I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,182 [1 song

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On campus.

Next to the garden of the old teaching area.

As soon as Zhang Ye, Yu Yingyi and others walked over, they saw familiar faces. Some people he recognized at a glance, and some he didn't even dare to recognize at first sight. How many years will it take? It's not short, but it's enough to change a person from the inside out.

Zhang Ye greeted him from afar, "Guys!"


"Oh, our big star is here!"

"Yu'er is here too!"


"Ah, Lao Wang!"

"I miss you so much!"

"Haha, He Kui!"

"Hey, Wang He, didn't you go back to your hometown?"

"I came back early and fucked the host again."

"Huh? Isn't that the person you offended at the beginning?"

"Zhang Ye found someone to help me settle the matter."

"Okay, great!"

"Old Zhou, why are you so fat?"

"Hey, life is stressful."

"You're so stressed and you eat so much? I almost don't recognize you!"

Wang He, Ma Xufei, He Kui, Yu Yingyi, Dong Shanshan, and Zhang Ye often gather at Dong Shanshan's villa. Naturally, there is no need to say anything to each other. The rest of the old classmates have been "lost for many years." It’s really been a long, long time since we’ve seen each other. Everyone was very excited when they met. Some hugged each other, and some sat on the ground arm-in-arm and chatted. Some classmates who had blushed in college also looked at each other and smiled after meeting. Think about the grievances and resentments in school back then. In fact, they don’t matter.

Zhang Ye was also very excited. After hugging one, he hugged the other, "Liu'er, you're still so energetic."

Liu Tie laughed, "I'm not as energetic as you. I've seen you fight with people in the news, TV and newspapers in the past two years. Why are you still the same tempered as you were in college?"

"Judge evil as much as hatred,

No tricks. "Zhang Ye said with a smile.

Ma Xufei asked: "By the way, what happened at the door just now?"

"Yes, it was noisy." Wang He asked, "It seems like there was a fight."

He Kui said: "I heard it too. Wasn't there a crew filming there before? There were martial arts elements in the youth campus scene? I never heard of it."

At this time, Dong Shanshan’s figure came from a distance.



"The school beauty is here!"


When she was in school, Dong Shanshan was one of the top figures in the school, and it was the same after graduation.

Seeing the boys approaching one by one, Yu Yingyi and Xiaoqian laughed and cursed: "These gangsters can't walk when they see beautiful women!"

Liu Tie asked: "Are you still filming at the door?"

Dong Shanshan was wearing a long dress today, which was particularly eye-catching. She just laughed and said, "Why are we filming? The crew was scolded and sent away."

Wang He was stunned, "Ah? Why?"

Dong Shanshan said: "It seems they blocked the door."

He Kui shouted, "Damn, who is so awesome?"

"That's the crew that Ning Lan is in, and the director is also a big name." Ma Xufei said in shock: "Who can scold them away if they go crazy?"

Dong Shanshan raised his chin and said with a smile: "Who do you think is so bold?"

Yu Yingyi and Xiaoqian covered their mouths and laughed non-stop while looking at Zhang Ye.

Only then did everyone react!


"Zhang'er, did you scold him and leave?"

"You got here after eating gunpowder."

"Halo, I'm convinced!"

"Hahahaha, cow!"

"If I had known, I would have gone to see it just now!"

"I missed a big show!"

"I experienced Zhang'er's bad temper when I was in college, and it's still the same!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Come on, don't mention this problem. My brother is offending more and more people now. I don't know what to do in the future."

Liu Tie said: "The door is blocked and we are not allowed to enter. You have nothing to do with this matter. Alas, students today are too timid. If we had been blocked at that time, I would have done it with them." Woke up!"

Ma Xufei said: "Just blow it."

Liu Tie snorted: "What am I bragging about? When I was a sophomore, people from the Education Committee came to inspect and gave our class teacher a pass for no reason. Who hit them with water bags filled with balloons from the dormitory building?" "

Wang He shouted: "Holy crap, is it you?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "This was an unsolved case back then."

Liu Tie coughed and said, "What, I put the water in the balloon."

"Then who threw it?" Everyone asked curiously. This matter was really sensational back then.

Liu Tie pointed his chin to the side, "That must be Zhang Ye's stupid and bold guy. Who else but him would dare to do such a thing?"

Zhang Ye laughed dryly and said, "Young, young and impulsive."

Xiaoqian's eyes rolled upwards, "Is it you again?"

Yu Yingyi laughed, "This case is solved. Fortunately, no one discovered it back then, otherwise you two would not be able to graduate now."

A group of people were chattering, all talking about what happened back then.

The wind is cool.

A few fallen leaves sprinkled down.

"I think back then, I was really happy."

"At that time, we would enjoy the whole day if there was any gossip about who was having sex with someone."

