The next day.

On sale day.

In the morning, the entrance of Xidan Book Building was crowded. More than 200 people lined up in a long queue, blocking the main entrance of the building.

"Don't crowd, don't crowd."

"Get in line, don't add three more people."

"The door will be opened soon."

"It's so slow. I'll be here at six o'clock."

"Brother, I was earlier than you. I heard there are others earlier."

"Ah? What time is it left?"

"Someone came four and a half years in the morning."

"Khan, isn't it?"

"Why not? Who knows if I can buy it or not."

Everyone chatted while lining up.

Some people who were passing by at work were puzzled. They didn’t know what these people were doing. They stopped and looked at them. “What kind of queue are you in? Has Hard Shell Technology released a new mobile phone? I haven’t heard of it, and the store is not here, but over there.” Bian, what kind of queue are you waiting for at the entrance of the library?"

The people in the team said: "Buy books."

The man was startled, "What book should I buy?"

A girl said: "Zhang Ye's "Fortress Besieged"!"

The passer-by asked in surprise: "What? Did you publish a new book in the face?"

The girl nodded and said, "Yes, yes, according to rumors, this marriage novel contains major secrets and identity exposure about Zhang Ye's fiancée!"

"Holy shit, is it so exciting?" The person passing by had excited eyes and immediately trotted to the back of the line and lined up silently.

It's business hours.

The staff opened the door, but as soon as they opened the passage, several library building employees were stunned by the scene in front of them. They saw a dense black shadow rushing towards them with a roar, and some lesbians were frightened. He turned pale and looked confused. He didn't know what happened!

The crowd rushes in!


"There it is!"

"I see the shelves!"

"I'll buy a copy of "Fortress Besieged"!"

"Bring me ten copies! Pack them up!"

Only then did the staff realize what had happened.

When they came to their senses, the shelves of "Fortress Besieged" were empty, leaving only a bare canvas promotional poster!

"Why is it gone?"

"Oh my god, I've been here since six o'clock!"

“There must still be some in stock!”

The leaders of the library building were alarmed. They went downstairs dumbfounded and said hurriedly: "Don't be excited, don't be excited. I've sent people to the warehouse to transfer the goods. The books will be here soon!"


Xinhua Bookstore.

"I want "Fortress Besieged"!"

"Give me two copies, thank you!"


“Why are there still purchase restrictions?”

"One person can only buy one copy? What's the rule?"


Liberation Bookstore.

"Is "Fortress Besieged" still available?"

"there is none left."

"What's going on? There's a long queue!"

"We only got two hundred copies and they are all sold out. Why don't you go to West Street and ask if they still have them in stock."

"West Street is gone, I just came from there!"

All morning long.

Such crazy scenes are constantly happening in major bookstores across the country.

Many booksellers in bookstores are a little dumbfounded. This is not buying books. This is clearly robbing books. Because "Besieged City" is a single book with a full word count, and with Zhang Ye's aura, the publisher's price It's very high, but now it feels like people are buying it for free. They don't even read the content, don't even turn the front page, someone comes in, picks up the book and runs to the cashier!

The media was dumbfounded!

Many passers-by watching this scene were also stunned!

Is this Zhang Ye’s appeal? Isn’t this too awesome? Looking at the country, which author can have such a scene on the first day of releasing his new book?

At ten o'clock in the morning, "Fortress Besieged" was sold out in 13 bookstores across the country!

At 10:30 in the morning, thirty-five bookstores across the country were sold out!

At 11 o'clock in the morning, fifty-seven bookstores across the country were sold out!

The supply of "Fortress Besieged" is getting less and less!

The red-eyed bookseller's reservation phone number even reached Zhang Ye's studio in a hurry.


Xiao Wang was answering the phone, "We don't have books here... Yes, you can contact the publishing house of "Fortress Besieged"... It's useless to tell me, we are not responsible for this." After hanging up the phone, Xiao Wang I couldn't help but tell everyone: "There is a bookseller who asks for a thousand copies as soon as he opens his mouth."

Wu Yi said excitedly: "It's so hot!"

Ha Qiqi laughed, "There is absolutely no need to worry about sales!"

Zhang Zuo hurried back from outside, panting: "You should really go out and take a look just now. The bookstore in front is crazy! It's full of people!"

Even Zhang Ye himself was thinking, "Isn't that the case?"

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Zhang Zuo quickly said: "It's true, go take a look!"

Zhang Ye said: "The publicity work is not in place yet. If the first launcher is so anxious, can it sell so much?"

Ha Qiqi laughed and said: "That's because you didn't take your name into account. It would definitely not work for an ordinary person, but who are you? The person who writes the best books among celebrities, the most popular person among writers, not to mention you are married. The story coincides with the marriage theme of this book, and today is the announcement of the Qilu Award, and "Fortress Besieged" is also on the shortlist for the Qilu Award, so it must be so popular."

the phone is ringing.

When Zhang Ye picked it up, it was from Yao Jiancai.

"Old Yao, what are you doing?"

"Why can't I buy your book?"


"My daughter wanted to buy it, and it was sold out in three bookstores she visited!"

"Hey, I didn't expect it to sell so well on the first day."

"Stop saying anything and get me ten copies quickly."

"Hey, I don't have much inventory here. The publisher didn't leave much for me. I'll give you three copies at most. I'll talk about it later when I get richer."

"Three copies, three copies. Let your sister-in-law go to your studio to get them later. Mimi is in a hurry."


At this time, the doorbell rang.

Xiao Wang was close, so he opened the door.

The person who walked in was Chenchen, "Zhang Ye."

Zhang Ye said: "Why are you here? You are busy and have no time."

Chenchen curled his lips and ignored him. He looked at the pile of "Fortress Besieged" neatly arranged and unopened in the corner of the studio. He strolled up to it, picked up five copies and put them in his arms.

Zhang Ye stared, "What are you doing?"

Chenchen said calmly: "Someone wants your book."

Zhang Ye was delighted, "Who wants it?"

Chenchen pointed in the direction downstairs, "Lao Sun and Lao Zhou, they can't buy it."

Lao Sun? Uncle Sun?

Lao Zhou? Uncle Zhou, right?

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Take it, take it."

Chenchen walked away.

After a while, the little guy came back.

Zhang Ye was speechless, "What are you doing again?"

Chenchen said: "Zhang Ye, give me twenty more copies."

Zhang Ye found that the little guy's pocket was bulging, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious, "What's in your pocket?"

Chenchen covered his pocket and said, "Don't worry about it."

"Hey, let me take a look." Zhang Ye went over and rummaged through her pockets.

"Leave it alone!" Chenchen refused, but he was not as strong as him, so the things fell out of his pocket.

Everyone took a look and saw that it was exactly two hundred and fifty yuan!

Chenchen had no choice but to say: "I sold your book at the gate of the community. Each book costs fifty yuan, which is more than your publishing price. Zhang Ye, please give me twenty more copies."

Zhang Ye fainted: "Your sister, I came to my place with you to purchase goods!"

Everyone laughed!

Do you know how to sell it at a higher price?

I have never seen such a small scalper!

But this picture also illustrates the popularity of "Fortress Besieged", it really sold like crazy!

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