I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1101 [Wu Changhe calls for someone! 】

Four thousand people.

Five thousand people.

Six thousand people.

The number of spectators in the room continued to soar.

After many people shouted in the public area, countless people came to watch the game!


"Did Chang He Jiuduan really lose? Did he admit defeat in the middle of the game?"

"It was a fluke, right?"

"Which professional player is this?"

"I do not know!"

"YE's way of playing chess is a bit strange. Are professional chess players from Japan and South Korea provoking him? I have never seen any professional chess players in China playing chess like his style!"

"Let's watch another set."

"They can't stand it anymore?"

Wu Changhe often plays chess online, and often plays against some domestic and even foreign professional players. Chess friends have never seen Changhe Jiuduan lose. Even when Changhe Jiuduan was at its peak twenty years ago, he could not For those who have never lost, there are too many things that affect the outcome of a game of Go. Strength, state, luck, and even the air and temperature in the court may determine the outcome of a game. However, few people have seen Changhe Jiudan. Such a tragic loss!

In the game room.

Wu Changhe spoke, "Come again!"

YE: "Okay."


Wu Changhe's angry voice sounded, "I still don't believe it!"

Li Qinqin entered the room, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Wu Changhe snorted.

Li Qinqin knew that his wife must have lost the chess game, so she sat next to him curiously and stared at the computer screen, "YE? Which teacher is this?"

The second set begins.

This time, Wu Changhe played first with the black piece.

"Let's go!" Wu Changhe said,

He also said to himself: "I'll have a good time with you this time!"

The opponent makes a move.

Wu Changhe followed.

Li Qinqin could also see that his wife was really serious and thought about every move for a long time. But after seeing the opponent's move called YE, Li Qinqin's expression also changed slightly. First of all, the opponent made the move very quickly, almost without thinking. Secondly, the opponent's chess move seemed a bit strange, although most of the moves They are all traditional moves, but some of the moves are really weird. But what's even more strange is that YE's moves are not considered the best moves in the eyes of many people, but they actually show another scene on the chessboard that no one expected!

Who is this?

Li Qinqin was surprised!

Wu Changhe's face turned darker and darker as he lowered his head!

Finally, when YE made a very ordinary "point", Wu Changhe finally recognized him, and Li Qinqin looked stunned!

This move is so familiar!

Others don’t know it, but they are so familiar!

This "point" is not so beautifully made, it can't even be considered satisfactory. From the layout point of view, from the perspective of the small game within the range, this is not the best move. However, just yesterday, Wu Changhe and Li Qinqin I just met a person who made the same move, and relying on the foundation laid by this "point", he directly reversed the situation and killed Wu Changhe!

Li Qinqin breathed in and said, "It's Xiao Zhang!"

Wu Changhe cursed angrily: "This little bastard! It turns out it's him!"

Finally found someone!

Finally we know who it is!

In the entire Go world, no one knows how to play chess like this except him!

Li Qinqin couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't you want to go with me? Don't you want me to come to your house? Look, they've come to you, right? This Xiao Zhang's temper is really interesting." As she said that, Li Qinqin couldn't help laughing. The more she laughed, the more she couldn't stop laughing. It was the first time she had seen and heard that the prospective son-in-law who came to visit her for the first time could actually get into such a fight with her future father-in-law. This little Zhang is indeed as rumored, he is really not an ordinary person!

Wu Changhe shouted: "I will fight with him!"


He pushed it up in one fell swoop!

PE lands another piece without saltiness!

Wu Changhe said angrily: "This trick again? This trick again? Shameless! So shameless!"

He can only take one step up!

As a result, PE fought back!

When Wu Changhe saw it, he almost went crazy, "This little bastard is so insidious!"

The room was filled with the sound of Wu Changhe cursing his mother!



"you dare!"

Half an hour later, the winner was decided.

After posting the results, YE also beat Wu Changhe by more than seven eyes!

At this time, the crowd watching the game was in a panic!

"I'm going!"

"Which great god is this YE!"

"Isn't this awesome?"

"It's just complete torture, okay?"

"Where did this ruthless person come from?"

"YE's moves are so classic!"

Suddenly, the public area of ​​the online Go platform was flooded with screen views!

"Come on!"

"Something big happened here!"

"The ninth section of Changhe was tortured into a dog!"



"Really, come and see!"

at the same time.

YE's private chat message was sent.

This private chat can only be seen by him and Wu Changhe.

YE: "Uncle, are you serious about this?"

Wu Changhe almost fainted from anger, "Good boy! You can do it! You can do it!"

YE: "Now, can you accept that there is something wrong with my character?"

Wu Changhe tapped the keyboard quickly with two fingers, "I won't accept it! There is a big problem with your character!"

YE: "But I beat you."

Wu Changhe: "Do you think I am serious? Hahahaha, ridiculous! You are so ridiculous! I only used 60% of my strength to accompany you!"

YE: "What a coincidence, I used 50%."

Wu Changhe: "I used 40%!"

YE: "I am 30%!"

Wu Changhe: "I'm 20%!"

The two are competing again!

Li Qinqin pulled him and said with a smile: "You have been traveling for a long time, is it useful to brag? If you lose, you lose. I used to say that you can win against Xiao Zhang with your eyes closed, but now you are being slapped in the face, right? You , you and Xiao Zhang, what kind of tempers do you two have?"

Wu Changhe glared, "Just go ahead and leave it alone!"

Then he typed to Zhang Ye: "Don't be too proud, kid. If we have the ability, let's play another game. Do you dare to come? Ah? Do you dare?"

YE: "I'm waiting!"

Wu Changhe: "Okay, just wait! Wait!"

He didn't check out the room, just hung it on the Internet. Then Wu Changhe got up and went to find his mobile phone. While searching for it, he cursed, "I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I let him get mad! I'll kill him if I don't deal with it!" "The mobile phone was found. He picked it up and looked through the phone book. He found the numbers of several apprentices and called them immediately!

Li Qinqin was stunned, "What are you doing?"

Wu Changhe ignored his wife and the call was already connected.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Teacher, I'm at the chess academy."

"Come to my house right now!"

"Ah? We are training, go now?"

"Come here right away! I want to see you within ten minutes! Are your senior brothers and sisters here?"

"They're all here."

"Call them all over here! I don't believe it!"

"Teacher, what happened?"

"There's so much nonsense, come on!"

"Okay, we'll be there soon!"

Li Qinqin was dumbfounded and said, "What are you doing, Changhe?"

Wu Changhe snorted coldly: "I'm going to let that kid have a long memory and let him know what it means to have someone outside the world!" Then he went to the computer and typed to Zhang Ye with a sneer: "Wait for me for ten minutes!"

YE: "Okay."

Li Qinqin rolled her eyes, "You are cheating!"

Wu Changhe said disapprovingly: "What's cheating? I'm teaching young people! I'm going to teach that kid what it means to play chess!"

Li Qinqin said speechlessly: "Your disciples are all among the top thirty in the world. Are you interested in your coming here to bully a layman like Xiao Zhang?"

Wu Changhe laughed, "Interesting, very interesting!"

Li Qinqin: ""

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