"This road is so familiar."

"Can we not be familiar with each other? The last time we met, it was right here, on this road. After the graduation ceremony took a group photo that day, everyone walked out from here and went our separate ways. I remember that day very clearly. It was in the afternoon and the sun was about to set. Yes, the sunset is particularly beautiful.”


"I can't forget that day either."

"It's a pity that we can't gather enough people. There are only so many of us who can come."

Many people were silent.

Zhang Ye asked, "Where is Li Lian?"

Xiaoqian hesitated and said, "I'm divorced and can't be contacted."

Ma Xufei asked: "Chengzi didn't come either?"

Lao Wang hesitated and said: "Chengzi was caught embezzling public funds. The amount was quite large. I'm afraid he won't be able to get out in a few years. I visited the prison once at the beginning of the year and his hair was half gray." Then he I can't say any more.

Zhang Ye said in surprise: "How could that be possible?"

Lao Wang said: "Everything in the world is impermanent."

Dong Shanshan asked: "Who contacted Xiaoqiu?"

No one spoke.

Yu Yingyi looked at Liu Tie, "Aren't Sister Qiu and you in the same high school? You two should be in contact?"

Liu Tie pondered for a moment, "She won't let me tell you."

"What happened?" Dong Shanshan asked.

Liu Tie finally said: "Xiao Qiu...she had a car accident the year before last and both legs were broken. Her husband is very good to her and has been taking care of her for the past two years."

Xiaoqian covered her mouth and her eyes were red, "How could that be!"

Dong Shanshan said blankly: "Xiao Qiu and I learned to dance together back then. She really liked moving. She would drag me to the lawn to practice basic skills when she had nothing to do. We made an appointment to perform together on the largest stage in the country. To... …”

Liu Tie said: "She...can't dance anymore."

Zhang Ye bent down, picked up a leaf on the ground, and blew it in his mouth a few times, but it made no sound. "Sister Qiu taught me to play the leaves back then, and asked me to play the melody while she danced with her, but I was stupid and learned I haven’t learned it for a long time.”

Xiaoqian wiped her tears.


Suddenly laughter came from the side.

A group of boys and girls came out with many musical instruments and placed them on the steps.

"Go ahead and move."

"Looking forward to the opening ceremony."

"Me too, hehe."

The boys and girls went upstairs again.

Zhang Ye pinched the leaves and walked over for some reason. He gently placed the leaves that could not be blown on the stone slab. He looked at them for a while, then turned around, sat on the steps, and moved the group of boys and girls down. He held an acoustic guitar in his hand and suddenly plucked the strings.

Dong Shanshan looks over.

Liu Tie looked over.

More than twenty classmates looked at him.

Zhang Ye closed his eyes, and the song suddenly floated:

"Maybe I won't see you again."

"The yellowish sky when leaving."

"Some people are destined never to see each other again."

"Those once green faces."

"I picked up the leaves of the palm tree."

"Put it in front of the green stone slab."

"To commemorate those lost youth."

"And the ignorant oath."

Yu Yingyi's hands trembled, and suddenly she couldn't control it. With tears in her eyes, she walked over, picked up a small bag in the box on the ground, and pulled it gently!

Wang He also went up and grabbed a wind chime!

Xiaoqian sniffed!

"The wind is singing."

“Singing about the places he’s been.”

"in the darkness."

"There is a flower blooming for you."

"The moment you turn your head."

"A smiling face as beautiful as the sunset."

"It bloomed in spring at a certain time."

Clumsy wind chimes.

The sound of a violin with an inaccurate timbre.

The boys and girls who had just left heard the sound and hurried down. Who were they? Who touched our instruments? That was for our performance, but as soon as they ran downstairs angrily, they were stunned by the scene in front of them, or in other words, they were shocked!

Dong Shanshan in a red dress moves in the wind!

Take a step forward, hold the hem of your skirt and dance!

Zhang Ye's singing voice was filled with sadness:

"Maybe I won't see you again."

"The yellowish sky when leaving."

"Some people are destined never to see each other again."

"Those once green faces."

"I picked up the leaves of the palm trees."

"Put it in front of the green stone slab."

"To commemorate those lost youth."

"And the ignorant oath."

The red dress is flying!

Dong Shanshan jumps faster and faster!

That kind of sad beauty deeply shocked several boys and girls!

"The wind is singing."

“Singing about the places he’s been.”

"in the darkness."

"There is a flower blooming for you."

"The moment you turn your head."

"A smiling face as beautiful as the sunset. "

"It bloomed in spring at a certain time."

Dong Shanshan cried while dancing, her whole body seemed to be integrated into the singing!



"Those lost youth."

"Those ignorant oaths."

Yu Yingyi cried!

Xiaoqian cried!

The song "Youth" made them burst into tears! (To be continued.)

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