I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,258 [Master of Square Dance? 】

The next day.

The show aired.

Countless people were glued to the TV to watch the latest episode of "I Am a Singer". When they heard that Zhang Ye was going to sing a love song, they were exactly like the audience yesterday, with expressions of anticipation and surprise on their faces. They all wanted to see Zhang Ye. There was some latest love song creation, and then - and then there was no more!


Another collapse!

When Zhang Ye opened his mouth, people all over the country were stunned!

The expressions on everyone's faces are as wonderful as they can be!

The fire that lights up your life?

I'll light your fucking fire, fire, fire!

Teacher Zhang, enough is enough! Believe it or not, I ordered it for you!


"What a joke!"

"Oh, I'm convinced! I'm really convinced!"

"Why the hell is there still one?"

"'Little Apple'?"

"Isn't this the sequel to "The Most Stunning Ethnic Style"?"

"I want to beat him, what should I do?"

"I want, too!"

"Paralysis, let's go together!"

"He still thinks that Auntie can't dance?"

"This won't turn into another square dance song, will it?"

"No way, square dancing has been taken over by "The Most Dazzling National Style"."

"I hope so, but I have a bad feeling!"

"This song can't possibly become more popular. Zhang Ye has exhausted his talents."

"Well, I think so too. The popularity of "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" is a fluke. It's luck. They came together. The same miracle cannot be replicated. You will know it just by looking at it.

Zhang Ye was ranked sixth in this issue of "I Am a Singer", with only a few votes higher than the replacement singer. He is likely to face a situation where he will be eliminated this time and his songs will be tepid. This time Zhang Ye didn't make the right calculation. "

"The main reason is that the new singer who took the place did not perform well and is not very famous. Otherwise, how could such a wild song "Little Apple" not be at the bottom!"

"Hahaha, I think it sounds great!"

"Yes, it sounds really good and catchy, but it's just not suitable for competition."

But there are also some who are extremely excited!

For example, Zhang Ye’s mother!

For example, Chen Guang’s mother!

For example, Xiaodong’s mother!

For example, Zhang Yuanqi’s mother!

The aunts were all astonished, as if they had found a treasure!

There are all kinds of analyzes on the Internet, including praise and criticism, laughter and laughter, and opinions are very different, but generally speaking, most people are not optimistic about the market prospects of this song.

But reality slapped everyone in the face again!

The very next day, the square dance moves for "Little Apple" were released!


A certain neighborhood.

A couple opened the door to go out to work in the morning and were frightened by the scene outside.

"You are my little little Apple!"

"I can never love you too much!"

"No, the posture is wrong!"

"Everyone, do it again with me!"

"one two three four."

"Two, two, three, four."


"Watch the rhythm!"

"Yes, wave, put it down, wave again!"

"all together!"

"The fire that lights my life! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!"


A certain square.

On one side is:

"Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick!"

"Thump thump thump thump thump thump!"

On the other side is:

"Although life is short, I will love you forever——"

"No! Leave! No! Give up!"

Countless versions are released!

There is a Chenhua community version!

There is a Shanghai version!

There is a Beijing Xicheng version!

There is also a street version in Shenzhen!

Although the actions of each community are different, the songs are all the same, both "The Most Dazzling National Style" and "Little Apple", and it is impossible to tell who is stronger and who is weaker. Everyone’s choice of songs is almost half and half, it’s hard to tell the difference!

Countless young men and women collapsed when they saw this scene before them!

The media is stupid!

Industry experts were also dumbfounded!

"Zhang Ye makes another great comedic performance!" 》

"Little Apple shocked everyone!" 》

"New Square Dance Song-Little Apple!" 》

"Little Apple crazily takes over the country overnight!" 》

"If you can't hear the song Little Apple when you open the door this morning, then no need to ask, you must live in a suburban county, and the urban area has been fully occupied by Little Apple! 》

"In the afternoon, the outer suburban counties were also occupied! 》

"Another Miracle!" 》

"The sudden rise of Little Apple!" 》

"Crazy Little Apple!" Crazy aunts! 》

"China has fully entered the square dance era!" 》

"In the future, square dancing may become the norm!" 》

"Finally, a leader from the local government spoke out to express support and promotion of fitness dance for the elderly! 》

"Why is Little Apple So Popular?" 》

"The mother of Queen Zhang Yuanqi publicly expressed her love for Zhang Ye's songs! 》

"An expert from the Elderly Research Center said: Thank you Zhang Ye for contributing to the leisure activities of the elderly!" 》

The news is all over the sky!

