I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,116 [Human vs Artificial Intelligence (Part 2)! 】


In the morning, Zhang Ye went out for morning exercises.

As a result, the streets and alleys were full of discussions.

"The Go world is going to be wiped out!"

"Their faces are so ugly this time!"

"Is the Go world looking bad? What PETER is challenging is the wisdom of the entire human race!"

"Yeah, none of us look pretty!"

"Will Xiangrong Ninth Dan take action?"

"I don't know. There is no news from the Chinese Chess Academy right now."

"Xiang Rong may not win, this artificial intelligence is too powerful!"

"The key is that it was too easy to win. One is second in the world, and the other is third in the world. They are both miserable defeats. Even if they lose, there will still be a little hope!"

Things are getting better!

Public opinion is becoming increasingly pessimistic!

It’s all because humans lost so miserably this time. It’s true that Xiang Rong’s 9th dan hasn’t made a move yet, but even if his level is higher than Shin 2nd 9th dan and Park Yoo Hee, he can’t be much higher. In regular international professional competitions, When Xiang Rong plays against those two people, it is impossible to guarantee that he will win ten games in ten games. He will always lose one or two games to them. The uncertainty of Go is too great, and no one can win all the time. So if analyzed from this perspective, Xiang Rong 9th Dan is probably not PETER's opponent! Of course, this is just analysis.

On the way home, Zhang Ye bought two newspapers.

Looking through it, the headlines on the front page were all about "Man vs. Machine". Seeing the chess players from all over the world losing ground, Zhang Ye sighed, said nothing, and jogged home to have breakfast.

Sure enough, PETER and Alpha Dog are the same thing!

This artificial intelligence may even be more powerful than AlphaGo!

The Go world is in danger!


The main battle is also very loud!

"Paralysis! What did you do!"

"The beauty is so arrogant!"

"How can human intelligence be compared to a machine?"

"Awesome, are you comparing complex reasoning with humans? Comparing art? Comparing creation? Do you dare? Comparing Go to the crystallization of human wisdom?

They were setting a trap for us from the beginning! "

"This old beauty is so hateful!"

"Beat him! Do-ah!"

"Ninth-dan Xiangrong, fight with him!"

In the past two days, Lao and the United States have also been speaking out, very arrogantly, and constantly provoking the Go community. They send out a statement and a challenge almost every few hours. Their At this moment, the eyes are also on the Republic, because everyone knows that when it comes to Go, if the Republic says that it is second, then no one dares to say that it is first. In the end, Lao Mei even shouted out by name. Xiang Rong is now in the 9th Dan!

This caused a lot of anger!


"Too arrogant!"

"You have collected and analyzed the information of all chess players, and copied all the games and records into the machine. This is unfair in itself! This is the crystallization of the wisdom of all mankind, and the summary of the wisdom of all chess players in history. , you are so arrogant when you use it against us?"


"I can't believe no one has ever done it!"

"Yeah, I don't even fucking believe it!"

Chinese Chess Academy.

Go courtyard.

Reporters crowded around the courtyard. Many reporters had been here two days ago. Some even set up tents inside, eating, drinking, and eating. You could even see many foreign reporters around!

This place has become the focus of Asia!

Everyone is looking at them and waiting for them!

Outside the door, there were many Go enthusiasts and ordinary people holding signs and shouting!

"Fuck PETER!"

"Fuck PETER!"

"Fuck PETER!"

The shouts shook the sky!

Even inside the chess courtyard, I could hear it clearly.

Inside, almost all the professional chess players were present. Some of them had not even gone home for two days. With dark circles and bloodshot eyes, they were all in the chess academy analyzing the chess game and every move made by PETER. This was a catastrophe in the Go world. , where can anyone take care of rest?

Li Yijiu Duan said with a dark face: "It's too difficult!"

Another ninth-dan shook his head, "PETER's data is too complete. He has considered everything in every move he makes. There is little hope of winning!"

Xiang Rong said calmly: "Inform the media."

"Lao Xiang!" Li Yijiu said loudly.

Dan Donghe also said hurriedly: "You must think clearly!"

Xiang Rong said: "I have thought it through clearly."

Chen Ying came up, "Brother Xiang, if you take action and lose, the entire Go world will really have no way out!"

"Yes!" Xu Han also disagreed: "You are the last line of defense and the last card in our Go world. What will we do if we lose?"

"Yes, just ignore him!"

"Let me be so beautiful, let's pretend we didn't see it!"

"Can't fight!"

"Master Xiang!"

"Master Xiang!"

Wu Changhe looked at him, "How sure are you?"

Xiang Rong thought for a while and said honestly: "Twenty percent at most."

Twenty percent!

This is almost certain to lose!

Even Mr. Xiang said so himself, so why fight?

Wu Changhe said: "Have you thought about it?"

Xiang Rong hummed, "No matter what, I'm going to give it a try. The time has come. If I quit, it would be more embarrassing than losing. I can't quit!"

Wu Changhe gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Okay, call the reporters!"

Dean Shan Donghe said angrily: "Brother Angkor, I am the dean now!"

