I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,133 [Zhang Ye’s Divine Hand! 】

There was a lot of laughter on Weibo.


"Killing me!"

"How come Zhang Ye is so poor!"

"Hahahaha, isn't he always like this?"

"You are really like the person you are! You are poor and you don't play according to the rules!"

"He has such a mouth. What are you talking about with a computer? This guy is so hateful! But today, we must support him, because there is no other choice!"

"Come on!"

"We can't afford to lose anymore!"

"Yeah, if we can't win this game, it's really over!"

"It all depends on Zhang Ye!"

"As long as I can win, I will be his crazy fan from now on!"

"I've quickly become a fan! His tricks are so awesome!"

"Hey, what kind of chicken blood did Zhang Ye get today? So fierce?"

"Yeah, compared to yesterday, they are completely different! It seems that they have achieved 'magic success' overnight? What kind of fucking magic trick is this!"

The game scene.

The American people were finally furious. The person in charge immediately made a stern protest to the international referee, accusing Zhang Ye of interfering with PETER's chess playing.

The international referee thought for a while and warned Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye spread his hands to show that he was innocent.

PETER is still "thinking".

The human side is extremely excited!

Live broadcast.

Yu Yingyi said excitedly: "Zhang Ye today is completely different from yesterday!"

Chen Ying Qi Duan suddenly said: "Here, I can reveal a secret to you. Just last night, Professor Zhang suddenly came to the chess academy to look for information. Some of us helped him compare the chess games of all the top chess players at home and abroad over the years. I found all the bureau information.

Professor Zhang watched it all night! "

Yu Yingyi said in astonishment: "Teacher Chen, do you mean to say that after just one night of study and study, Professor Zhang's chess skills are completely different from yesterday?"

Chen Ying pondered and said, "I don't know."

"This is unscientific!" Yu Yingyi couldn't believe it either.

The audience in front of the TV were stunned when they heard this!

Chen Ying thought for a while and smiled bitterly, "Maybe this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people. PETER underestimates human beings. It should never think that there are people like Professor Zhang among humans!" As soon as her voice changed, she also learned the lesson from yesterday and said: "But PETER has not lost yet. It should still have a chance. Its choice of next move will be crucial! Let's see what it will do!"

Time decreases little by little.

Zhang Ye's timer still had plenty of time, but PETER's time had already been used up a lot. The competition rules for this man-machine battle are based on the traditional rules in China, and the competition uses 7.5 mesh. Each player will have 2 hours of layout time and three 60-second countdowns. Overtime will result in a loss. Zhang Ye's thinking time just took more than half an hour, and PETER's thinking time took an hour and twenty minutes.

Zhang Ye keenly discovered another weakness of PETER. The computing power and analysis ability are the advantages of computers. Its huge database and the rigor of deduction and analysis can never be matched by humans. However, when faced with complex disks, this Instead, it has become a drag on artificial intelligence. The rigor of artificial intelligence does not seem to allow it to make mistakes. Any slightly complicated board will make artificial intelligence think for a long time. Similar situations have occurred several times before, until PETER was in the database. It will only take action after the extraction or deduction is completed. Of course, the American designers must have set some rules for time allocation for PETER, but even so, artificial intelligence will never have the judgment and decision-making of humans when it comes to allowing itself to make mistakes and make choices about time!

Finally, PETER moved!

On the computer screen, PETER made a move!

Chen Ying loudly said: "Oh, we made a move! This choice is very subtle! The position of this move actually hit the net laid by Professor Zhang!"

Zhang Ye took a look and replied.

PETER didn't hesitate this time - and!

Zhang Ye killed him by force.

PETER one cap.

Zhang Ye smiled, awesome, really awesome!

Although thinking for such a long time, it took time, but it was worth it. PETER seemed to have seen through some of the mysteries of Zhang Ye's cosmic flow. The first few moves at the beginning were not the chess pieces laid out for the cosmic flow. Zhang Dawang's weakness turned out to be exactly here. PETER really attacked it. The battle was about to break out. PETER had successfully forced Zhang Ye to fight it head-on. There was no way to maintain a stable layout!

Zhang Ye struck back.

PETER clip.

Zhang Ye hung up.

PETER called to eat.

Zhang Ye thought about it and had no choice but to let it go.

PETER raised a black piece.

This time, the situation immediately changed!

Yu Yingyi exclaimed, "It's broken! I've been promoted!"

Chen Ying also said: "No, something is wrong. The black chess piece has been taken away, and the formation has been disrupted. If this side is defeated by PETER, the small corner will be completely surrounded by PETER. If it is hit in the opposite direction again, In the middle, even if Professor Zhang can circle the areas on both sides below, it’s hard to say who will win. Professor Zhang is the first mover and has to return seven and a half eyes, so the current situation is a bit hard to say!"

The board is tense again!

PETER used its powerful computing and analysis capabilities to carve out a bloody path!

The old and American people applauded in their hearts, they knew that PETER could not lose!



Kill him!

Don't give him another chance!

Kill him in the middle!

Zhang Ye blocked it!

PETER called in!

Zhang Ye caught a kid in reverse!

PETER hangs on the right side!

The audience room was extremely depressing!

A feeling of falling from heaven to hell!

Hu Liang shouted: "The little corner is taken by PETER!"

Xu Han said in disbelief: "The layout in the middle has also been beaten in! It's over, it's over now!"

