I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,211 [Great harvest in the lottery! 】

this day.

The sun is shining brightly and the autumn breeze is cool.

Zhang Ye was finally done with his work and specially gave himself a half-day off. There were celebration parties, dinners, dealing with reporters, and book signings. He had been exhausted these past few days. He signed no less than 500 signatures alone. However, due to the Zhang Ye wanted to climb to the seven top spots as soon as possible, and the summit plan was also very full. There was almost no time to rest. The first two steps were successfully completed, and the third and fourth steps were coming soon, so Zhang Ye I can only give myself half a day off.

no way.

It’s all about getting to the top of the country.

In fact, it was said that Zhang Ye had some very important things to do in the half day he set aside. During this period of time, the reputation value of the game ring had accumulated too much. It was already an astronomical figure. Except for occasional use, Using the lucky halo and memory to search outside the capsule didn't consume much reputation. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he drew a lottery. He hadn't replenished his skills, attributes, and special items for a long time. Taking advantage of this time, it was time to recharge his batteries. This is also to lay the foundation for the subsequent steps of the summit plan. You have to be strong in ironwork. You have many skills but you are not overwhelmed. There are still many things he lacks. No one will think that he is very capable.

His parents went out early in the morning, and he didn't know whose house he was visiting. In order to have good luck, Zhang Ye took a bath from head to toe. He washed his hands five times, and the skin was almost rubbed off. .

about there.

He conveniently called Wu Zeqing.

Just two calls and you got through.

"Old Wu, what's going on?"

"The unit is at work."

"Did you have breakfast?"

"I ate it at home."

"By the way, kiss me."

"What's wrong?"

"Borrow some luck, come on."

"Haha, I'm at work."

"Hey, just take a bite secretly."


"Oh, forget it, just be busy."

Not long after hanging up the phone,

The message on his phone rang. Zhang Ye opened it and saw a selfie sent by Wu Zeqing. His whole face was not shown, and even his nose was not visible. In the photo, the two red lips were slightly raised, not pouting, just It curved in a particularly elegant way.


Zhang Ye's heart was filled with excitement!


Lao Wu sent a message, "Okay?"

Zhang Ye typed, "Haha, that's it!"

Lao Wu: "What kind of luck are you borrowing?"

Zhang Ye replied: "Do big things."

Throwing the phone on the sofa, Zhang Ye rubbed his hands and took a deep breath. He opened the game ring in his hand and took a look at the total reputation value. It was already incredibly high. The long series of numbers made Zhang Ye's eyes dazzle. It was spent, so without hesitation, Zhang Ye immediately turned on the Lucky Halo (upgraded version) and turned it on all the time. He didn't care about wasting the little bit between draws. I can afford it... Forget it, let's save some.

Which category to draw first?

Let’s go to the second category first!

Opening the second category lottery, a set of virtual slot machines appeared out of thin air. Zhang Ye added bets without thinking. There were five shares in total, totaling 50 million reputation points!

Zhang Ye had discovered the second type of replenishment function a long time ago, but he never dared to use it. First of all, he was reluctant to part with it. He didn't have so much reputation before, so he had to be sparing in everything. This kind of treasure chest (middle) lottery It's 10 million at a time, which is too expensive, and the probability of "empty treasure chests" is too high, and if you don't do it well, you will miss the mark. But now that he has accumulated more reputation points, he is bolder, and with the luck halo (upgraded version) to support him, half a million reputation points can be smashed out without blinking an eye!

The draw begins!

The slot machine starts drawing prizes!

One lap.

Three laps.

Five laps.

Zhang Ye closed his eyes and didn't look.

Finally, the prizes are out!

After hearing a few jingling bells, five golden treasure boxes (middle) fell out. Zhang Ye opened the five treasure boxes in sequence nervously and expectantly.

It is a consumable item!

All five are exactly the same!

[Health Spring Water] 5: Restore physical injuries.

In the second category of lottery, the probability of winning for consumable items is very small. Zhang Ye remembers that he only won a [Life Prize] on the slot machine for the first time, but not since then, because in the second category Every consumable item in the lottery is extremely precious.

Health spring water?

Recover from injury?

It sounds awesome!

