I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,175 [Zhang Ye talks about the Olympics (Part 2)]

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The live broadcast room is ready.

A professional invited by CCTV Sports also arrived. It was Bao Han, the former women’s Grand Slam winner of the national table tennis team. Has been retired for many years.

"Sister Bao." Yu Yingyi nodded.

Bao Han smiled and said: "Teacher Yu."

The two have collaborated on commentary many times and are very familiar with each other.

But when Bao Han saw another person sitting in the live broadcast room, he was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she knew him, and it was impossible not to know him. How many people in the country didn't know the famous Zhang Ye? But Bao Han obviously didn't know that Zhang Ye was also present today. They, former athletes, are actually guest commentators. Sometimes she will be on, sometimes others will be on, and there may be temporary substitutions. It is not fixed, so for the changes in commentators and some matters within CCTV Sports Channel, she Not knowing. Probably CCTV Sports was too embarrassed to tell her. After all, the table tennis team was the initial trigger for the Zhang Ye vs. sports battle that shocked the country.

Zhang Ye nodded to her.

Yu Yingyi hurriedly said: "The three of us will be in charge today."

Bao Han said oh and looked at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye also looked at her.

Bao Han smiled, walked up and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Professor Zhang."

"Hello." Zhang Ye also stood up and shook hands. "We still have more than half an hour. Let's get to know each other and communicate with each other first. It will be easier to cooperate in a while."

Bao Han said: "I know you quite well."

Zhang Ye groaned, "Really?"

"Yes, we even exchanged words on Weibo." Bao Han said with a smile.

Zhang Ye said: "Ah? Is there any?"

Yu Yingyi was drinking water and almost choked, "Ahem!"

Bao Han said helplessly: "Yes, you started a war with the sports world during the Chinese New Year. Hundreds of us went there, but we didn't scold you alone. So, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other. The original Things, you don’t even know how popular you have become for us, but forget it, let’s not mention the past things, just focus on your ‘god kick’ on the first day of the opening of the Olympic Games, wipe out all the past, then A kick is really a relief! You scolded us once and took the blame for us again. It’s even." After saying that, he remembered that this was a live broadcast room and said: "Ah,

Is the camera off? "

The cameraman smiled and said, "No."

Bao Han is not very good-looking, but he has an interesting temper.

Yu Yingyi was really afraid that the two of them would fight when they met. It seemed like a false alarm.

"Then let's match the words?"


They communicated in low voices.

Zhang Ye did not participate, he had no words at all.

The time is almost up.

Mom turned on the TV and said, "It's coming."

Dad said: "What do you mean, son?"

"Who knows, let us watch the live broadcast in the afternoon." Mom said.

Dad said oh, "Let's see."

Old Yao family.

Yao Mi shouted: "It's started! It's started!"

Yao Jiancai asked: "What game is this afternoon?"

"Table tennis, women's quarterfinals." Yao Mi said.

Lao Yao's wife said: "That's not interesting, we must win for sure."

"Then you have to watch it." Yao Mi said: "Everyone thinks so, but no one watches it. So how bad are the ratings for the Beijing Olympics?"

Yao Jiancai said happily: "Okay, look!"

Uncle's house.

Before school started, the three sisters got together.

"Wow, it's started."

"Watching the Olympics!"

"Today is table tennis."

at the same time.

Many people turned on the TV.

Some people use mobile phone data to watch the live broadcast on the subway.

Someone secretly opened the website in the company to watch the Olympics.

Of course, there are also many people who don't pay much attention to today's event. They think there is no suspense and it is not the finals, so the attention is not that high.

The live broadcast has begun!

After a piece of music, the camera cut into the live broadcast room.

Yu Yingyi appeared on the screen, "Hello everyone, this is the Olympic live broadcast room. I am Yu Yingyi. In five minutes, the women's table tennis quarter-finals will begin. The world's second-ranked Chinese player Sun Linlin will face the world's thirteenth-ranked player. Japanese-Japanese player Hua Qiyang.”

An opening narration, nothing different from before.

However, the following introduction caused an uproar among the audience sitting in front of the TV!

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "First, let's introduce today's guest, whom everyone knows, Bao Han."

The camera was given to her.

Bao Han waved, "Hello everyone."

Yu Yingyi said: "Then there is our new guest commentator and the famous host who will be my partner during the future Olympic live broadcasts - Zhang Ye."

Lens everything.

Zhang Ye's smiling face appeared, "Hello, viewers."

Mom pointed to the TV in shock, "Xiao Ye!"

Dad was also shocked, "It's Xiaoye!"

The eldest sister shouted: "Ah!"

Third sister: "My brother! My brother is on TV!"

Yao Jiancai: "What?"

Yao Mi was so excited, "Teacher Zhang will be the commentator for the Olympics?"

