I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1191 [Zhang Ye was arrested again! 】

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The entire venue was overturned!

"Chasing Dreams" by Zhang Ye from the Earth, Gala's most famous song, is extremely difficult. Most people can't sing the high notes, and Gala herself is struggling. Except for Zhang Ye, everyone else sang almost horribly, almost shouting at the top of their lungs. Some even broke their voices, their voices were hoarse, and their lyrics were wrong. But for some reason, no one present felt that their singing was not good. On the contrary, it was particularly shocking, and moved them even more than those sounds that used their full skills. It was an indescribable shock!

Some songs may not be sung with your voice!

But sing with emotion and heart.

A pure heart?


"Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy? The lyrics are so good!"

“Don’t compromise until you get old!”




"This is the best live singing I've ever heard!"

"Senior, why are they crying too!"

Hu Feifei, Xiaoqian and others shed tears on the stage. They have experienced too much in the past few years since they graduated. Are they cold-shouldered? frustration? Ordeal? laugh at? They didn't know how they survived. They would never have thought that one day they could get together and do such a crazy thing and sing such a crazy song!

Several teachers in the audience were sighing.

A teacher who once taught them said: "These children have grown up."

Another teacher said: "They haven't grown up yet."

Su Yanhong smiled and said: "Yes, they are still the same as before. I have never led a class that is as troublesome as them in my life!"

A female teacher laughed and said, "Now it's someone else's turn to have a headache!"

The concert is over!

The welcome party is also over!

Backstage, Zhang Ye and others came down.

Wang He shouted: "It's so cool!"

Dahui laughed, "My throat is split!"

"Enjoyed!" Lao Wang shouted: "Happy!"

Ma Xufei said: "We haven't been this crazy in how many years!"

Hu Feifei smiled bitterly and said: "Only the little effort in the car, Xiaoqian taught me for a long time, but I didn't even remember all the lyrics. Did I sing the wrong line?"

Maybe my hands are clumsy.

Maybe my mouth is stupid because of her singing.

Zhang Ye said happily: "It's okay, the words you changed are more suitable for you, it's good."

Yu Yingyi's eyebrows were full of joy and she said: "I'm all singing high today!"

Zhang Ye whistled and said to everyone: "We've finished singing. Okay, let's not make people wait any longer. Let's go, brothers."


"Let's go!"

"Ha ha!"

"Get on the road!"

"Hey, what do you mean by going on the road, being so depressed?"

"What's that called?"

"We surrendered."

"You're even worse!"

"It should be said that he died with honor!"

"Khan, the more I talk about it, the more out of bounds I get."

Everyone didn't hesitate at all and walked out laughing.

Outside, a group of policemen were hesitating.

A policeman asked: "Brother Li, are you going to arrest someone?"

The old policeman rolled his eyes and said, "We are arresting people at this time. The students are not allowed to block us there."

"What should we do?"

"If someone runs away, we can..."

"Yes, we can't hesitate any longer!"

Just as they were talking, many policemen suddenly turned their heads and were stunned to see Zhang Ye, Dong Shanshan, Hu Feifei and others walking towards their direction with smiles. The policemen did not react for a moment. What do you mean?

Zhang Ye said: "I'm sorry, comrade policeman."

Yu Yingyi said: "We will go with you."

Liu Tie stretched out his hand and said, "Would you like to use handcuffs?"

Lao Wang blinked and said, "Are we surrendering ourselves?"

The policemen looked at each other.

"Aren't you going to run away?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "The singing is over, everything that needs to be done has been done, why run away?" Suddenly, he looked at two of the policemen and said, "You two look familiar, don't you?"

The two men couldn't laugh or cry, "We have caught you before."

Hu Feifei: "Pfft!"

Dong Shanshan and others were also happy.

"Ah? When?" Zhang Ye was stunned.

The policeman said: "A few years ago, our police station dealt with the beatings you made on the Beijing TV station. Now we still have the poem you wrote back then in the dark room of our station."

Zhang Ye said kindly: "We are old friends."

The policeman smiled bitterly, "Who is your old friend? Can you please stop causing more chaos for us?" They really don't want to arrest Zhang Ye, let alone bring Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi with them this time? I think back when Zhang Ye's popularity was not as high as it is today, he almost turned their police station upside down. How many reporters and people almost crushed the police station's threshold, I still feel frightened just thinking about it.

But the case still needs to be handled.

A policeman sighed, "Get in the car."

Zhang Ye nodded, "Let's go."

Everyone left shouting.

On the way, the policemen were originally worried that these people would escape, and they were very vigilant in guarding them. After all, Zhang Ye had caused trouble in their station before. However, the cars had already arrived at the police station, and Zhang Ye and the others had not seen any action. , not even making trouble or complaining, but relaxed and everything was very cooperative.

As everyone knows, Zhang Ye has his "thread" in his heart.

The last time he was arrested, Zhang Ye acted bravely. It was Wang Shuixin's son from the Beijing TV station who bullied someone first, and then he went to help beat them up. He didn't feel that he was at fault. Of course he was not convinced about being arrested, and he would definitely fight with them. He said that because he was being reasonable, he was acting in self-defense. But this time, Zhang Ye and the others clearly knew that it was definitely wrong and illegal to hit people in the past, so he didn't say anything!

He admits his fault!

It's his responsibility and he won't run away!


The video of Communication University’s orientation meeting has been exposed!

"Chasing Dreams", sung by Zhang Ye, became an instant hit!


“The words are so awesome!”

"Who wrote the song?"

"Nonsense, it must be Zhang Ye!"

"You sang so well!"

"Shanshan can sing too? She's so mesmerized!"

"Haha, Yu Yingyi is going too!"

"Have all the people from Zhang Ye's class arrived?"

"The camaraderie of classmates is so good."

"This is their youth! Keep moving forward!"

"It really makes my blood boil! It's so exciting!"

Not long after, more exciting news came!

Almost without warning or any expectation!

"Latest news: Zhang Ye was arrested!" 》

"Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi were taken away by the police station for allegedly fighting in a group!" 》

"Zhang Ye, Dong Shanshan and others gathered to fight! 》

This news was like a thunder that exploded in the country. Everyone who heard this news almost spit out a mouthful of blood!


gang war?

Countless people fainted and fell to the ground!

I believe Zhang Ye fights. He even beat up foreign referees at the last Olympics. This guy has to cause trouble every now and then. Everyone is used to it!

But what did you say?

Dong Shanshan?

Yu Yingyi?

Are they two fighting in a group?

I wipe it! Did you make a mistake?

That's our goddess!


“My titanium dog is blind!”

"I'm blind too, Goddess Shanshan!"

"Why should I start a group fight?"

"Is this fake news?"

"It's definitely not fake. What happened?"

"Yeah, why exactly?"

"Zhang Ye is used to fighting, but how could Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi fight? There is definitely a reason for everything, and something big must have happened!"

"Zhang Ye, your sister!"

"Take the goddess to fight? That's you!"

"The goddess has been led astray by you!" (To be continued.)

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