I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,141 [After you sing, I will appear! 】

Chess players are confused!

Netizens were happy!

"Ouch, so funny!"


"Please ask for the shadow area in PETER's heart!"

"Is PETER dog dead?"

"How could Zhang Ye just create such a complicated and unsolvable formula!"

"This is the third time! This is already the third fucking time!"

"How many more does he have?"

"Only the devil knows!"

"Can we make a comeback?"

"There's no way to survive this game, right?"

"Is Teacher Zhang deliberately disgusting with the beauty?"

five minutes!

ten minutes!

fifteen minutes!

PEYER seems to have crashed!

Zhang Ye looked at the screen with a smile. From the beginning to the end, he never showed the slightest expression that he wanted to lose or admit defeat. Otherwise, he was very calm, or else he had this kind of meaningful smile that no one could understand. No one could Anyone who understands what Zhang Ye is doing right now feels that he is trying to muddy the waters. But everyone has to admit that Zhang Ye is indeed capable of causing trouble. No one in the entire Go world can do these three difficult formulas that no one has seen before. Before Zhang Ye People, let alone make PETER vomit blood, can't even cause PETER a little trouble, not to mention that Zhang Ye won with a real sword and a gun yesterday!

Wu Changhe said angrily: "This kid, what's the point of just using this kind of formula? The first two struggled for a long time and finally ended up killing everyone with P or something like that! What a big gap in goals? How can we still chase!"

Hu Liang thought about it and shouted at the screen: "Professor Zhang, you should chase! This kind of formula is too complicated, and you will have to fall into it in the end!"

"Are you going to lose?"

"Oh, I'm so anxious!"

"Professor Zhang is showing off his power!"

"Where was your divine hand yesterday!"

As soon as this big avalanche is set,

Everyone really felt like they were going to collapse, but there was nothing they could do because Professor Zhang had already beaten him out!

Zhang Ye could understand everyone's collapse. He had shown all three difficult formulas in his world, and it was in a game of chess. This situation had never happened even in official competitions on Zhang Ye's previous planet. , because it is almost impossible to appear. Many top chess players see it as the demon sword's fixed form? Big avalanche setup? Big tilt? I was so frightened that I would definitely not dare to take this step easily. At most, only one difficult formula appears in one game, which is great. Three of them appear in one game? That’s really a death!

This is true in the world where these three formulas have been studied, not to mention the current earth, which has never seen these formulas before!

Three major formulas come out together!

This fucking situation is absolutely shattering!

There can never be a more complex chess game in history!

Of course, Zhang Ye deliberately guided the emergence of the three stances at the same time. The Demonic Sword stance and the Great Incline stance are relatively easy to form. The conditions for the formation of these two stances are relatively simple, while the Big Avalanche stance is more complex and rarely appears. It is not the same as others. , but there are many conditions for forming the big avalanche pattern. After the Demon Sword pattern failed, Zhang Ye deliberately guided the chess game to be arranged in another small corner. With a little experience, a little luck, and a little understanding of PETER's thinking mode, he finally made it. PETER has been tricked!

bring it on!

You try this again!

The time on the PETER timer is gradually running out!

The live broadcast camera also showed a close-up, and the number on it was counting down - there were not even thirty minutes left, only twenty-six minutes left! Although it has reached the middle of the game, and although PETER is ahead by a lot, the time is still a little short!

On the other hand, Zhang Ye had more than one hour and thirty minutes left!

With twenty-five minutes left, PETER made a move!

PETER presses on!

Zhang Ye took advantage of the situation and fought!

PETER is back!

Zhang Ye shouted to eat!

PETER let it go!

Zhang Ye raised the black chess piece!

After two hands, PETER shouted from the side to eat!

Zhang Ye won’t let go!

PETER thought about it for five minutes and finally made the key move!

Chen Ying couldn't help but say: "It's so beautiful!"

Yu Yingyi said: "PETER seems to be getting faster!"

Xiang Rong said: "Yes, it's much faster than before!"

Zhang Ye didn't have a good solution for this moment, so he retreated a little.

PETER chases!

As a result, Zhang Ye counterattacked in the next move!

This chess move received a round of applause from chess players in the commentary room and in front of the TV!

Chen Ying said loudly: "Okay! Okay!"

Xiang Rong was startled and realized that Zhang Ye didn't suffer any loss this time. Not only did he not suffer any loss, the backhand kill turned out to be extremely brilliant, taking advantage of two or three goals!

People in the chess academy were also surprised!