Lao Yao's wife sat down and said, "This is really interesting! Let me take a look too!"

The Internet is also going crazy!

"how come?"

"Holy crap, did I see it wrong?"

"Why did Zhang Ye become a commentator?"

"He was originally the host!"

"But this is a sports commentary, and he has never done it before!"

"Isn't his relationship with the sports world very tense? Why would you invite him to go? And he's also commentating on table tennis?"

"This is so exciting!"

"Everyone, come and watch, Zhang Ye is going to explain the Olympics! Oh my god!"

"real or fake?"

"It's true! It's live broadcast!"

"No wonder Zhang Ye's studio posted such a Weibo post!"

"Teacher Zhang has taken on a new job!"

"This job is too big! What a surprise!"

"Damn, go check it out!"

"I'm coming!"

"Zhang Ye must be given some face!"

One pass to ten and one hundred to pass.

The media was surprised!

Netizens were surprised!

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Ye's appearance!

Many spectators who were not planning to watch the afternoon game also turned on the TV. This is the appeal of a first-line star. There is no need to say anything. Just showing his face and putting his name on it. , can attract countless attention first. This is one of the reasons why CCTV Sports took the risk of inviting Zhang Ye to explain. This kind of first-line star is equivalent to ratings! Of course, as for whether it can attract the audience and whether it can retain the audience for a long time, it depends on the ability of the commentator.

Attention soared!

Everyone wants to see how Zhang Ye's explanation is different from others!

In fact, even people from the CCTV Sports Channel wanted to know. Several leaders and many staff and camera crews were also looking eagerly at the live broadcast room.

The scene cuts to the scene.

Yu Yingyi said: "Okay, the game has begun."

Bao Han explained: "Sun Linlin seems to be in good condition today."

"Really?" Zhang Ye asked.

Bao Han said humbly: "She looks very excited and her body is very relaxed."

Zhang Ye said: "Then let's wait and see."

1: o




Sun Linlin won the first game in just four minutes!

too fast!

So relaxing!

Yu Yingyi said: "Well done!"

Bao Han smiled and said: "Sun Linlin is in great condition."

Zhang Ye said helplessly: "It's my first time explaining, and I'm already prepared to show up for an hour. Does this mean the battle will be resolved in twenty minutes?"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "Now the Chinese table tennis team has no opponents at all."

Zhang Ye said, "There are still opponents."

"Huh?" Yu Yingyi was startled, "Which other opponent is there?"


South Korea?

Bao Han also glanced at Zhang Ye, wondering what he was going to say.

Zhang Ye looked at them strangely and said: "Isn't it obvious? The Chinese table tennis national team has always had only one opponent, and that is the ITTF. From high throws, to red and black rubber surfaces, to changing the ball Big and small, and then changing from the 21-point system to the 11-point system are all designed to create difficulties for the Chinese team, but it seems to have no effect. I don’t know what troubles the ITTF will make in the future."

Bao Han: "Pfft!"

Yu Yingyi was also amused.

Audience in front of TV:


"The only opponent is the ITTF?"


"As a joker, this guy is so professional!"

The second game has already begun.

Yu Yingyi: "Sun Linlin ball."

"No, it was a mistake." Bao Han said: "The quality of this ball is not good."

Huaqikui dunked it back and scored one point first.

However, Zhang Ye cheered loudly, "Beautiful!"

Bao Han fainted: "Huh?"

Yu Yingyi said in surprise: "Teacher Zhang, where are you from?"

Zhang Ye said: "Of course I am on the Chinese team."

"Then you still call her beautiful when she wins one point." Yu Yingyi was speechless.

As a result, Zhang Ye's words left everyone speechless, "Because of this, I hope that the Chinese team will lose a few more goals, so as to give players from other countries the illusion that they can beat us, otherwise we will really play like this." Go ahead, I’m afraid that table tennis will be canceled in the next Olympic Games!”

The camera was hilarious!

Bao Han laughs!

The audience was also very happy!


"I'm done with this guy!"

"What a joke!"

"Is it really okay for you to explain it this way?"

Soon, the whole game was over.

Sun Linlin won, she raised her racket to celebrate!

Bao Han said: "Linlin is very happy."

Zhang Ye said, "Yes, I'm actually not excited at all, but I have to pretend to be happy, otherwise my opponent will be too embarrassed. Sun Linlin is an excellent athlete and knows how to think about her opponents. I think this This is the Olympic spirit, this is the sportsmanship. Today, the whole world should remember this athlete named Sun Linlin. This gesture of raising the photo to celebrate is really touching!"

Bao Han: "..."

Yu Yingyi: "..."

Are you really happy?

Where do you mean this? Hey!

I am so touched by your sister!

Where the hell did you see that you were moved? (To be continued.) 8


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