I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,292 [Radio and TV’s son-in-law! 】

This night was destined to be anything but peaceful. ranw?en?????????`

And, it's very long.

An invitation caused a stir in the entertainment industry. Tianfang Entertainment is the first to bear the brunt and has been pushed to the forefront. They are undoubtedly the ones who are the most vulnerable. Everyone in the company has been frantic and desperately trying to make amends, but everyone knows that it is a little too late to make amends at this time. The killing order instantly became the biggest laughing stock in the entire entertainment industry - the kind that can make people laugh for a lifetime.

Why is it happening like that!

Isn’t this guy obviously a sworn enemy of Radio and Television?

Didn’t this guy fight with radio and television before?

Wasn't this guy banned and killed more than once by the radio and television?

The biggest hooligan in the entertainment industry, the biggest thorn in the industry, the bastard who offended everyone in the industry, became the son-in-law of Radio and Television overnight?

"Mr. Zhao, no!"

"Public relations can't be done!"

"The boss I know there won't answer the phone!"

"Director Liu can't be contacted either!"

"Mr. Zhao, no one is paying attention to us, and we can't even give out gifts!"

"Make up your mind quickly!"

"Mr. Zhao, shareholders demand a board meeting!"

"Mr. Zhao, our artists are all panicking, please make up your mind quickly!"

Zhao Chipeng's face became paler and paler as he listened to the reports from his subordinates. Finally, he picked up the phone and called a leader at Radio and Television who was relatively familiar with him.

Toot toot.

Got through, but no one answered.

Zhao Chipeng hit him a second time.

Two beeps and the call was hung up.

Zhao Chipeng wiped his sweat and called it a third time before he finally got through: "Director Wang!"

"What are you doing, Lao Zhao? I've already gone to bed. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Director Wang, you have to help me, brother!"

"Help you? How can I help me!"

"The matter between Bureau Wu and Zhang Ye is simply——"

"I just received the invitation today."

"This is really too sudden. If I had known that he was Director Wu's lover, would I have gone crazy and had to fight with him? Director Wang, please give me a trick. We really have no choice now, Wu What's going on at the Bureau? Did Wu Bureau say anything?"

"Bureau Wu said nothing."

"Phew, that's good."

"Are you okay? Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Look at what you did this time, is it decent? Let's not talk about Zhang Ye's identity, but just talk about Han Di. Who doesn't know what the situation is, ordinary people? Can't you see it? Can't the radio and television side see it? You're good, you haven't done anything good, and you want to kill Han Di? Zhang Ye stands up and says something, and you still drag your colleagues to fight with him until death? Lao Zhao, you are too inflated now!"

"I did this wrong! I admit it!"

"It's your own fault. You're responsible for it."

"Director Wang!"

"Hang up and don't contact me again."

Now Zhao Chipeng is like a piece of smelly dog ​​shit, whoever sees him hides.

that side.

The board meeting was held.

When Zhao Chipeng came in, all the members of the board of directors were present. The atmosphere was silent and serious, and everyone had a depressed expression on their face.

A director said: "Old Zhao, there are only two ways now."

Another older director said: "One way is for you to carry it on your own, and the other way is for you to drag our entire company along with you. It's up to you to decide how to do it."

"You were the cause of this matter in the first place. The other entertainment media may have a chance to make amends, but we have no chance at all."

"Chi Peng, please step down from the second line."


People are still discussing it.

"What should I do next?"

"Who knows how they will deal with Zhang Ye."

"Oh, is Teacher Zhang really going to die?"

"The Jianghu ban-kill-order has come out, and the scene seven years ago will happen again!"

"It's hard to say what happened in the past. Many things Zhang Ye did in the past were controversial, but this time,

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Zhang Ye! "

No one wants to see Zhang Ye leave the entertainment industry. This kind of person is unique. It is not a matter of one less one if he leaves, but if he leaves, there will be no one left!

Suddenly, someone shouted in surprise:

"Hey, look!"

"What's wrong?"

"Tang Dazhang deleted Weibo!"

"Ah? It's true!"

"Did he delete the meager article criticizing Zhang Ye?"

"Hey, another crosstalk actor was also deleted!"

"What are these people doing?"

"I don't know. Has your account been hacked?"

"What a fool! Come and see! It's all been deleted! It's all been deleted!"

"Everyone deleted it?"


The people were shocked!


How can it be!

They searched the meager sums one by one in disbelief, and then everyone was stunned!

Crosstalk world!

Literary world!

Calligraphy world!

Educational world!


The meagerness that everyone criticized Zhang Ye for disappeared at this moment!

Then, something happened that shocked netizens even more!

The official account of the Beijing Crosstalk Association: "Congratulations to Mr. Zhang on your wedding, and wish you a happy marriage!"

The official Weibo account of the Beijing Writers Association: "Congratulations on the birth of your son!"

A-list star Jiang Hanwei: "Congratulations."

Second-tier star Li Yu's studio said modestly: "Congratulations."

Crosstalk actor Tang Dazhang said modestly: "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Feiyu Entertainment official Weibo: "Congratulations, congratulations! All the best!"

Xiangtian Records official account: "A match made in heaven! Happy wedding!"

Tianfang Entertainment even posted a meager message: "Thousands of words! Thousands of words! Exciting! Everyone celebrates! Happy wedding to Mr. Zhang and Ms. Wu!"

Netizens were dumbfounded!

Everyone is like your mother has seen a ghost!

"What happened?"

"Congratulations on your wedding? You were scolding Teacher Zhang just a moment ago!"

"Did these people drink too much?"

"What are they doing?"

"Who knows what they're crazy about?"

"Tianfang Entertainment also posted on Weibo? How many fucking words are there? I've said a thousand words to your sister! Are you still fucking exciting? You are so excited! Aren't you banned from the world? Aren't you following Zhang Teacher, don’t you want to die? Are you excited?”

"Are these two bitches pumped?"

"Group account hacking?"

Speak of the Speech!


Like, like!

Under the Weibo post about Zhang Ye's wedding, countless familiar faces appeared. Most of them were the same people who had previously criticized Zhang Ye, as well as some entertainers and industry insiders who had been silent before. At this moment, they all appeared like cabbage for free. There were some celebrities that netizens had never heard of before. They were extremely small artists, and countless big names came on stage to congratulate them!

Zhang Ye’s fans were stunned!

Han Di’s fans were stunned!

The people were simply caught off guard!

This change is too fast. Do you still have any moral integrity?

And next, there is an even more amazing scene!

"Tianfang Entertainment President Zhao Chipeng announced his resignation as president! 》

"Zhao Chipeng takes a back seat!" 》

"Tianfang Entertainment takes the initiative to terminate the economic contract with Han Di! 》

"Han Di becomes free! 》

"Zhao Chipeng apologizes to Han Di modestly!" 》

"The truth is revealed and Han Di is cleared of his grievances!" 》

News one after another!

The people are going crazy:

"What happened?"

"I just issued a ban on Jianghu in the morning, and you abdicated in the afternoon? Are you kidding me?"

"Something must have happened!"

"I know, but what is it?"

The farce lasted for a long time!

Until the end, Zhang Ye's wedding invitation was exposed!

When the people took a closer look, they almost fainted and fell to the ground!

"Bride Wu Zeqing?"

"Wu Bureau of Radio and Television?"

"How can it be!"

"What the hell is going on?"



"My grass +10000!"

Netizens are outraged!

The people are confused!

Is Zhang Ye the son-in-law of Radio and Television? ? (To be continued.)

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