your punching bag!”

"Three days and nights"

“Not tired at all!”

"I've been here for three days and three nights!"

Lao Zhang's family.

Today, Ning Lan and Fang Weihong are guests.

Watching Zhang Ye playing and singing in the rain on TV, they were also stunned!

Fang Weihong lost her voice and said, "This sounds so good!"

Ning Lan was also shocked: "He wrote all these songs?"

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said: "Ninglan, your position on the popularity rating list is probably in danger this year."

"Huh?" Ning Lan blinked and said, "Zhang Ye won't be so unfaithful, right? I'm pretty popular this year. I've been in seven movies and am already ranked second in the top tier. Zhang Er's popularity rating hasn't been released yet. The system It’s still being repaired. Even if all the songs today are included, he won’t suddenly go from the last two A-list stars to the top few A-list stars, right? No one seems to have been able to do it before!”

Fang Weihong was also very optimistic about Zhang Ye and said, "It didn't happen before, but it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Common sense cannot apply to Zhang Ye!"

Peking University.

Summer vacation has arrived, but many students have not gone home. It's not that they can't buy tickets, but many people want to stay and watch "The Masked Singer"!

At this moment, many dormitories have exploded!

Countless students screamed one after another!

“It’s so high!”


"Professor Zhang is so handsome!"

"My blood is boiling!"

"Me too, I feel so happy to hear it!"

"It's so fun! It's so fucking fun!"

When the last song came out, viewers watching Beijing TV from all over the country reached a crazy emotional high!

"Thank u."

"Stay with me through thick and thin."

"Thank God."

"You can understand my heart."

"Please dance for me again with your hands!"

"Let me know where you are!"

Zhang Ye’s fans have skyrocketed!

The most intuitive thing is that the number of fans on Weibo has reached an astonishing 25 million people. In the past few days since Zhang Ye was unveiled in the finals of "The Masked Singer", his Weibo fans every day are almost They are all rising one million by one million, which is extremely unbelievable!

"Zhang Ye, you are great!"

"Teacher Zhang, we should thank you for sharing weal and woe with us! You understand our hearts!"

"As long as you are here, our hands will always dance for you!"

"Yes, forever!"

"It's so shocking!"

"Why wasn't I there that day?"


Zhang Ye was on the phone with Hu Fei.

Zhang Ye was stunned and said: "Why is it broadcast?"

Hu Fei smiled and said: "How could such a shocking scene not be broadcast?"

Zhang Ye sweated and said, "Didn't you say you won't record it?"

"That's what I said before, but as soon as you opened your mouth, I asked the staff to turn on all the camera positions." Hu Fei laughed and said, "It would be a pity if this section was cut off."

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly, "The accompaniment is not clear either. The rain was too loud and affected the microphone. These songs are very mediocre and not the version I am most satisfied with."

Hu Fei said: "Look at the scene at that time. So many people were moved, and you still say it's ordinary? I think it's very good, and everyone else thinks it's very good too. I promise, even if you record in the studio , I can’t find such a good live effect. The soundtrack can be better and the sound of rain can be eliminated, but the atmosphere and shock can’t be replicated again, so this is the best version!”

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, you are the chief director, you have the final say."

That night.


There was a commotion on Weibo.

"Right away!"

"Has the latest popularity rating been released?"


"I wonder if there is Zhang Ye after today's refresh."

"It hasn't been repaired yet? Didn't you say it would be out within this week?"

"Yeah, it's already Saturday, why don't you go out?"

"How much has Zhang Ye's popularity increased?"

Many fans of Zhang Ye are standing in front of the computer, constantly updating the rating list. They want to know now where Zhang Ye ranks!

There are more than just fans of Zhang Ye.

There are also netizens from all over.

There are also people in the entertainment industry.

Everyone was so curious, because Zhang Ye's performance on "The King of Masked Singer" this time was so amazing. In addition, this program has set another ratings myth. The ratings of the finals live broadcast have been calculated. , the national viewership rating was 3.89%, which broke the record. In addition to the total number of clicks in the billions on the entire network, it can be said that most people have watched this program. In addition to this concert, everyone is curious about Zhang Ye. How popular has it become!

It's five minutes past midnight.

The list was suddenly refreshed!

There were a lot of exclamations!


"The new list is out!"


"We have Zhang Ye!"

"The list has been repaired!"

"Holy shit, look!"

On the latest popularity rating list, Zhang Ye's ranking has disappeared to the bottom two among A-list stars!

More than one person!

More than five people!

More than ten people!

Jiang Hanwei.

Huo Dongfang.

Zhang Ye jumped over them all!

At this moment, Zhang Ye's name suddenly appeared in the third position among the first-tier stars. There were only two people left in front of him, one was the first-ranked superstar, and the other was Ning Lan, who was second in the first-tier rankings!

Top notch!

Zhang Ye reached the top level overnight!

We are getting closer and closer to the kings and queens who are ahead of us!

No one has ever soared in popularity at once. You know, at the level of first-tier stars, there is a huge difference in popularity between two adjacent first-tier stars. Someone may rise from a fifth-tier artist overnight. When it comes to third-tier artists, the popularity value between them may not be as big as the difference between the last and third-to-last first-tier stars! At the frontline level, every step is too difficult! If you want to surpass the ranking of the person in front of you, you need a huge support and leap in popularity, so the ranking of the first-tier list has not changed on a large scale for many years before Zhang Ye appeared!

But the wolf is coming!

This night, Zhang Ye advanced a dozen places in the rankings!

Netizens were shocked.

"Oh my God!"

"Third? Third in the first line?"

"Zhang Ye has entered the ranks of superstars?"

"Oh my God, it's too fast! It's too damn fast!"

"I'm going! Zhang Ye is going to defy heaven!"

"There is also a huge gap between first-tier stars and first-tier stars, and they are completely different. People who are lower in the first-tier star rankings can at best be called big names, big names. Only the top three artists among first-tier stars, You have to be called a superstar! Teacher Zhang arrived overnight? I’m dizzy!"

"It's so scary!"

"Teacher Zhang has become a superstar!"

"How long has it been since he reached the top? Is he almost at the top?"


The industry is also exclaiming at this moment!

They thought that Zhang Ye's popularity might increase tremendously this time, possibly by an unprecedented surge, but they didn't expect that he would actually increase so much!

First line third?

Domestic superstar?

This is incredible!

The superstar level of the Republic unexpectedly welcomed a host who "doesn't do his job properly"! ? Mobile users please visit the mobile website

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