I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,108 [Who wins? 】

In the study room.

Zhang Ye played chess while eating food.

Outside, Wu Zeqing came back.

Zhang Ye asked: "Our mother's phone number?"

Wu Zeqing hummed.

Zhang Ye blinked and said, "Is our dad red-eyed?"

"Absolutely." Wu Zeqing walked up behind him, looked at him, then looked at the chess game on the computer, and asked, "By the way, Xiaoye, what is the account name of the person you kicked just now?"

Zhang Ye hadn't reacted yet, "Which one?"

Lao Wu said: "You are the one who said he wanted to play chess with you when he entered the room."

"Oh, what about the newcomer?" Zhang Ye fell down and said indifferently: "It seems his name is Xiang, I can't remember clearly. Oh, right, is it Xiang Rong?"

Wu Zeqing: "..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ye didn't know why.

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "It's okay. You can go on."

Zhang Ye nodded, pointed at the screen and said: "My dad is so focused on this game. If my brother hadn't saved a move before, he really wouldn't have been able to resist. He was black and moved first, so he had a big advantage at the beginning, so I Now I am relatively passive, I can only slowly look for opportunities, and play tricks on him from time to time, haha, look, look, what are you talking about? I can play tricks on him again here! Hehehehe."

He laughed evilly, and without thinking at all, he hit him directly!

Zhang Ye showed off and said, "How about Old Wu? Is this move good?"

Not only is it okay!

This step at least allowed him to catch up to the gap of two or three goals!

"...Who did you learn Go from?"

"Go? I was a primary school teacher first, and then a junior high school after-school activity teacher."


"It's gone, what happened?"

"Well, it's okay.


"How about I let our dad have a plate?"

"No need to give in, you can play this game well."

"Come on, then I won't hold anything back!"

One hour.

Two hours.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

However, not only did the people at the Chinese Chess Academy not leave, but more and more people were sitting there holding a box of buns, staring at the battle on the projection screen, unable to move away! Several 9-dan chess players and coaches of the national Go team who were resting at home also hurried over after hearing the news.

These people come in and ask, "How's it going?"

Xu Han, the eighth-dan player, turned around and said, "It's already the middle game!"

One person hurriedly asked: "Who has the greater advantage?"

Several other people also looked up at the screen.

Chen Ying 7th Duan walked up and said, "Xiang Ye is in charge, so he definitely has an advantage on the board, but if you include the final goal, the two of them are almost evenly matched, and neither one gets an advantage!"

"I go!"

"How can this person be so powerful?"

"Where did he come from?"

"Can't you defeat Xiang Rong even if he's in the ninth rank?"

"The point is, is this still a fucking amateur?"

"Who is he?"

"You have to ask Teacher Changhe about this. Only he knows, and no one else knows!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I heard that Teacher Changhe provoked him somehow, and this guy named Ye came to our door!"

At this time, Li Qinqin also came to the Chess Academy.

"Teacher's wife!"

"Master's wife, why are you here?"

"Aunt Li."

"Aunt Li."

Everyone knew her and greeted her.

Li Qinqin asked: "Where is Changhe?"

Tian Weiwei immediately pointed, "The teacher is over there, arguing with Dean Shan."

As soon as Li Qinqin passed by, she heard Wu Changhe and Shan Donghe arguing.

Dan Donghe shouted loudly: "Brother Angkor, you must bring this man over to us!"

Wu Changhe rolled his eyes, "He is just a layman, what do you want him to do!"

"Have you ever seen such a layman?" Dan Donghe pointed to the big screen speechlessly and said: "If he can fight like this with Xiao Xiang, no matter what kind of layman he is, I want it!"

Li Qinqin said: "Old Dan."

Wu Changhe frowned, "Hey, why are you here?"

Dan Donghe immediately said: "Sister Li, our chess academy wants this person. I have specially approved him to come in and officially participate in the professional competition this year. I will reserve a spot for him in the national team next year! Can you find him for me?" No, you don’t need to look for him, just tell me who he is, I have a way to impress him! I will definitely bring him here!”

Wu Changhe curled his lips and said, "You can do it."

Hearing this, Li Qinqin smiled bitterly and said, "Old Dan, I think it's better to forget it."

"Why?" Dan Donghe is so thirsty for talents that he is almost impatient!

Li Qinqin said helplessly: "You really can't impress this guy. Chang He is right. He is really an amateur, and it is impossible for him to join the Chinese Chess Academy."

"Being selected into the national team and being a nationally renowned chess player, what kind of reputation is that?" Dan Donghe said.

Li Qinqin sighed, "The most important thing he lacks is fame."

Dan Donghe said: "What about the money? A chess player of his level can earn several million dollars a year at least. It's a bit cliché, but I don't believe he is not tempted. He works in other industries and can earn such a salary. Income?”