Because this is the first time today that Zhang Ye has let PETER suffer in a small-scale fight. But what does this mean? They have not thought about it yet, and they have not thought about other places at all. The current situation is too dangerous and too intense. No, none of them can afford to think about this!

Only Zhang Ye's eyes moved and his smile did not diminish!

Perhaps due to the mistake he made just now, PETER thought about it for about three or four minutes this time. After making a move, he thought about it for another three minutes before making the next move!

Zhang Ye, however, seemed to have no need to think about it and hit him head on!

PETER joins together!

Zhang Ye grabbed the seat in advance!

PETER hesitated for a moment and hurried to fight!

Zhang Ye made a very strange move!

PETER thought again for three minutes!

Chen Ying suddenly said: "PETER is going to break the situation!"

Xiang Rong said nothing.

Sure enough, PETER's next move went straight to the middle. At this point, the deadly battle for Fang Xiaojiao came to an end for the time being. PETER successfully escaped. However, it was different from the previous two times. This time PETER may be due to the internal time rules. Many chess moves were made in a hurry without thorough thinking, which resulted in PETER getting away with a small disadvantage of about four or five eyes!

Yu Yingyi hurriedly asked: "How's it going?"

Chen Ying smiled and said: "This time, Professor Zhang did it!"

"What?" Yu Yingyi was pleasantly surprised, "Great!"

Xiang Rong poured cold water on him with the next sentence, "But PETER's advantages in other places still have twenty-five or six purposes!"

Yu Yingyi suddenly became silent!

Twenty-five or six eyes?

The game has entered the second half!

Chen Ying sighed, "It's hard to catch up. I can't catch up!"

The atmosphere was a bit gloomy. This small corner won the battle, but it couldn't affect the entire battle. Professor Zhang's fight here was very beautiful, but it didn't have a big impact on the overall situation!

The old Americans are relieved.

Finally got it!

The disadvantage of four or five eyes? It doesn't matter, it's completely acceptable. As long as you break the game and come out, you will win this set 100%! After counting the post-importation goals, does it still have the advantage of 25 or 6 goals? The schedule is more than halfway through, so it’s hard to lose even if you want to! The advantages are too obvious!

The person in charge of Laomei looked at Zhang Ye with a smile.


What else do you have?

ah? what else?

But the next moment, a white man in the old American team was suddenly stunned, his face changed drastically, he quickly grabbed the person in charge, and pointed to the computer in a panic!

At this moment, Chen Ying suddenly realized something!

Chen Ying shouted: "No! No!"

Yu Yingyi was startled, "What's wrong?"

Chen Ying suddenly pointed at PETER's timer with excitement, "Look! Look at PETER's remaining time!"

Yu Yingyi also exclaimed, "Two minutes and twenty-two seconds?"

Xiang Rong's eyes lit up, "PETER only has two minutes left!"

The beautiful woman's heart trembled, "It's broken!"

The people in the chess academy suddenly exploded!

Li Qinqin exclaimed in shock: "Two minutes! The regular time will end in two minutes. Every move must be completed within one minute! PETER has no time!"

Hu Liang said: "Two hours, gone?"

Dan Donghe was overjoyed, "They were all consumed by Professor Zhang's three formulas!"

Xu Han groaned, "What does Professor Zhang want to do?"

Everyone looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes!

The three major moves came out together. It turned out that Zhang Ye was not trying to win the game or compete head-on with PETER. His purpose from the beginning was to use up PETER's timer! But is it still possible? With such a huge disadvantage, can you still catch up? What other options does Zhang Ye have?

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze!

The audience in front of the TV also looked at the screen in shock!

The person in charge of Lao Mei immediately forced himself to calm down after panicking. Impossible! He can't catch up! Even if PETER doesn't have much time to think, the one-minute countdown for each step can still take care of the overall situation. But now that you have lost both corners, how can you still fight? You are already late!


Even gods can’t do it!

Chen Ying said in a loud voice: "The situation is too delicate now! PETER has the advantage and is almost a sure-win situation, but its time has run out! There is no way to analyze it in depth for a long time! Is there still a fight? Can Professor Zhang still make a comeback? This is the moment he has been waiting for? What trump card does he have that he has not used yet? Now, the honor and disgrace of the entire Go world rests on him alone!"


Zhang Ye has been waiting for this moment!

He looked at the computer and laughed. There is an old saying in China: "You finish singing and I will appear on stage." You have been famous for so long, so you are almost done, right?

It's my turn!

Today, my buddy will teach you a lesson!

Let me show you another famous school in my world! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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