I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,155 [The studio hires a bodyguard? 】

A studio is a standard feature for first-tier stars, and some top second-tier stars also have personal studios, as long as they can afford it. Pen? interest? Court W. iquege. foThis is equivalent to a small entertainment agency, which handles artist-related affairs, publicity, and public relations. Even larger star studios also have production and distribution functions. The only difference from a brokerage company is that the brokerage company is responsible for It is the specific affairs of multiple artists, while a star studio generally serves a single star. This is an essential difference.

Zhang Ye asked Rao Aimin, "Sister Rao, how are you doing?"

Rao Aimin said as a layman: "What is the use of a studio?"

"Of course it will be of great use." Zhang Ye said immediately.

Rao Aimin asked: "What's the big use?"

"Of course..." Zhang Ye paused, looked at Ha Qiqi, and said, "Uh, what's the point?" He couldn't tell.

Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and others fainted after hearing this. Don’t you know what you proposed?

You are an Asian star, how come you still don’t know anything about it?

Xiao Wang still had a look, and immediately said: "Sister Rao, what the studio means is that everyone will be centered around Director Zhang, and everyone will be prosperous and everyone will suffer losses. For related matters, such as those who are looking for Director Zhang to act, they can contact the work For example, you can handle some crisis public relations, and you can also have the studio's dedicated staff discuss solutions, and media interviews. You don't need to come forward one by one in the future. You are Director Zhang's big agent, and you usually only need to be responsible. Just do some big things, and you can leave the other small things to us. Who will do which part depends on the division of labor."

Zhang Ye said yes repeatedly, "That's right, you won't have much work in the future anyway, there won't be people chasing you and calling you every day."

Rao Aimin sneered, "Do I believe you?"

Zhang Ye was helpless, "Really, why did I lie to you!"

"I've already been fooled by your kid once." Rao Aimin said.

Zhang Zuo also advised: "Sister Rao, if we share the cost, the efficiency will definitely be much higher."

Tong Fu said: "Actually, Director Zhang should have set up a studio a long time ago. There is no agency and no first-line stars in the studio. Looking at the entire entertainment industry, there is no one else except Director Zhang!"

Wu Yi nodded and said: "Yes, after we have a team, there is no need for Director Zhang to do crisis public relations or speak out to the outside world! Director Zhang is now an Asian star. If there is no studio to handle matters, he will not be able to do anything in the future. Do it,

The workload is too much! If a job comes from abroad or a foreign media comes over, Director Zhang’s English proficiency won’t be able to handle it. We’d better have a dedicated translator. Of course, we’ll do this slowly and the team will have to improve bit by bit. "

Zhang Ye said to Yang Shu: "Xiao Yang, how are you?"

Yang Shu didn't even think about it, "Where is senior brother, where am I?"

"Okay." Zhang Ye agreed, "That's settled!"










Do the math, basically everything is alive!

This group of old team members are not vegetarians. Basically, they are a complete team that came directly. All the configurations that a program team should have are not lacking. After moving to the studio, everyone's positions will not change. It’s too big, at least everyone can perform their duties and have their own place. Anyway, when they filmed "The Voice" and "Bite of the Tongue", it was the same team that did production, publicity, and public relations, and they didn't even need time to get used to it. , everyone is too familiar with it!

We hit it off immediately and the matter was settled!

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Our studio is newly established, and I don't know the specifics. If you have any suggestions, can you put forward them?"

Ha Qiqi asked: "Where is the office of the studio?"

"Yes, we have to rent an office space, and the relevant procedures must be completed as soon as possible." Zhang Zuo said, "But the rent in office areas is not cheap now."

Zhang Ye's eyes suddenly fell on Rao Aimin's face.

Rao Aimin glanced at him and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

Zhang Ye said: "Old Rao, do you still have a spare room?"

Rao Aimin curled her lips and said, "No."

"No." Zhang Ye said clearly, "Don't you still have a large duplex that you haven't rented out? The one on the top floor is more than 200 square meters."

