I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,124 [Battle! 】

Everyone knows that Zhang Ye is smart!

Everyone knows that Zhang Ye is awesome!

But Go? No one has ever seen him fall!

So before, everyone had no idea about Zhang Ye's level. They knew that he might be able to play Go, but no one knew exactly what level he could play. So after the press conference, many people were holding a Those who were pessimistic thought that they would never win, but now they knew. Through the words of the host and commentator, they found that in this human-machine war, Zhang Ye was completely incompetent with artificial intelligence. Road, and even had a slight advantage at the opening!

The eldest sister exclaimed: "Our brother is so awesome!"

Mom glared and said, "Didn't Xiaoye learn Go several times in elementary school?"

Dad clapped his legs and exclaimed, "No wonder the Chinese Chess Academy invited him to play!"

the other side.

Fan Wenli was stunned, "Director Zhang is really good!"

Chen Guang said: "Damn, I wonder how he dares to do it!"

Yao family.

Yao Jiancai said speechlessly: "Why does this Xiao Zhang know everything?"

Yao Mi shouted: "Teacher Zhang, come on! Fight it! Fight it!"

On the online Go platform, the first match of the last round of human-machine battle was also live broadcast simultaneously. The online Go commentator looked excited and said loudly: "Look, PETER has already misfired! I have been thinking about it for 20 minutes and still haven't made any mistakes. One piece! So awesome! Face-slapping Zhang is so powerful! Face-slapping Zhang once again showed his amazing personal talent in front of all Asia, giving mankind hope of defeating artificial intelligence! These few moves are indeed professional Awesome! At this moment, Zhang Fang told the world that he definitely lived up to his title of the smartest person in the world for a hundred years! He is definitely the person with the highest IQ in the world today! No one!"

For a mathematician, his playing of Go will definitely not be too bad, but it is just not too bad. It is almost impossible to play to the top level, because Go requires time and practice to accumulate. It is a game that requires a person to devote all his efforts and time, so the current scene cannot be explained by Zhang Ye's identity as a famous mathematician!

There is only one explanation:

That’s because Zhang Ye is too smart!

This is his innate talent and wisdom!

This game,

It is worthy of being the world's smartest contest between humans and machines. Netizens who had previously questioned whether Zhang Ye could represent humans stopped talking now, because Zhang Ye is definitely qualified!

on site.

More than twenty minutes passed.

Finally, PETER moved and gave a one-step response!

Seeing this move, Zhang Ye frowned. This time, it was his turn to think.

PETER's counterattack is not very strong, it can even be said to be ordinary, but if you take a closer look, you will find that the position of its sunspots is very sensitive, and it is difficult to deal with it. If you hit it with pressure, you may be exploited. , the small corner is in danger, but if you leave it alone, it will definitely be restrained in the next step. The only good gap left for Zhang Ye now is the position in the row on the right. It seems to be here. The safest one, but Zhang Ye raised his hand and was about to make a move, but hesitated again. He suddenly felt something was wrong.


Yes, this is a trap!

After Zhang Ye deduced the four moves of chess, he figured it out in one go!

What a chess move!

This hand makes me feel very uncomfortable!

Zhang Ye fell into silence again. As expected of an artificial intelligence, he had really seen the opponent's level. And as the situation got more complicated later on, the calculation accuracy of artificial intelligence became more advantageous. Now Zhang Ye is already as good as PETER the dog has entered a war of attrition!

Commentary seat.

Yu Yingyi asked strangely: "Professor Zhang encountered a problem?"

Chen Ying's 7th dan was also puzzled, "If it were me, I would definitely take the fifth position from the right."

"Yes, there is an opening over there." Yu Yingyi, an inexperienced chess player, could see it.

Chen Ying seventh-dan said: "So, I don't know what Professor Zhang is thinking... Oh, no, wait a minute, this move doesn't seem to be that simple!"

spectating area.

Many professional chess players were also pointing at the screen and discussing. Many people didn't understand why Zhang Ye fell silent here. It shouldn't have happened.

Only Wu Changhe spoke, "The fifth person on the right can't leave."

Xiang Rong Jiudan looked at it and said yes.


"If the fifth one from the right doesn't work, the sixth one from the right will do, right?"

Wu Changhe shook his head, "That's a trap." He picked up an infrared pen, hit it on the screen, and pointed it out to everyone, "If you hit fifth right, the machine will hit back here. The boy named Zhang can only take one step forward, and the machine will move Here, Zhang Xiaozi takes another step, and the machine hits back with a 'dismantle', and he has no choice, and the layout on the small corner becomes passive, so this is a trap."

Many people suddenly realized it!

Hu Liang's sixth section was worried: "What if Professor Zhang is fooled?"

"Yes." A professional female 5-dan chess player said anxiously: "What if he is fooled?"

Xiang Rong said directly: "He won't be fooled!"

Wu Changhe hummed and agreed with Xiang Rong's words. Although he disliked Zhang Ye very much and disliked him everywhere, Wu Changhe recognized Zhang Ye's chess ability, otherwise the Chinese Chess Academy would not be like this. He didn't look for many professional chess players, so he went to Zhang Ye's house to invite him to come out as a layman! Just because there are so many people here who can't even see the trap, they are here to watch the battle, and the person sitting on the stage is Zhang Ye! Zhang Ye's chess skills are higher than all of them!

Suddenly, Zhang Ye fell in love!

He hit a "break" that no one expected!

Wu Changhe nodded.

Xiang Rongjiu Dan sighed, "I'm not fooled, but the advantage is gone."

Wu Changhe said: "There is no way, the other party is too difficult to deal with, this response is already very good."

Zhang Ye played very conservatively. He could actually have more strategies, but he chose one of the safest methods, although this would cause him to lose two or three goals of advantage. The main reason was that the opponent's move was too beautiful, and Zhang Ye didn't have any good ideas.

The machine is really powerful!

It was so powerful that Zhang Ye already felt exhausted!

Chen Ying frowned, "Why come here? You can obviously... Oh, I know, there is a trap on the fifth right. It looks like a piece of cake, but you will never be able to eat it." She immediately demonstrated the operation of the virtual disk. , so that the audience can understand, "Here, if you do this, you will be passive, so Professor Zhang has no other choice, oh, PETER has made another move, this move is too familiar, 'rush' here, this is commonly used by Xiang Rong Jiuduan His chess moves and style, with these two pieces, it’s hard for Professor Zhang to play, and PETER has already caught up with him!”

The audience and chess players in front of the TV also felt their hearts sinking.

The situation changes so quickly!

However, this is the charm of Go!

The scene was completely silent, and even the international referees were nervously paying attention to the situation.

Zhang Ye squinted his eyes and typed "long"!

PETER "pull"!

Zhang Ye "stands up"!

PETER "merge"!

In the following rounds of chess, neither side took advantage!

Zhang Ye was asked to eat a piece of cake!

Soon, PETER was also ordered to eat by Zhang Ye!

The board was too close, and the two people's moves were so exciting. You came and I went, which shocked countless professional chess players and amateur chess friends! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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