After meal. ? ? ??Hunting Articles? ??? ??

Zhang Ye rushed to clear away the dishes.

"Xiao Zhang, please rest."

"Auntie, I'm coming!"

"You put it there and I'll do it."

"No, no, please leave it alone!"

"Oh, why are you like this, kid!"

"Where is the pool?"

"There are them in the house and in the yard."

"Okay, just rest and leave it to me!"

He stood in the yard and washed the dishes. Zhang Ye didn't usually do much work. His mother did all the work at home. When he was with Old Wu's family, Old Wu didn't let him touch the pots and pans, but when it came to Old Wu's parents As Wu Zeqing's boyfriend, Zhang Ye definitely had to show his sincerity and attitude, regardless of whether he did it neatly or not. He didn't brush quickly, but he was very serious.

Li Qinqin nodded slightly beside him.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Auntie, if you have any work at home or if you are short of something, just call me and I will be on call."

Li Qinqin smiled and said, "Okay."

Suddenly, it became windy outside.

Li Qinqin looked up and said, "It's going to rain. Come inside quickly."

Zhang Ye also hurriedly finished the brushing, "Okay."

Back at home, Wu Changhe and Wu Zeqing were chatting and watching the news.

Wu Zeqing said: "This time something bad has turned into something good in the Go world."

Wu Changhe snorted, "It's so suspenseful this time, it's really a matter of life and death!"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "It is quite dangerous. If artificial intelligence wins, the sport of Go will go downhill in the future. However, the Americans obviously did not expect that there are really people in this world who can compete head-on with artificial intelligence. Xiaoye won the game, and Go will probably flourish in the future. The news just now said that the summer children's Go class is full, which is a signal."

Wu Changhe snorted,

"This kid did something like this."

Even Wu Changhe had to admit that this time, it was Zhang Ye who indeed saved the Go world!

At this moment, Zhang Ye's victory over peTeR was being broadcast on the TV. Suddenly, the camera on the TV turned and a song was played.

"How, how lonely it is to be invincible!"

"How, how empty is invincibility!"

Wu Zeqing was startled!

Wu Changhe and Li Qinqin were also stunned!


What kind of song is this!

Zhang Ye was also stunned, "Damn it, when did they record it?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Did you sing it?"

Zhang Ye fainted and said, "After I won the chess game, I sang casually to the chess academy. Why was it recorded for me? And was it played on TV for me?"

This song made many people laugh!

The internet immediately burst into laughter!

"Teacher Zhang has released a new song!"

"Watch TV!"


"What kind of bad song is this!"

"Oh, you teased me to death!"

"How lonely is being invincible?"

"It sounds great!"

"Pfft, this song is indeed Teacher Zhang's style!"

"This is so funny! It's so cool!"

"What's the name of this song? I've been brainwashed!"

"Please ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the old American!"

"Teacher Zhang is indeed invincible! Who can understand him!"

"At Zhang Ye's current level, he is indeed lonely!"

"She in the sky? Who is she?"

"Yes, who is this song for, Teacher Zhang?"

As soon as the video came out, there were countless comments. The song "Invincible" became popular immediately, and the "her in the sky" in the lyrics was also discussed and speculated by countless people!

In front of the TV.

Wu Changhe snorted, "It's too arrogant!" Go doesn't focus on big moves, strategy, composure, and high requirements on character. So Wu Changhe has never been able to figure it out. In fact, many people in the chess academy can't figure it out either. It makes no sense that an impulsive and flamboyant person like Ye could play chess so well! But as everyone knows, his temper is not that good either!

Wu Zeqing chuckled, "I think it sounds pretty good. It's low-key when it should be low-key, and chic when it should be chic."

Zhang Ye liked to hear: "Old Wu still understands me!"

Li Qinqin looked at him, "Xiao Zhang, where is your popularity rating?"

"Uh, I didn't even pay attention." Zhang Ye said, "I have been busy playing chess these days and forgot to read it."

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "If you win chess today, your popularity will definitely increase again."

Zhang Ye immediately flipped through the popularity rating list and found that he was still in third place among the first-line stars, closely behind Ning Lan, who was in second place. However, it seemed that the ranking had not changed, but the actual popularity value was Zhang Ye's. Basically, he is almost the same as Ning Lan, only just a little bit behind him. You don’t need to ask to know that Zhang Ye’s popularity exploded after he won the second round of the human-machine battle yesterday with peTeR, and today Zhang Ye won another victory. , won peTeR with a score of 2 to 1. I wonder if the popularity ranking will change!

