I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,227 [Open recording! 】

the next day.

In the morning, it was rainy.

CCTV 1, "New Voice" recording studio.

"Unit No. 1."



"Okay, director."

"Is Teacher Fan Wenli here?"

"I'm putting on makeup."

"Okay, get ready to turn on the phone!"

The audience has already entered the venue, and the huge venue is packed with seats. Many audience members cannot hold back their excitement, frequently looking towards the stage, and whispering to each other from time to time. This is roughly the same set as the first season of "The Voice" directed by Zhang Ye, except that the logo has changed a little, the color of the stage has changed a little, and the chairs don't seem to rotate anymore. There are four instructor seats in front of them. There is a baffle that prevents him from seeing the stage, and it looks like the baffle can be lowered. The rest of the site structure was barely moved.

"Are you going to record?"

"Hurry up, I can't wait any longer!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. I hope this year there will be folk singers similar to Qian Pingfan, Luo Yu, and Zhou Danian. Zhang Ye's "The Voice" contestants were really shocking!"

"Yes, the masters are among the people."

"I think folk singers are no worse than professional singers."

"Yes, some of them can sing better than professional singers."

"Ah, it's started, someone is coming!"



"Is Murong presiding over it?"

"This is the popular host of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala!"

"Isn't she a quick talker?"

"Can't she come up with Zhang Ye's speed?"


It's a pity that "New Voice" can imitate everything, except for the host, it really can't find anyone to replace Zhang Ye. That guy is unique in the field of hosting in the world. This may also be the reason why "New Voice" "What makes me most regretful is that the image of Zhang Ye speaking hundreds of words in an advertisement was so deeply rooted in people's hearts. Not everyone may be able to accept this change. "

"Yeah, ugh."

"I can no longer turn the chair, and I feel twisted."

"'New Voice' is not 'The Voice' after all."

Turn on the phone and recording officially begins.

Everyone was watching and talking, and the word Zhang Ye couldn't escape their lips. It wasn't that they had to talk about Zhang Ye, but when it came to the show "The Voice", Zhang Ye's name could never be avoided. , like a monument, it will stand there for a lifetime.

at the same time.

Beijing TV Station.

The "I Am a Singer" program team has also started recording. In fact, their recording work started ten days ago, because with the elements of a reality show, they need to follow many singers or TV staff behind the scenes. Activities and arrangements. For example, a meeting of the director team describing how they invited singers and competition formats, and a meeting of seven hosts to assign tasks to Dong Shanshan and others have all been recorded. This is the preliminary work, and it will also be broadcast when it is broadcast. It will be cut out in order to let the audience understand the rules of the competition system and fully familiar with the operation method and schedule of this program.

Today is the official live recording.

The staff were in place at four or five in the morning. Staff who have worked with Zhang Ye all know that Director Zhang is usually very nice to people, has nothing to do, and can also make jokes. However, in official work, Director Zhang is very concerned about the program. Details are extremely demanding, so no one dares to be careless.

The intercom at Zhang Ye's hand rang.

"Director Zhang, director Zhang, the number one singer has arrived."

"Okay, let's follow the camera and ensure the route."

"Director Zhang, singer No. 3 is arriving at the TV station soon."

"Let car No. 3 drive around and wait ten minutes."

"I understand, I won't let the singer meet."

"How are the site preparations going?"

“The scene is OK!”

"Check the equipment again."


"Let the audience come in after half an hour."

"I received it from Director Zhang."

Singers came one after another, but they came separately to keep it secret. This is not just talk. Several singers really don’t know who the other singers are. Negotiating contracts, rehearsing before the game, and attending the recording are all in isolation. Only when the singers take the stage, the rest The singer can know each other's identity through the TV in the room, which is also to add interest.

Backstage area.

This place has been arranged into a very warm two-story activity area. There are seven rooms on the second floor. Apart from the "I am a singer" logo and the room number, there is no information about the singer except Zhang Ye. Know whose room is behind the door number.

Number one belongs to Xiaodong, the leader of the Spring Garden group.

Zhang Ye opened the door and went in, "Hey, Sister Dong."

Xiaodong was looking around, "Director Zhang, are there all cameras in the room?"

"Yes." Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Do you feel okay?"

Xiaodong forced a smile, "A little nervous."

Zhang Ye said: "You are an Asian star. What big scenes have you never seen?"

Xiaodong said: "But I have never competed on the same stage with so many colleagues! Who is here? Please tell me quickly. I just walked around in a circle. Why is there no one in the other rooms?"

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "You are the first one to come, and you will also be the first singer to know the identities of the other six people. "I Am a Singer" will be hosted by participating singers. We have already agreed before, unless You are eliminated, otherwise you will host until the finals, okay? Of course, with your strength and popularity, no one can eliminate you. Other singers are not as popular and singing as you, so you can sing with confidence and play. Start singing." He had said this to Xiaodong before, otherwise Xiaodong would not have agreed so readily.

Zhang Ye had considered letting Xiaodong be the host. Xiaodong was a more suitable candidate in terms of image, popularity, and eloquence.

Xiaodong felt a little more relaxed after hearing this, "That's good, I'm just afraid of losing. It's too embarrassing."

Zhang Ye handed her the host's lines, "Here, the singer information and the host's words are all here. You go through them first, and then don't leave the room. The other singers will be arriving soon."

"Don't worry." Xiaodong took it with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Ye quickly turned around, closed the door, and walked away quickly.

As a result, not five seconds after he left, he heard Xiaodong's shocked roar coming from Room 1, "Zhang Ye! Come back here! What's going on with this singer list?"

Several cameramen in the activity area looked at Zhang Ye.

Xiao Lu also blinked in confusion, wondering what happened to Xiao Dong. He also gave Zhang Ye a look, asking him to go back and take a look?

Who would have expected that Zhang Ye didn't even look back. After hearing the roar from behind, he walked even faster, pretending not to hear it!

Room 1.

Xiaodong was so shocked that he almost fainted on the ground!

Look at the names of the singers on that list!

Chen Guang!


Zhang Xia!

Sit Kai-chi!

He Huan!

Zhao Wuliu!

Xiaodong is dying!

How could it be possible that all these famous singers in the music world are here! ?

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