I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,199 [The top positions in the entertainment industry! 】

Went home. 【Read full text】

Before the door opened, I heard the phone in the living room ringing.

Mom walked quickly to answer the phone. It was her third uncle.

"Sister, Xiaoye is engaged?"

"haha, yes."

"Oh, we didn't even know!"

"No one said anything."

"Whose child is it?"

"Xiao Ye won't let me talk, so I'll keep it a secret first."

"What can't you say about your family?"

"Hey, it's because my daughter-in-law-to-be has a special status."

The phone calls at home came one after another, from my grandma’s house, my uncle’s house, my aunt’s house. Everyone who knew the news called. They all expressed their surprise and asked hard to find out who it was. Of course my mother wanted to say it, she had been holding it in for the past few days, but this matter was too big, there was too much public attention, and Wu Zeqing's identity was not ordinary, so my mother could not reveal it for the time being.

Zhang Ye was also answering the phone.

To be precise, this time he took the initiative to call his friends one by one. Without waiting for anyone to ask, Zhang Ye went to announce the good news. He was so happy!

I called Yao Jiancai first, my old partner and the best relationship.

"Old Yao, I'm engaged."

"Don't make trouble."

"Damn, I really ordered it!"

"Why are you engaged if you don't even have a girlfriend?"

"Hey, who said I don't have a girlfriend?"

"Are you really fake?"

"It really can't be truer. Congratulate me quickly."

"Congratulations, eh, whose daughter is so unlucky."

"Your sister!"

Then he called Hu Fei from Beijing TV.

"Brother Hu.


"I checked Weibo, what's going on?"

"Haha, I just ordered it."

"It's so sudden. What a happy event. Congratulations."


"When will you be married?"

"It should be soon."

"Okay, set a date and tell us, we will definitely arrive!"

"It is a must!"

After more than a dozen calls were made, Zhang Ye told everyone he could tell. At last glance, the celebrity funny group on his phone was also exploding with everyone guessing who Zhang Ye's fiancée was.

Ning Lan: "Haha, who do you think is so unlucky?"

Fan Wenli: "Laugh."

Chen Guang: "The boss's job is so confidential that I didn't even know about it!"

Huo Dongfang: "Congratulations anyway."

Xiaodong: "Ah ah, is Boss Zhang joking?"

Chen Guang: "Yes, he usually doesn't tell the truth."

At this time, Zhang Ye bubbled, "I'm not joking, really."

Amy sent a voice message and shouted: "You're out! Everyone is wondering if you're from the circle, and who is it? I'm so curious!"

Everyone’s screen was filled with questions and they kept asking questions!

Many famous diving stars also came out to watch the fun.

Zhang Ye replied: "It doesn't count even if you are in the circle."

Ninglan: "Do we know each other?"

Zhang Ye thought for a while and then typed with a smile: "Everyone should know about her, but I don't know if I know her. I'll keep it a secret for now and then announce it when I get married."

Director Li Ke: "Do you want to suffocate people to death?"

Fan Wenli: "When will the banquet be held?"

Zhang Ye: "Hey, I'm not sure yet."

Li Xiaoxian smiled: "But Teacher Zhang is still cool and unrestrained. He will announce it if he wants to, and get married if he wants to. Unlike us, let alone getting married, sometimes we have to be secretive when meeting a male friend, for fear of losing fans if there is a scandal. This I still envy Teacher Zhang a little bit."

Amy lamented: "That's right. Mr. Zhang's fan base is many times more reliable than ours. He has reached his current position and is no longer afraid of anything. But we still have to get married. I don't know how many times." I can get there personally."

Ning Lan: "Amy is in love?"

Amy: "How dare I?"

Xiaodong: "Hehe, Amy wants to make enough money first, and then get married when she has no worries in her life. Then she will officially bid farewell to the entertainment industry."

Everyone began to have in-depth discussions and research on the topic of "How can celebrities not lose fans when they get married?" Taking Zhang Ye as an example, he also detailed the cases of many celebrities in the entertainment industry, analyzed and summarized their experiences, and finally got the surprise. Come to a conclusion - How can celebrities not lose fans when they get married?


Only the devil knows!

That night, the news came one after another.

"Zhang Ye announces his engagement!" 》

"The identity of Zhang Ye's fiancée is revealed!" 》

"Breaking Bad!" Zhang Ye has received the certificate secretly! 》

"Someone witnessed Zhang Ye dating Dong Shanshan late at night! 》

"Exclusive reveal of Zhang Ye's fiancée—university classmate Yu Yingyi!" 》

Rumors are flying all over the sky, and many gossips are quite accurate. Various p-picture masters have come out, but in fact they are all just trying to gain popularity. In the end, even some official media were confused and began to analyze it randomly. Many people swore that they had analyzed who it was.

Zhang Ye didn't even need to read it, because he knew that if anyone really knew who his fiancée was, they would definitely not dare to spread such reports.

at night.

The excitement subsided and everyone who needed to sleep fell asleep.

Zhang Ye flipped through the domestic artist ratings that had just been updated and looked at his ranking. He was still ranked first among the domestic first-line stars. It had not changed. The popularity numbers behind him had once again increased a lot. But look at him. Among the people at the top of the entertainment food chain in the super-first-tier ratings above, the popularity gap has not narrowed much. Among the top few, some have just starred in a movie with a box office of over 300 million, some have a newly released TV series that has become popular all over the country, and some have a new song that has directly entered the middle of an authoritative foreign music ranking. Each one is better than the last.

Zhang Ye is very popular!

But the same goes for others, they continue to gain fans every day!

Although there is a king in there who is less popular than he was when he was young. He is walking down the road and his popularity has not improved much. However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The popularity he has accumulated over the years is not Zhang Ye's. You can cross it in a while. The top-tier list has not been updated for many years. Those few people who dominate the entertainment industry are monolithic and have almost never changed.

Looking at those familiar names, Zhang Ye also made up his mind to get engaged this time. His fighting spirit was getting higher and higher, and his motivation was getting stronger. What he was thinking about now was how to get a super first-tier rating in this monolithic industry. Upper kick.



This is not what Zhang Ye has to consider!

Because he has to do this, sooner or later!

The status gap between the first-tier and the super-tier one is still too big. If you really want to go to the super-tier, the ranking will not matter. Who is higher or lower among the kings and queens? In theory, there is not much difference, and the status is the same. Everyone is at the top of the food chain, but there is a difference between a first-tier star and a super first-tier star. No matter how close their popularity is, their status is different - this is why Zhang Ye is obsessed with reaching the top in China. His Asian The popularity list has been opened, but Zhang Ye has never paid attention to it because he must first reach the top in China. With this foundation, he can enter Asia in the future and even enter the international entertainment industry. Otherwise, he will not be able to gain a firm foothold in China. Going international is obviously not reliable, and everything must be done step by step.

Put it on your agenda!

Among the top positions in the country, he must win one as soon as possible! (To be continued. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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