"Professor Zhang shouldn't have let go of that piece just now!" shouted a professional five-dan chess player.

Li Yijiu Duan said: "He has to let go of that kid, he has no choice!"

Liu Hong's 9th Dan slapped his forehead and said painfully: "Professor Zhang's style of play has been broken!"

On the two sides below, PETER is not actually a dead move, because Zhang Ye has not yet surrounded him, but has just occupied the general situation and basically surrounded the territory. However, if the fight continues like this, once Zhang Ye loses the battle with PETER above, , worn in the middle! The situation below may also be lost. This is what is often said on the Go board. The situation that Zhang Ye faces now is very dangerous!

Netizens are anxious.

"Are you going to lose?"

"Still not working?"

"Damn it!"

"It's been broken!"

"Teacher Zhang, you are so awesome!"

"Hold on!"

"Hold it, Teacher Zhang! Hold it!"

Although it's only the middle of the game, the victory or defeat obviously depends on these few moves!

At this time, Zhang Ye suddenly fell silent.

the other side.

Many professional players are making suggestions, although it is impossible for Zhang Ye to hear these words!

A seventh-dan professional said: "Duanbai 67!"

Hu Liang said directly: "No! I'm being forced to death there!"

Xu Han said loudly: "There are still fights in the hinterland!"

Li Yidao: "There is no way, it's restricted over there!"

Liu Hong gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Zhang has no choice!"

Wu Changhe stared at the screen, unable to do anything!

"Xiao Xiang!" Dan Donghe said anxiously.

Xiang Rongjiu Duan didn't say a word.

Dongha alone knows bad things!

Zhang Ye has fallen into a passive position!

PETER actually turned around from a desperate situation!

what to do?


Can’t we really win?

Are humans really destined to fail against artificial intelligence? ?

The beautiful person smiled and won! This set is a sure win! No matter how Zhang Ye goes, in ten moves, a hole will be cut out of the hinterland, and Zhang Ye will never be able to recover!

Chen Ying was also analyzing the situation to the audience, "If Professor Zhang fights, this place will be lost. If..." After analyzing seven or eight ways Zhang Ye could respond, Chen Ying's face turned pale. She actually I found that no matter how Zhang Ye made his move, he could not reverse the trend!

No way!

There is really no way out!

In front of the TV.

My mother yelled: "Son, what are you doing! Aren't we all going to win?"

Dad said with a dark face: "The situation has changed!"

Some chess players have turned off the TV.

"Dad, why did you turn it off?"

"Don't watch anymore."

"Why! It's a critical moment!"

"Zhang Ye can't win."

At this point in the situation, no one believes that Zhang Ye can make a comeback!

Even the gods are powerless!

The atmosphere is depressing!

Countless people looked at Zhang Ye who fell silent on the TV!

But suddenly, everyone saw Zhang Ye actually smiling!


what are you laughing at?

Chen Ying was stunned!

The beautiful person was stunned!

Wu Changhe, Dan Donghe and others were also stunned for a moment!

No one knows why Zhang Ye can still laugh!

Then, everyone saw Zhang Ye holding up a black chess piece.

Chen Ying said: "Professor Zhang is about to make a move!"

Everyone is staring at him!

Everyone held their breath!

Zhang Ye was still laughing, because he felt that the coincidence was so terrible that he couldn't help but laugh! The position on this small corner really seemed familiar, so when he was silent just now, Zhang Ye actually secretly ate a memory search capsule. He was searching for the chess records he had seen on the previous earth in his mind. It is almost impossible in this world. Exactly the same boards appear because there are too many changes in Go, but local similarities are still possible!

Such as the current deadlock!

Even in Zhang Ye's own opinion, he was about to lose. He himself didn't think he could make a comeback. PETER the dog was indeed too powerful!

But at this moment, a chess record suddenly appeared in his mind. It was a chess game played by Gu Li in his peak period. The small corner position was exactly the place that Zhang Ye felt seemed familiar. Now that he looked carefully, it was no longer the same place. It seems familiar!

It's almost exactly the same!

Guli back then was also a black chess player!

Back then, Guli was also forced to a dead end in this little corner!

Same situation!

Same choice!

Then, Guli, who was at his peak, dropped a piece. It was this piece that shocked countless people. It was this piece that was praised by countless people as the number one player in the Go world at that time!

Zhang Ye pinched the sunspot, gently raised his hand, and landed on that position!

Chen Ying said loudly: "It's a move! Professor Zhang has made a move! Here... Hey, why here? If it is here, then if PETER is defeated, it..."

As soon as this move was made, everyone was baffled!

No one thought that Zhang Ye would be here, in such an unfair place. Suddenly, no one understood Zhang Ye's intentions!

Chen Ying was disappointed and said: "It's over. This move can definitely not be called a good move. Professor Zhang seems to be at the end of his rope. After reaching this point, he really has no way to turn back..." But suddenly, Chen Ying was stunned. She As if he suddenly discovered something, he glanced at the chessboard again.

At this glance, Chen Ying was stunned on the spot!

She almost jumped out of her seat, "This! This! Oh my god!"

Yu Yingyi said in shock: "What happened?"

Chen Yingji - moving almost crazy!

"Wonderful hand!"

"Professor Zhang actually made a wonderful move!"

"No! Not a master!"

"This is... this is the hand of God!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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