I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,128 [Go Masters from Another Earth! 】

The reference room immediately became lively.

Some of the information here is entered into the computer, and some is not entered, all of which are paper data.

Xu Han said: "Are you serious?"

Zhang Ye gave the order: "As long as PETER can collect data, I want it!"

Chen Ying took a breath and said, "That's a million copies!"

"I want it even if it's tens of millions!" Zhang Ye said.

Xu Han smiled bitterly and turned on a computer, "Here is a part, you can read it first."

Hearing this, Zhang Ye quickly sat down. What Xu Han opened on the computer was a document called "1980-2000 Go International Competition (Internal Information)"!

Zhang Ye said, "I want it before 1980 and after 2000! In addition to international competitions, I also want domestic competitions and Japanese and Korean competitions!" After saying that, he hurriedly lowered his head and stared at the screen, page by page. The speed of turning pages after pages can be said to be astonishing!

There is a game of chess on each page, and it is written that the match between a certain chess player and a certain chess player in which year, month and day is the final game, and the order of each move is marked with numbers!

One page!

Ten pages!

Twenty pages!

It only took ten seconds for Zhang Ye to finish reading!

Then he continued to look down without slowing down!

Several professional chess players were confused.

The 16-dan chess player asked: "What do you think you see like that?"

"You can't remember anything?" Xu Han wiped his sweat.

None of them understand what Zhang Ye is doing!

Seeing that Zhang Ye didn't say anything, Chen Ying gritted her teeth and said, "Let's find it for Professor Zhang. He must have his own intentions for doing this. We are now fighting against the odds and have been forced to a dead end. Is there any other choice? We can only do this. I trust Professor Zhang’s judgment! Read more if you can!” She immediately went to find other information!



All right! "

Everyone is busy!

Not long after, all the information was placed in front of Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye turned over and said: "It's not enough, come again!"

After saying that, Zhang Ye bought countless memory search capsules from the game ring, and then closed his eyes, using the capsules to imprint everything he just saw into his mind. This is his fastest memory method, and the only one in this world. Something that no one else could do except him!

It's already eleven o'clock!



Zhang Ye didn't want to waste a second and spent all his time here. Now it was a time war. He could remember as much as he could!

Xu Han's hands were sore, and he hugged a large pile of information, "I also have this, is it enough?"

"Not enough!" Zhang Ye said.

Xu Han said: "Isn't it enough?"

Chen Ying stared into Zhang Ye's eyes, "Are you really okay?"

Zhang Ye looked at the few people and said solemnly: "Believe me, I have found a way to win it!"

Everyone was shocked!



"Is it true, Professor Zhang?"

Zhang Ye said: "I need information now, the more the better!"

Chen Ying was excited, "Okay! Okay! Just pay attention! Leave the rest to us!" She hurriedly picked up her mobile phone and called, "Hey, Hu Liang! Come to the chess court to help! Sleeping? Don't sleep! Get up quickly. Call someone! Hurry up!"

Xu Han hesitated for a long time, then stamped his feet vigorously, "Paralysis! I'm not leaving today! As long as you can beat PETER the dog! I'll do whatever you want!"

Several people all called for help!

"Hey, Lao He, come to the Chess Courtyard quickly!"

"Xiao Chen, don't sleep! Come to the Chess Courtyard!"

"Come on, Professor Zhang has found a way!"

After a while, a car drove into the Qiyuan compound!

Ten people...

Twenty people...

More and more people are coming!

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"What are you doing so late?"

"Stop asking! Help find information!"

In the end, even Dean Dan Donghe, Wu Changhe and others were alarmed and drove over in a hurry in the middle of the night. When they heard that Zhang Ye had found a solution, both of them showed expressions of disbelief!

Found a way to win chess?

Studying on the spot now?

This, this doesn’t sound reliable!

Wu Changhe said speechlessly: "Xiao Zhang, can you do it?"

Zhang Ye closed his eyes and ignored him at all.

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Hey, this kid!"

Dan Donghe was silent for a moment, then raised his head and suddenly said: "Everyone will work overtime and follow Professor Zhang's command in everything! Give him whatever he says you need!"

A vice-dean objected: "But it's so noisy..."

Dan Donghe interrupted: "If anything happens, I'll take the responsibility!" As he said that, he took out a key and gave it to a staff member beside him, "I still have a lot of information in my office, give it to Professor Zhang!"

"Okay!" The man turned around slowly.

Dan Donghe shouted loudly: "Run!"

"Ah, yes!" The staff member started running!

Dan Donghe looked in Zhang Ye's direction and said to himself: "I hope you really think of a way."

The chess court is brightly lit!

The atmosphere became tense somehow!

Throughout the night, countless people were running back and forth to get information for Zhang Ye, waiting for him to read it, then taking it away and sending the next batch of information files! No one believes that Zhang Ye can really read and learn all the information in one night. What is Go? This is one of the most time-consuming sports. For most people, it takes several years to get started. Even the most talented master-level players in the Go world over the years have never heard of the current level of chess skills. , after one night of study, you will be invincible the next day!

It doesn’t make sense empirically!

Logically it’s impossible!

But everyone complied with Zhang Ye's request unconditionally, because they had no way out. At this moment, they would rather believe in this miracle, and that this person who is recognized as the most genius in the world in a hundred years will bring them guidance in the Go world. Come on for a miracle!

Time passed little by little.

In fact, none of them knew that Zhang Ye was not studying, he was doing elimination. He was not studying these chess records and formulas, but to avoid them!

The PETER dog's analytical ability and "thinking" are actually accumulated from a huge amount of data. It has collected all the top chess players and professional chess players in the world as well as various chess games and Go formulas. It can perform Xiangrong at any time. It can easily crack the common moves of Jiudan. Based on this big data, PETER’s super chess ability is achieved. This is the most powerful place of artificial intelligence, because it is something that humans can’t do. However, this is also the fatal weakness of artificial intelligence. Now, it has been found by Zhang Ye!

What's the world's go game?

Go moves in this world?

I don’t have to, okay?



Park Yoo Hee?

Li Yi?

Liu Hong?

Chen Ying?

I don’t have to, okay?

I'm avoiding the formulas and styles that all of you have used. Can I beat you with chess moves and formulas that have never been seen in this world?

Do you know Guli?

Do you know Nie Weiping?

Do you know Lee Chang Ho?

Oh, right.

You must not know Ke Jie either! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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