Shocked the whole country!

Many people thought that "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" was already wild enough and that no one could surpass it with songs. They thought that this kind of miracle could not be replicated a second time. However, they never expected that Zhang Ye, the bastard, would Taking it to the next level, they created a song that is as awesome as "The Most Dazzling National Style" - "Little Apple"! If the previous national style song did not represent anything, the release of "Little Apple" can officially declare that China has really entered the square dance era! No one can hold it back!

The person involved was very calm.

"The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" is a hit!

Will "Little Apple" be far behind?

These two songs were considered the No. 1 square dance of both sexes on his earth!

The only opponent of national style is Little Apple!

Little Apple’s only opponents are ethnic styles!

Apart from each other, they have no rival at all!

Zhang Ye was a bit dumbfounded at best. Finally, square dancing was carried forward in the hands of his brothers. Maybe this is his destiny? It’s really not my fault. This is destined by God and is the product of social development to a certain period. I just brought it forward.

That night.

Zhang Ye's name actually appeared on the CCTV news broadcast!

Ever since Zhang Ye started a lawsuit with CCTV, CCTV has not mentioned Zhang Ye's problems at all, and the news network has basically ignored him. Even if Zhang Ye makes big news, they usually remain silent, but today , Xinwen Network brought up the topic of square dancing. Two male and female anchors even read Zhang Ye's name and two of his songs in front of the national audience. This is obviously a big change. CCTV's change of coach has a great impact. Yes, this is enough to see. It seems that the newly appointed director of CCTV does not seem to dislike Zhang Ye. He will report on hot topics without prejudice.

On the news broadcast.

I filmed a roadside interview with a reporter.

The result was this interview, which made people all over the country laugh!

The female reporter walked into the community, held up a microphone and said, "Auntie, what are you guys dancing about?"

The aunt smiled and said: "Dancing in the square!"

The female reporter asked: "What song is this?"

The aunt replied: "This is "Little Apple", and soon there will be "The Most Dazzling National Style". We will take turns dancing to these two songs, and after dancing this one, we will dance that one."

The dozen or so aunties nearby also talked about it.

A fat aunt: "This song is very nice."

White-haired aunt: "Yes, I fell in love with it as soon as I heard it."

Thin Aunt: "We are retired at home now, and we finally have something to do."

Sixty-year-old aunt: "Yes, the sisters are very happy to dance together."

An aunt in colorful clothes said: "I used to quarrel with my old man every day, and I had nothing to do at home. But now it's better. We go out to square dance every morning and evening, and I don't have any worries anymore!"

The female reporter asked: “Have any nearby residents reported any disturbance?”

An aunt at the head came over and saw that this group of people was leading the group. "Yes, but we are not unreasonable people. People said that our loud voices affected our rest, so we turned down the volume to try not to disturb others." , of course, there are also some sisters in the community who are not very particular and are quite disturbing, so we also advocate here that when we entertain ourselves, we must also consider the feelings of others, and we cannot base our happiness on the pain of others. right?"

The female reporter smiled and said, "What you said is great."

The leader's aunt said proudly: "That is, we are going to treat square dancing as a career, as an industry, and develop it well."


Can this still become an industry?

The female reporter wondered whether she should laugh or cry: "Every industry has its founders and ancestors. How about square dancing?"

The leader's aunt was stunned for a moment when she heard this. She obviously had not considered this issue, and then subconsciously said: "Yes, the founder of our square dance is Zhang Ye!"

The scene ends here.

This is today’s content from News Network!

The common people burst out laughing after reading it!

It was a coincidence that Zhang Ye also watched the news broadcast with his parents today. When he saw this, Zhang Ye almost fell to the ground!


Who is your ancestor?

What does your mother have to do with me? ?

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