I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,189 [Please let us sing this last song! 】

The police car stopped suddenly. 【】

Because someone called the police for a group fight, the police station dispatched three vehicles.

A policeman got out of the car, looked at the people wailing on the ground, and then looked blankly at a few familiar faces running into the car in the distance, a little unresponsive.


Teacher Dong Shanshan?

Teacher Zhang Ye?

And Yu Yingyi from CCTV?

gang war? What about filming? Is Zhang Ye finally going to enter the film and television industry?

The policeman was speechless, "Who called the police? What a nonsense report!"

"Ambulance! Ambulance!" The fat man screamed, holding his stomach.

The policeman glanced at him and said, "Okay, stop yelling. Which crew are you from?"

Fatty: "..."

People around: "..."

The policeman said: "Get up, the director is gone, what else are you going to do? Are you working so hard? You guys are pretty good at it, are you a middle-class actor?"

A group of people who were beaten were furious!

Poof, someone even spit out a knocked out front tooth!

The policeman was stunned.

The people who got off the bus next to me were also stunned!

"Holy shit!"

"It's not filming!"


"Get in the car and chase!"


Zhang Ye drove like crazy!

Dong Shanshan also drove a car in front, faster than him!

Liu Tie yelled, "We're catching up!"

Yu Yingyi exclaimed: "Hurry up!"

Zhang Ye asked as he opened the door,

"What time does the welcome party start?"

"It's already started!" Xiaoqian said.

Yu Yingyi added: "Our show is the finale, so we can catch up!"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Okay, sit tight now!"

Hu Feifei almost cried, "Zhang'er, can you still laugh? We've got into a big trouble this time, a big trouble." She looked at the police car in the rearview mirror, and her heart was broken. , blaming himself: "It's all my fault. It's all my fault for causing you trouble. If I had known, I wouldn't have come to see you! What should I do now?"

Wang He was also in the car with them.

Wang He became worried after being impulsive, and said: "It doesn't matter that I'm a little anchor. At worst, I'll be detained for a few days. What else can they do to me? Zhang Ye, Shanshan and Yingyi are different!"

Yu Yingyi smiled and said: "The worst case is that I'll quit and start all over again!"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "That's good, or we'll have to start all over again!"

Hu Feifei said anxiously: "But you..."

Zhang Ye interrupted: "Hu Feifei, let me ask you, are you satisfied with the beating?"

"...enjoyed!" Hu Feifei gritted her teeth.

Zhang Ye asked again, "Are you venting your anger?"

Hu Feifei also smiled and said, "Relieve your anger!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Haha, isn't it over now! This is more important than anything else, no matter what else he does! Love who the hell you are! Feifei, you have such a great smile, and you let me see the same smile you had in college. Your eyes are higher than your head, yes, keep it up! The arrogant Hu Feifei we had back then is not someone to be bullied!"

Hu Feifei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't be rude to me. Let's see if you use this adjective. Do you have anything nice to say?"

Yu Yingyi said happily: "He has always been so bad-mouthed!"

Xiaoqian hugged her shoulders and said, "Feifei, divorce him when you get back!"

Yu Yingyi said: "Yes, we all support you! We are here!"

Hu Feifei mustered up the courage to nod vigorously, "Okay!"

She looked at Yu Yingyi, Xiaoqian, and Zhang Ye. Unconsciously, Hu Feifei pursed her lips and her eye circles turned red again.

Today is the happiest day since her graduation!

It’s better to be a classmate!

It’s better, old guys!

Thank you, thank you!

Zhang Ye: "Sit tight, let's speed up!"

Wang He said: "Run!"

Yu Yingyi: "gogogo!"

At this tense moment, Xiaoqian actually started to sing loudly, and she seemed to be in a good mood, "Run forward! Face the cold looks and ridicule..."

People in the first few cars were also fleeing!

Lao Wang was frightened and said: "What to do! What to do!"

Ma Xufei: "Ah? Where is Zhang Er's car?"

Dong Shanshan glanced at the rearview mirror, "They went to lure the police away. Let's drive quickly. The whole school must gather. The song must be finished!"

He Kui said calmly: "Shanshan, you didn't do anything anyway, so don't follow us. When the car arrives, you can run away while the police arrest you."

Dong Shanshan said: "What are you talking about! If we all commit something together, we will definitely shoulder it together!"


"Let's support it together!"

"We share the blessings and bear the hardships together!"


Communication University has arrived.

Several cars honked their horns and rushed through the gate.

The security guards were stunned, wondering what happened!

Because Zhang Ye led the police around in a circle, he was the last one to come in. The car window had been rolled down. When he reached the gate, he braked suddenly and shouted to the guard, "There are police behind us, help us." Please delay, thank you, brother!"

When the guard saw it was Zhang Ye, he immediately said, "Professor Zhang? Okay! I understand!"


Why are there police?

He didn't ask any questions and quickly closed the door!

Zhang Ye is a graduate of their Communication University and an associate professor at their school. No need to ask, he must help his own people first!

Another doorman came out in shock, "What's wrong? Why are you closing the door?"

The old guard said: "Stop asking, let's go, let's pretend to be dead!"

The young guard was dumbfounded: "Pretending to be dead?"

The old guard: "Let's stay in the toilet and no one will open the door. Professor Zhang Ye must have caused a big trouble again. We have to help him delay it for a while!"

Young guard: "What? Zhang Ye? Got it!"

Outside the auditorium door.

Dong Shanshan and others are already waiting anxiously!

"Where are the people?"

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Call Zhang Er!"

"Did you get caught?"

"Hurry up, the orientation party is almost over!"

More than a dozen people were milling around!

The sound of the engine is getting closer!


"It's Zhang'er's car!"

"Very good!"

Stop the BMW!

Zhang Ye, Yu Yingyi, Hu Feifei and others rushed out of the car!

Dong Shanshan shouted: "Zhang'er!"

Zhang Ye yelled, "Run!"

Wang He said: "Let's go! Quick, quick, quick!"

With one sound, Zhang Ye rushed into the auditorium at the lead!

Dong Shanshan and Hu Feifei looked at each other and smiled, and more than 20 people also ran in!

There are students around.

There are also some teachers.

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned. What happened? What are they doing? The party has already started. Why did they come?

Twenty people were running like crazy!

They all knew that they were in trouble, and they all knew that what happened today was definitely not a big deal, but no one stopped. Instead, they ran faster and faster, and the blood in their hearts became more and more boiling. At this moment, everyone seemed to have returned to that student Time, back to the desperate time, back to the years of laughter and yelling, at that time they were also so crazy, chasing, running, never stopping!


Coming soon!

Just one song left!

Please let us sing this last song!


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