I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,179 [Zhang Ye’s first single MV? 】

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A few days later.

The Olympic Games came to a successful conclusion.

Zhang Ye also retired with great success, and was surrounded several times on the way back.

Once at a traffic light intersection, I was stopped by a female traffic policeman just as I passed.

The female traffic police officer kept looking at him, "Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Ye was frightened and said: "Comrade police, have I violated the rules?"

The female traffic policeman said: "Please show your driver's license."

"Here." Zhang Ye quickly took it out, and then added, "I didn't drink."

The female traffic policeman stopped him and hesitated for a long time.

Zhang Ye explained again and again, "I really didn't run a red light. If you don't believe me, check the surveillance camera. It's true."

The female traffic policeman was a little embarrassed and said, "I know, I just recognized your car from afar and wanted to ask you for an autograph." At the traffic intersection, Zhang Ye's license plate number and model were obviously no secret.

Zhang Ye fainted and became happy, "Hey, you told me earlier, you scared me." Then he signed her autograph happily.

The female traffic police officer was extremely happy. As soon as Zhang Ye left, she picked up the walkie-talkie and blew it.

"I'm going to Zhang Ye's autograph!"

"Ah? Where?"

"From the new intersection."

"Which direction?"

"Heading south."

The result was that at the third intersection, Zhang Ye was stopped by another female traffic policeman speeding over on a motorcycle.

Breaking the rules again?

Zhang Ye was a little panicked and hurriedly pulled over to the side of the car.

The female traffic police officer got off her motorcycle and excitedly knocked on the BMW's glass.

Zhang Ye rolled down the window.

Female traffic policeman: "Teacher Zhang, please sign."

Zhang Ye: "..."

This was the most frightening way Zhang Ye had ever seen asking for an autograph.

Finally, he was stopped in Lao Rao's community.

Zhang Ye lived here for a long time before he became famous. Later, his studio was established here, and many neighbors knew him.

"Ah, Teacher Zhang!"

"Zhang Ye is back!"

"Xiao Zhang, are you done with the commentary?"

"We watch the games you commentate every day."

"Yeah, it was so funny."

"You're famous again."

"The explanation of the closing ceremony was very well done!"

Zhang Ye cupped his fists and said with a smile: "That's right, you all support me."

Everyone, you have a mouth and I have a mouth.

"That's necessary."

"Who will support you if I don't support you?"

"You are a big celebrity in our community."

"Yes, you were born as a member of our community, and you died as one of us... Oh, that's not right."

After that, everyone was happy.


Rao Aimin was not at home, and she and Chenchen were wandering around somewhere.

Yang Shu is not here either. She must have gone somewhere to distribute Tai Chi leaflets.

Zhang Ye strolled back to his studio and got a graph showing his popularity changes at home and abroad during the Olympics. He nodded while looking at it.

Zhang Zuo said: "This is domestic."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay."

Zhang Zuodao: "This is Asia's data."

Zhang Ye said: "Yes, not bad."

Ha Qiqi said: "There are also word-of-mouth evaluation indicators, all of which have gone up."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Okay, you have worked hard these days."

Ha Qiqi smiled and said: "We don't have to work hard. The main thing is that you explained it well."

Zhang Zuo said: "Yes, the audience is very convinced. This time, even the media and officials have recognized your breakthrough contribution in the field of commentary. With your popularity in the circle, you can be recognized by so many people." , which is the greatest affirmation in itself. In short, the work of commentating for this Olympic Games has increased our popularity a lot. There is still a certain gap between us and the top domestic players, but the gap is not as big as before."

Zhang Ye said with satisfaction: "Take your time, you won't become fat even after one bite."

This year's goal is definitely to reach the top tier in the country, but Zhang Ye doesn't expect to be able to directly overcome this obstacle by relying on an Olympic commentator. This is a bit fanciful.

Olympic theme song.

Olympic promotional song.

Olympic commentary.

These jobs paid well, and the rewards and results were huge. He was already satisfied, and he still had to chew on the rest.