And the life bonus and health spring water are probably the same thing, right? The system's introduction to the life bonus is a bit vague, but from an internal understanding, if Zhang Ye encounters any fatal injury, the life bonus should be able to save him, but it may not be able to live like a dragon directly. The treasure chest (medium) is unlikely to fall out. I guess the treasure chest (large) may be found in the next level lottery, right? But the combination of life bonus and healthy spring water is amazing. Life bonus is responsible for saving lives, and the healthy spring water is responsible for filling blood. The combination of men and women will not be tiring!

I just don’t know how effective it is?

By the way, isn’t my internal injury not completely healed yet? The old injury from that martial arts competition broke out once during "The King of Masked Singer". Although Zhang Ye has been taking medicine according to Rao Aimin's prescription and persisted for a while, he still has not dared to do anything in the past few months. He used secret energy for fear of relapse. According to Rao Aimin, this kind of secret injury is difficult to heal quickly and completely, and requires long-term care. Therefore, Zhang Ye is often very constrained in doing things, fearing that something bad will happen again. The key is It's a waste of time.

This item came just in time!

Temporarily turning off the lucky halo, Zhang Ye picked up a bottle of healthy spring water from the treasure box without saying a word, held his nose and swallowed it.

Hey, it tastes pretty good?

It tasted sweet in his mouth, and immediately afterwards, he felt hot all over.

The effect lasted for about ten minutes, and Zhang Ye slowly resumed asking questions. He moved his arms briefly and found that his mental state was particularly good. His whole body was extremely bright. It felt as if he had had a particularly full night's sleep. The next day The comfort of stretching after waking up without having to go to work!

With a wave of his hand, he hit a few dark palms out of thin air!



The sound of the wind was captured!

Zhang Ye was overjoyed, it's done! This old wound is so healed!

I just don’t know if other people can drink this healthy spring water except myself? It wasn't mentioned in the item description, and Zhang Ye didn't know. By the way, Rao Aimin's old injury was much more serious than his. And Qiu Yumei, can Sister Qiu's leg be cured? If it could, wouldn't it be outrageous?

Cold and fever.

Broken hands and feet.

Is this considered a type of injury?

Hey, can stuttering be cured? Okay, overthinking that.

Zhang Ye was very excited. He didn't wash his hands in vain, and Lao Wu didn't kiss in vain all of a sudden. With the enthusiasm, he continued to draw, and the lucky halo (upgraded version) was turned on again!




The more he pumps, the more he pumps, and he can no longer hold back!

The total accumulated reputation points began to plummet!

【Charming Fruit】

【Singing Skills Book】

【Director Skill Book】

[Advanced Mathematics Experience Book]

[Lock picking skills]

[Network Technology Experience Book]

[Computer Programming Experience Book]

It was a coincidence that many of the things he drew today were drawn before. Zhang Ye just raised the money blindly, so there were more and less various things, such as unlocking. Not long after he first got the system, he I won this lottery, and it also worked wonders when hijacking a plane. It was just that I had too little experience at the beginning. Now I finally made up for it. There are also network technology and computer programming. Although I have eaten a lot before, but in the second category The skill experience book in the treasure chest is not limited to the maximum level, and you can still eat it. By the way, his directing skills, singing, and mathematics were also strengthened and supplemented. He also got some of the most important charm fruits of a star, but unfortunately not many.

Of course, there are also some brand new skills and attribute fruits that have been drawn!

[Alcohol Fruit]: Increase alcohol capacity.

Zhang Ye drew a thousand of these things and ate them all!

[Flight engine manufacturing skills]

This skill book made Zhang Ye's balls hurt, but he actually got a lot of it. Engine manufacturing? Why don’t you give me an excavator to repair?

Forget it, eat it!

It will be useful in the future if the guarantee is not complete!

After drawing the prizes at the end, Zhang Ye also conveniently bought hundreds more books on Tai Chi skills from the mall. This was his own right to purchase. There was no need to draw prizes. He could buy whatever he wanted. It was just a bit expensive. This thing cost a lot. A million copies or a few hundred copies will consume hundreds of millions of reputation points. The strength of Tai Chi has been slightly improved again, but Zhang Ye is not sure yet as to whether he has surpassed the master level of Chinese martial arts.

That’s it!

It also cost a lot of reputation points, so let’s do this for today!

Zhang Ye briefly listed his current skills and attributes. He was very satisfied. All aspects had been improved again, and he was confident in everything he did!

There is also a lot of inventory in the toolbar.

[Difficulty adjustment dice] One.

[Perspective Potion] One.

[Pause] One.

[Reward Life] One.

【Healthy Spring Water】Four.

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