Wu Changhe said, "Just stay here! People are knocking on your door, and you're still hiding? Where can you hide? Even if you lose, our Chinese Chess Academy will still have to lose standing!" Wu Changhe His temper has always been like this, and he is also a militant!

Immediately, some people responded!


"Teacher Changhe is right!"

"We can't be cowardly!"

"I don't believe that machine really has three heads and six arms!"

"Master Xiang will win!"

Half an hour later.

The Chinese Chess Academy speaks out!

——Xiang Rong Jiuduan accepts the challenge!

Location: Chinese Chess Academy.

Time: Tomorrow morning.

Weibo exploded in an instant!

"Xiang Rong takes action!"

"Oh my God, I really took action!"

"Something big is going to happen!"

"No matter who wins this game, Asia will be shocked!"

"Come on, Master Xiang!"

"You are the last trump card in the Go world!"

"Well done to Mr. Xiang! I was worried that you would give in!"

"Fight it!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Surprisingly, at this moment, many Go fans in Japan and South Korea also supported them overwhelmingly!


"Come on, Chinese!"

"Torture PETER to death!"

"come on!"

Korean medicine.

"Don't lose!"

"Xiang Rong, take revenge on us!"

"Show that machine a look at human faith!"

Many internationally renowned professional chess players also voiced their support for Xiang Rong 9th Dan on the Internet. At this moment, the Go community showed unprecedented unity!

Almost the entire Asian people are on Xiang Rong's side!

The next day.

News everywhere!

Newspapers are selling like crazy!

The entrance of the Chinese Chess Academy was surrounded by people early in the morning.

"Xiangrong will win!"

"Humanity will win!"

Countless people shouted slogans in support!

CCTV Sports Channel, Beijing Satellite TV and many foreign TV stations have obtained the live broadcast rights and have stationed there, setting up their machines and waiting for the game to start.

No, maybe it shouldn’t be called a competition!

This is a war!

A war between humans and artificial intelligence!

Before the game, only people from CCTV were qualified to do pre-game interviews, and the person interviewing Xiang Rong was Yu Yingyi.

The live broadcast has started.

The camera focused on Xiang Rong.

Yu Yingyi took the microphone and said, "Teacher Xiang Rong, as we all know, you are the number one player in the field of Go in the world today. Faced with the challenge of artificial intelligence, everyone wants to know what your chances of winning are?"

Xiang Rong looked at her and said, "The chances of winning are not good."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Yu Yingyi was also stunned, "Then if you lose, the last line of defense in the Go world will also be lost. Why do you still come to fight?"

Xiang Rong said calmly: "First, I have no reason not to fight. Second, I also want to play against a machine. Third, you just said it wrong. I will never be the last line of defense in the Go world. Even if I lose, I believe someone will stand up and fight against the computer!"

Anyone else?

Is there anyone else behind you?

Yu Yingyi was surprised: "Is there anyone in the Go world who can compete with you?"

Xiang Rong smiled, not knowing whether he said this to Yu Yingyi, the camera, or the artificial intelligence, "Never underestimate humans!"

The interview is over.

Xiang Rong strode into the battle room and sat down.

Many people didn’t understand what he said!


Zhang Ye and his family were all watching the live broadcast.

Dad was surprised and said, "What does Xiang Rong's ninth paragraph mean?"

Mom said: "Isn't he the number one person in the Go world? Is there anyone behind him who can play chess with that artificial intelligence?"

"Who?" Zhang Ye also wondered.

Dad said: "Who knows."

Zhang Ye looked at Xiang Rong 9th Dan on TV and suddenly felt that he couldn't win. He probably knew he couldn't win, but he still sat here.

Zhang Ye suddenly had some respect!

This kind of person who is willing to fight even though he knows he is outmatched is indeed worthy of respect!

I just don’t know who the person he is talking about is?

If he loses, can anyone really compete with artificial intelligence?

The chess game begins.

Zhang Ye walked away silently. He didn't want to look at it and couldn't bear to look at it.

Dad asked, "Why are you going?"

"Go out for a walk." Zhang Ye went out. He was not from the Go world, but he didn't want to witness the darkest day in the Go world or see everyone's frustrated expressions. He knew that no one in this world could beat the machine named PETER.

Take a walk.

Take a turn.

Had a meal outside.

The TV was on, and many people eating were watching the live broadcast, but no one recognized Zhang Ye.

"Damn it!"

"We still lost!"

"how come!"

"Master Xiang has lost? Then who can win?"

"Ah, Xiang Rong asked to start the second set!"

"Why? Why doesn't he take a break?"

"Yeah, why don't you adjust for a day?"


Zhang Ye looked up at the TV.

The first game of chess ended in three hours. He didn't see the process, only the final result. Xiang Rong lost, only by two eyes!

The second round starts soon!

Everyone felt sorry.

"I almost won!"

"Yes, just two eyes!"

"What a pity, what a pity!"

"Sure enough, he is the best Go player in the world. He is so powerful!"

"What's the use, you still lose!"

"Look at the second game, there is definitely hope in the second game!"

However, after five hours of hard fighting, Xiang Rong still lost the second set. He only lost by one glance and was overturned by PETER at the last moment!

Xiang Rong was defeated!

Humanity has lost! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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