Xiao Wang asked: "So big?"

Wu Yi was surprised: "Sister Rao still has a room?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Her room is on our floor. Her room is very nice. It is a mixed-use house for both commercial and residential use. It can also register a company."

Rao Aimin immediately said: "You have a beautiful idea, how much do you want to pay?"

Zhang Ye sweated, "What kind of money are you asking for? It hurts your feelings to ask for money!"

Rao Aimin responded, "It hurts your feelings and money!"

Zhang Ye didn't know what to do. Seeing that she wouldn't let go, he had to say: "Okay, can I rent at the market price? I've never seen you being so picky!"

"I told you earlier." Rao Aimin rummaged through it, found a key and threw it to him, "Be careful with it, don't scratch my house!"

Zhang Ye went up with everyone to view the house.

As soon as the door opened, everyone was really surprised!

Although the house is not that big, with the upper and lower floors each being 100 square meters each, it is well decorated, with a bit of a European style, and the furniture is all new. In the bedrooms, the beds and cabinets have been cleared. Putting in a desk, not even decoration is needed, just a set of office equipment is almost complete. Anyway, there are only ten people in their studio for the time being, and they don't need an office area like a large office building.

Xiao Wang praised: “It’s great here!”

Ha Qiqi also liked it very much, "There is enough space!"

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "Then we will start working on it starting today. Just say 'Zhang Ye Studio' on the listing?"

Zhang Ye said: "Yes!"

Ha Qiqi asked: "Do we still need to recruit people?"

"Who else is missing?" Zhang Ye asked.

Tong Fu coughed, "Do you still need bodyguards?"

Yang Shu said: "I am a bodyguard?"

Tong Fu said: "Well, I'm afraid that one bodyguard is not enough for Director Zhang. After all, Director Zhang has offended many people and is so famous now. What if something happens when he is attending an event outside, or the fans are too enthusiastic, or there are too many reporters? , it’s always easy for something to happen.”

Ha Qiqi nodded, "Yes, should we recruit two more?"

Yang Shu didn't like hearing it and frowned: "With me here, who can get close to my senior brother?"

Xiao Wang blinked, "Sister Yang, do you know kung fu?"

Yang Shu smiled slightly and said, "I know a little Tai Chi."

Xiao Wang exclaimed: "Really? Is it like the one in the movie?"

Yang Shu sneered, "The movies are all fake. If you want to learn, I can teach you. I teach people how to box in the community downstairs every day. Do you want to come? There is no charge. Tai Chi is a superb Chinese martial art. Not only It can strengthen your body, and you can also..." Chirping, it was the same line she used to learn boxing from the old men and women in the community every day.

Xiao Wang said: "So powerful?"

Yang Shu smiled and said: "My senior brother is even more powerful."

Everyone obviously didn't understand.

Wu Yi asked strangely: "Senior brother? This title..."

Zhang Zuo guessed: "Are you also from Communication University? Are you Director Zhang's junior schoolmate? Hey, when did Communication University have martial arts classes? I haven't heard of it!"

Yang Shu: "Huh? What kind of school girl?"

Zhang Ye interrupted: "Okay, no need to recruit bodyguards, that's enough."

Everyone looked at Yang Shu suspiciously, but said nothing.

What can a woman do with such a small body?

Everyone obviously doesn’t know how powerful Yang Shu is at this moment!

As everyone knows, after the establishment of Zhang Ye's studio, the last thing he has to worry about is the manpower of bodyguards!

There is Zhang Ye, Yang Shu, and Rao Aimin. How many people in the world can break in? Even if a master of martial arts comes to kill him, he will come in standing and go out lying down. Zhang Ye's studio will definitely be a safer place than Huashan Sect, Shaolin Temple and other famous sects, whether it is Rao Aimin's name or Zhang Ye's name is a person who is feared in the martial arts world! (To be continued.)

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