Li Qinqin didn't know how to answer him, "He seems to be really capable. And if he wants to make money, he can't only make a few million a year. A few million a month should be about the same."

Dan Donghe was stunned, "What?" He looked at Wu Changhe, "Real or false?"

Wu Changhe snorted and said nothing, which was obviously his answer.

"But..." Dan Donghe was still unwilling to give in and said anxiously: "In the field of Go, if he comes, he will be among the top people. This is compared to the middle and upper reaches in other industries..."

As a result, Li Qinqin sweated and interrupted: "But Lao Dan is in other industries." She thought for a while, "As far as I know, he seems to be the best."

Dan Donghe: "..."

Damn it!

Can we still chat?

Can we still have a good chat?

Dan Donghe almost cried.

Several other nearby chess academy leaders and chess players were also shocked when they heard this!

Tens of millions a year?


A top guy in another industry?

Dan Donghe said: "Sister Li, who is this person?"

Li Qinqin spread her hands, "I don't know if I should say it without his consent. Anyway, if you want to get him into the Go circle, it probably won't be possible."

Dan Donghe sighed, "Oh! What a pity! What a pity!"

Wu Changhe sneered, "What a pity, old Dan. If you really want to pull him over, you will be unlucky. If that kid comes, he will definitely cause you to turn upside down, and the entire Go world will be unrest!" Wu Changhe He usually doesn't pay much attention to things in the entertainment industry, but it is obvious that since Zhang Ye came to visit yesterday, he has checked or inquired about a lot of Zhang Ye's deeds and news, and has learned a lot about him.

Li Qinqin glanced at him and said, "Don't keep talking about him. I think he is pretty good."

"That's you, I don't like him!" Wu Changhe said angrily.

This day was really the longest day in Wu Changhe's life. When had he ever been killed like this in the field of Go? there has never been! This is the first time!

Suddenly, someone exclaimed!


"White's right corner is in danger!"

"Good move!"

"Mighty Lord Xiang!"


Dan Donghe and Wu Changhe also looked over immediately.

Immediately, Wu Changhe burst out laughing, clapped his legs and said, "Okay, okay!"

But the next moment, when the white chess piece was placed, the whole audience was in an uproar again!

Wu Changhe's face turned dark again!

Li Qinqin was amused for a while.

"Holy shit!"

"This this……"

"The situation is broken!"

"White's game is broken!"

"The right corner is actually alive!"

"This is so exciting!"

"Ouch, I'm sweating!"

"Can this fucking be saved?"

"The white chess piece is amazing!"

"Damn, where are you from?"

"Khan, of course I'm on Mr. Xiang's side, but White's chess is really good! Those who can play this move are definitely among the top three in the world!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise!

Then the chess game became dull again.

It was already in the middle of the game, and the two began a back-and-forth position battle. They both played very conservatively, and no one made any rash moves!

half an hour.

One hour.

It's almost ten o'clock.

No one took the initiative, and the board was still in a stalemate!

Li Qinqin saw at the scene that Zhang Ye could really compete with Xiang Rong, the world's number one Go player at 9th dan, and she was indescribably shocked and confused. This little Zhang is really too capable. How could he? Everybody? And which industry can be prosperous? ?

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Xiang Rong yawned, laughed, and typed. This was the first time Xiang Rong had spoken to ye since the beginning. "It won't take five or six hours until the end. It will be tomorrow morning." That’s it for today, I’m tired, it’s time to sleep.”

Everyone was shocked!

No more?

Mr. Xiang can’t stand anymore?

ye quickly replied, "Then who wins?"

Xiang Rong said: "How about a tie?"

ye: "Okay."

Xiang Rong: "Let's discuss it another day when we are free."

After saying that, Xiang Rong took Wu Changhe's account offline.

Everyone gathered around him at once.

"Master Xiang!"

"Why can't you stop?"

"At the end of the day, you will definitely win!"

"Yes! How can it be considered a tie?"

Many people cannot accept this result, because in their eyes, Xiang Rong is a legend in the Go world. No one can beat him, and no one should be able to beat him!

Xiang Rong smiled and shook his head but said nothing.

Wu Changhe and Dan Donghe have already gone up.

Wu Changhe asked, "How is it?"

Xiang Rong smiled bitterly, "A very good chess player."

Wu Changhe said angrily: "You can't even win? Didn't you try your best?"

He's going crazy!

Is it true that no one can cure this guy named Zhang? ?

"He is really good." Xiang Rong said: "Although I am not used to playing chess online, it will definitely affect my performance, but the opponent may not really go all out. In some moves, he is even better than I'm still casual, and he has played so many games with others before, which must have an impact on his mental state. If the fight continues like this, it will be difficult to determine the winner." After saying that, he spread his hands and said in an astonishing way: " And the most critical point is that even if this game of chess continues, in the end, the winner may not be me."

Hearing this, many people fell silent!

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