Ha Qiqi asked: "What are your plans next?"

"What do you suggest?" Zhang Ye asked for advice.

Everyone started talking about it.

Taking on a role?

Doing a show?


New song?

Still the same old thing.

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said, "How about releasing a single first, a single MV."

Xiao Wang clapped his hands and agreed: "Okay, okay, you haven't done a MV yet, and you haven't released a single yet."

Zhang Ye is now more interested in things that he has never done before, which will increase his popularity faster, and he has received a lot of benefits from this. Like commercials, he has already filmed or done too many. If he does the same thing again, the effect will definitely not be as good as before. The same is true for other things. It is like filming, you play the daughter-in-law, one film, two films and three films. , maybe no one is more popular than you in this field, and no one can play the role of daughter-in-law better than you, but it is limited to this, and the popularity is as high as the sky. This is not what Zhang Ye needs, what he needs is For all-round development, he needs to reach a higher level, so it is more important to him to continuously introduce new things to bring freshness and surprise to the audience, and his popularity will increase relatively quickly.

There are no big jobs now. As a singer, he has never even released his own album or even a single MV, which is really shameful.

Sooner or later it will be sent, so let’s do it this time.

Ha Qiqi asked: "What do we need to do?"

"Who should we find for distribution?" Wu Yida said.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Besides, after being busy for so many days, I'll give you a few days off. It's just time for me to think about the single MV, so there's no rush."

Zhang Zuole said: "Don't you write songs in minutes? You don't have to think about it?"

Zhang Ye said helplessly: "This is my first single. I must think about it carefully. I can't be too casual. I thought about it."

For other stars, having a good song may be enough. Find a better production team, or ask some celebrities to guest star in the MV, package and promote it, and then you can release a single to hit the charts. . But Zhang Ye obviously pursues more. He does not lack good songs. What he lacks is a feeling. Moreover, songs and MVs are two different concepts. MVs have pictures and must be combined with the songs. This is even worse. Done. Zhang Ye's character has always been that if he doesn't do anything, he must do his best, at least to his own satisfaction.

What song to choose?

How to sing?

Invite whom?

This all needs to be carefully considered.

Zhang Ye waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's all take a holiday."


"Then we'll wait for your news."

"Are we really on vacation?"

"Thank you, Director Zhang."

"I'll stay and work overtime, we can't be left alone."

"Well, Lao Wu, thank you for your hard work."

"Hey, serve the people."

Although the studio has just been established, we are all old colleagues for many years, and we have all gone through ups and downs together, so the atmosphere in the office is very good, and we are all like friends.

Walking to the bar, Zhang Ye poured himself a glass of wine and thought about the MV.

At this time, Dong Shanshan’s call came.

Zhang Ye answered the question with a smile and pretended to say, "Hello, Teacher Shanshan."

"Hello, Teacher Zhang." Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Are you done?"

Zhang Ye said: "Yeah, the Olympics are over and I have nothing to do anymore. What's going on? I and the studio are here. Can we invite Yingyi and the others to come over for a drink?"

Dong Shanshan said: "What are you drinking in broad daylight? I'm here to ask if you are free the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, why are you going?" Zhang Ye asked.

Dong Shanshan smiled, "School is about to start, and many students in our class have discussed going back to school to take a look at the teachers and the places where we fought and lived before."

Zhang Ye immediately said: "I agree with this, it's a good thing."

Dong Shanshan said: "It's been a few years since I graduated. I didn't make a name for myself before, so everyone was too embarrassed to go back. In the past two years, everyone has been working hard outside and achieved some success, so I thought about forming this group." Bureau, I also want to gather all the people in our class."

"Is it all ready?"

"Let's try it. We've almost all been notified."

"Okay, I'm sure it's fine."

"That's fine, I'll contact the others."

"Come on, I miss everyone too."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye drank all the wine in one gulp.

Go back to your alma mater?

Will the classmates from those years meet again?

He was looking forward to it for a moment! (To be continued.)

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