Thinking of this, Zhang Ye was also looking forward to it. He was originally here to help the Go community, and also to let the Wu family admit his relationship with Wu Zeqing. How much popularity could it gain? Zhang Ye had never thought much about it before. After all, Go is a small game. In the popular game, Go stars are also niche stars. For example, Xiang Rong, the ninth-dan player in the world, is also considered a public figure. He should be the most dazzling star in the Go world today, but his popularity ranking is only in the fifth tier, with the remaining Other professional chess players are even less popular and well-known, and may not even reach the fifth tier!

But Zhang Ye is obviously an exception. One win in chess has actually brought him so much popularity, because so many people are paying attention to this man-machine battle!

Is the popularity going to skyrocket again?

What an unexpected surprise!


As soon as I got home, it started to rain outside.

Mom came up to greet me, "Son, are you wet?"

"No." Zhang Ye smiled.

Dad also strode out of the bedroom, "Xiao Ye, you played well! You played the game of chess today very well!"

Zhang Ye said happily: "It's okay, oh, someone is here at home? Why is it so chaotic?"

Mom said: "We are all old neighbors. We came over to visit you in the evening. Everyone praised you and said that your reputation has greatly increased this time. Maybe you will live in Ninglan!"

Zhang Ye shrugged, "Who knows."

Mom asked, "Will the list be updated at twelve o'clock?"


"Okay, then I'll wait too!"

"Hey, go to bed quickly. What time is it?"

"I'm so happy today that I can't sleep!"

Ring ring ring.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao's call came.

It was Ning Lan who called, and Zhang Ye answered the phone.

Ning Lan came up and said, "Teacher Zhang, you are not particular about it!"

Zhang Ye groaned, "What's wrong?"

Ning Lan smiled and said: "Take a look at your current popularity level. What's going on? You keep saying you'll take a break for half a month. I believe you! We are busy working day and night. Your popularity has been rising slowly, but it's good for you to take a break for two weeks, but your popularity keeps changing every day. Your popularity is so unreasonable! I'm almost overtaken by you!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case."

"The list hasn't been refreshed today. I guess I'm stuck." Ning Lan was a little depressed. "I've been in three movies this year, and I'm not as popular as you have been playing chess in the past three days. You don't follow the routine too much." Now that you've played your cards, I'm convinced by you. Do you know what people in the circle say about you now? They say that you are very lucky, and you can become popular even if you close your eyes and do nothing."

Zhang Ye couldn't laugh or cry, "What do you mean by not doing anything? You don't know, I almost let peTeR torture me into a dog, I almost lost!"

Ning Lan said: "Congratulations first, even though I hate it so much, haha!"

Zhang Ye quickly said: "Don't congratulate me, it may not increase by much."

"Don't worry, you will definitely beat me." Ning Lan said.

That night.

Foreign media also reported on the news.

Japanese media: "Chinese geniuses beat artificial intelligence!" 》

Korean media: "The Go world may usher in a century of prosperity!" 》

US media: "The most powerful artificial intelligence in history encounters humans and gives a wake-up call!" 》

on Weibo.

Many netizens are also waiting.

"It's almost twelve o'clock!"

"Has it been updated?"


"Teacher Zhang's popularity has risen so fast. "The King of Masked Singer" has just finished, and his popularity has surged again this time. I just don't know how far it will go!"

"Who makes Teacher Zhang so capable!"

"Invincible is indeed lonely!"

The people are waiting!

Zhang Ye's relatives and friends are waiting!

The entire entertainment industry is also waiting!

Everyone is concerned about how much Zhang Ye's popularity will increase, because this is the first time in history. This is the first time someone has gained popularity in an unpopular place like Go. For the entertainment industry, this is also quite novel, so the circle Everyone in the family also wanted to take a look, wondering if they could also learn from Zhang Ye's successful experience. They are all people in the entertainment industry, and everyone is learning from each other. Although many people in the industry also understand that Zhang Ye's successful model cannot be copied!

It's midnight!

Star rating list updated!

Netizens immediately shouted.


"Time is up!"


"Hurry up!"

"Come out?"

"Has Zhang Ye visited Ninglan?"

After a delay of about two minutes, the list was suddenly updated!

When I saw the list of A-list celebrities, suddenly the entire Internet was silent!

Netizens screamed!

Insiders are silent!

Even Zhang Ye and his parents didn't react!

His popularity score surpassed that of Ning Lan. Not only that, Zhang Ye's popularity score actually surpassed that of the person who was far ahead of the number one A-list celebrity and actually replaced him! The difference between first and third place seems to be only two places, but the concepts are completely different, and the positions are also earth-shaking!

The number one A-list celebrity!

——This is Zhang Ye’s answers in the field of Go in the past three days!

Many people in the industry were frightened by Zhang Ye's abnormal behavior!

This is Go!

This is just fucking Go!

This is so unreasonable! ! (To be continued.)

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