I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,220 [New show signing! 】

That night.

People from the Beijing TV station came in a hurry.

The leaders of the two stations and several staff members, including Hu Fei, immediately sent a team to negotiate with the Beijing TV station as soon as they received the news, paying special attention to it. Who in the industry dares not to pay attention to Zhang Ye's new variety show? How many domestic TV stations are competing for him!

The station leader shook hands with him and said, "Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Wangtai."

"Zhang'er, what kind of show is this?" Hu Fei said hurriedly.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Brother Hu, don't worry, let's sit down and talk."

Ha Qiqi had already printed out several copies of the plan he had just sorted out, and gave them to the people at the Beijing TV station, who eagerly flipped through them.

Zhang Ye said: "Everyone, take a look first."

"I'm a singer".

This is a very special program in Zhang Ye's world. The special thing is that it is different from many singing programs in the past, such as "The Voice" and "The Masked Singer". It contains pure singing elements and selling points. , there is very little interaction between the singer and the contestant, and very little exposure. At most, it is just a VCR self-introduction or a few words with the instructor. But "I Am a Singer" is different. This program has elements of a reality show, and is not masked. The contestants are all well-known artists, and the audience knows them. They can intuitively feel the most real side of the singers, such as the songs The preparations include drawing lots, filming celebrities’ private lives, scenes of singers guest-hosting and making mistakes, and celebrity managers robbing rooms and making jokes. There are more variety show elements and the competition is fierce. This type of show has never been done before in the world.

In fact, Zhang Ye's team's analysis was correct. At this time, it is not a wise choice to create a singing program. CCTV's "New Voice" is coming so fiercely that everyone in the industry who hears the news is shying away and unwilling to do so. When encountering "New Voice" at this time, even many larger reality shows may have to avoid its edge for fear of being shared in the popularity, let alone singing shows of the same type.

This is not a good choice!

In other words, it is the worst decision!

Zhang Ye also understands what kind of program is the safest and safest in this period, but this guy is not that kind of person. If he wanted to be safe, he would not have sued CCTV in court. If he was wise, he would have I won’t be at odds with the radio and television anymore! In front of "slap in the face", everything is secondary!

Aren't you challenging?

Aren't you bragging?

OK! I will go out of my way to do it with you!

People from Beijing TV Station have finished watching the case.

Several people were shocked.

Hu Fei is the most familiar with Zhang Ye and has collaborated with him many times. Zhang Ye and Hu Fei both produced "The Forum" and "The King of Masked Singer" together, so he spoke first: "Zhang Er, How confident are you with this show? I mean, can it surpass The Voice in ratings?"

Zhang Ye shook his head, "I don't know."

Deputy Director Wang blinked, "Are you not even confident?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "What I mean is, if it were the original version of "The Voice" produced by me, I really can't say which one would have a higher rating and which one would have a lower rating. I'm not sure whether it can surpass it, but if it were the current version of CCTV The copycat version of "New Voice" that replaces the team director, host and guests..."

Everyone from the Beijing TV station stared at him, "How is it?"

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said calmly: "I'll give it a try!"

Hu Fei smiled, "That's a bit big."

Zhang Ye said: "It's not bad."

Deputy Director Wang was also slightly happy.

Afterwards, people from the Beijing TV station discussed and communicated for a while.

At the end, Deputy Director Wang nodded and said: "Teacher Zhang, we have made your new show, and we still follow the old rules. You can spend as much production funds as you want. The base fund is 100 million, there is no upper limit, you can transfer personnel at will, and you can cancel it." As the chief director, Lao Hu will serve as the producer. You will be the main producer of the show, with Lao Hu as the auxiliary."

Hu Fei smiled and said: "The King of Masked Singer asked you to be the chief director at that time. If you don't do it, you won't be promoted this time, right? I will be your deputy, haha."

Zhang Ye blinked, "Is it settled? Don't you think about it more?"

Hu Feile said: "Don't think about your program!"

This sentence is undoubtedly the greatest trust in Zhang Ye.

A staff member from Beijing TV suddenly asked, "Director Zhang, are you participating?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "If I were the chief director, I wouldn't participate."

Hu Fei said: "You don't want to participate? What a pity."

Zhang Ye spread his hands and said, "If I participate in the competition in front of the chief director, what will others think? It must be said that there is a shady story, which is unfair. We should put the interests of the program first and don't capsize the boat in the gutter." He added, "Haha, Besides, there are so many top singers here, so I have to lose even if I go up, which is embarrassing."

Hu Fei said: "What about your role? You have worked so hard to make a show, so you can't make a profit, right? You don't care about money."

Zhang Ye said: "Don't worry, Brother Hu, my role as the chief director will definitely be much more than you think."

When Deputy Director Wang heard this, he couldn't help but nodded secretly. In terms of program production, Zhang Ye is really professional and conscientious. This is what he admires most about Zhang Ye. He knows that he will not change the rules at will just because he wants to flatter himself. Zhang Ye is very strict about rules. This sentence may seem simple, but in fact, in today's impetuous entertainment industry, there are really not many people who follow rules.

The contract was quickly drawn up.

Everyone started communicating about follow-up production matters.

Hu Fei: "What about the stage?"

Zhang Ye: "Change the stage of "The King of Masked Singer"?"

Hu Fei: "Yes, but it is difficult to invite singers. This is a problem."

Zhang Ye: "Yes, we won't invite inferior singers. If you want to invite, just invite those who are good at singing. It doesn't matter even if they are outdated. It doesn't depend on fame, but on skill."

Hu Fei: "But this is a competition. No one wants to lose, especially these singers who have been famous for a long time. "The King of Masked Singer" even wears a mask to cover up. Even if he is eliminated, he can leave the stage without revealing his face. The audience also I don’t know who you are. It’s not embarrassing to lose, but “I Am a Singer” is different. This is a real PK with real swords and guns. Are those famous players willing to come? Even if the franchise fee is doubled, maybe also……"

Zhang Ye: "I'll take care of this."

Hu Fei: "Okay, that's no problem. What about your side? What do you want?"

Deputy Director Wang also looked at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "My request is simple."

Deputy Director Wang: "You can mention it as you like."

Zhang Ye opened his mouth and said: "I only have one request. I will premiere it on the day "New Voice" is premiered. I will air it on whatever time "New Voice" is aired!"

Everyone at the Beijing TV station couldn't laugh or cry.

Deputy Director Wang: "Okay, let's sign the contract!"

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