I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,320 [Disabled Dance Team! 】


Two o'clock.

In the car, Zhang Ye looked at the new program list in his hand and led people to the next location.

"Have you been notified?"

"Informed them."

"Okay, then hurry up."

"Choose dance this time?"

"Yes, there is a dance show, but we are in need of good actors."

"Aren't the dancers in the first trial all very good? They are all the best in the country."

"They can't."

"Uh, okay."

Chinese Song and Dance Troupe.

The dance department was in chaos, with people running around and bustling sounds everywhere. It was as lively as it could be.

"Where's the second team?"

"Hurry up!"

"Where is the leader?"

"Hurry up and call Xiao Zhou over!"

"People from the third team come forward!"

"Stick up your spirits, the Spring Festival Gala director team will be here soon!"

The Spring Festival Gala director team was coming to select members of their song and dance troupe. The notice was just received and there was no preparation here at all. As soon as they received the news, the leaders of the song and dance troupe held an emergency meeting. They took the matter very seriously and immediately ordered everyone Fully cooperating with the Spring Festival Gala working group, deputy head Sun Jie even received a military order and assured the leaders that there will definitely be people from their song and dance troupe’s dance department on this year’s Spring Festival Gala stage!

The program in the first trial was deleted!

Now this is your only chance!

Sun Jie was busy directing and shouting: "Listen up, everyone, this is the last hope of our dance department to be able to go to the Spring Festival Gala. Everyone has been practicing for so long, and today is the time for the big exam. I will feed you." Use all your strength, I must win!"



"Yes, Captain Sun!"

"The mission must be completed!"

The crowd's voices were loud and clear.

Only a team standing nearby didn't say a word.

The leading teacher's name was Qi Xiaomei. She was also very anxious. Looking at the expectant eyes of the girls behind her, she gritted her teeth and quietly pulled a few children forward to stand.

As a result, Sun Jie noticed, "Teacher Qi, what are you doing?"

Qi Xiaomei said bravely: "We, we also want to——"

"Oh, that's enough, don't make any more trouble." Sun Jie waved her hands and said, "Stand back, where is Team 5? Team 5, stand in front, my aunts, when has this happened, are you still showing off?" Look, this is the Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala, the biggest stage in the country!"

People from the fifth team rushed forward.

"Give way."

"Teacher Qi, can you click back?"

Qi Xiaomei and the others were all pushed to the back, standing in a corner where no one was paying attention and secretly worried.

Several children were desperately signing.

Qi Xiaomei bit her lip and signed to them.

After seeing this, the girls all lowered their heads in disappointment.

At this time, someone shouted.


"People are coming!"

"The Spring Festival Gala director team is here!"

Sun Jie immediately straightened up her expression and hurried forward with the leaders of the dance department to greet her.

Little Sister Qi looked out on her toes, and so did the children behind her, but they couldn't see anything. They were too far away.


Zhang Ye and Xiao Wang came in.

Sun Jie stretched out her hand with a smile, "Director Zhang, I have known you for a long time. I am the deputy director of the song and dance troupe. I am the person in charge here and am in charge of the dance department."

Zhang Ye smiled and shook hands with her, "Hello, Captain Sun, thank you for your hard work."

Sun Jie said: "It's not hard, it should be."

Zhang Ye looked at the formation behind him suspiciously, "What is this?"

"Oh, these are all the teams from our dance department. They are all the elites among the elites." Sun Jie couldn't hold back as soon as she spoke. "This is a team of children with an average age of twenty-two years old. Their physical fitness and personal The conditions are among the best in the country. I have won first prizes in major competitions across the country and have won awards abroad. Teacher Wang, what are you still doing? Show it to the leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group!"

Teacher Wang gave the order, "Get ready!"

The men and women of the first dance team immediately started dancing.



Done in one go.

Sun Jie smiled and said, "How about Director Zhang?"

Zhang Ye nodded, "It's good, but -"

"There is also a second team!" Sun Jie said immediately: "The training of the second team is inclined to classical dance!"

The leader of the second team clapped his hands, and the dancers behind immediately performed a very soft dance, dancing very gracefully.

Ha Qiqi was amazed when he saw it.

Xiao Wang also opened his eyes.

Deputy Captain Sun is right, these are the elites in the country.





Can't find anything wrong with it!

Team three...

Four teams...

Team five...

At the request of Deputy Head Sun, everyone started to demonstrate one by one.

Little sister Qi was so anxious that she stomped her feet and wanted to push forward, but she didn't have the courage.

One team has finished dancing.

Sun Jie asked: "Director Zhang, are you okay?"

Zhang Ye nodded, "They are all very good, very good."

Sun Jie said: "Then which one do you like?"

Zhang Ye paused and asked, "Is there anyone else?"

"Also." Sun Jie said quickly: "The people from Team 8 and Team 9 haven't performed yet. They are new kids, but they are not very old. And the others are from the reserve team -"

Zhang Ye suddenly looked at an inconspicuous corner, "Where are these girls?"

Hearing this, Sun Jie was stunned, "Them? Oh, they are from the disabled dance team."

Ha Qiqi was stunned, "Disabled?"

Sun Jie hummed, "He is a deaf-mute."

Xiao Wang was surprised: "Can deaf-mute people also dance? What should I do if I can't hear the music?"

Sun Jie smiled and said, "You don't know this. We have a leading teacher. Every time the music sounds, there is a leading teacher below making gestures. When the children see the gestures, they will know when to do what they should do. They are all trained all year round.”

Ha Qiqi was stunned: "Can this be done?"

Sun Jie said: "Of course you can. These girls look young, but in fact they have been in the song and dance troupe for many years. The youngest one is already twenty years old, but it's a pity that her congenital conditions are not as good as others, huh." She continued: "Director Zhang, can I bring the people from Team 8 to you for a look?"

Zhang Ye looked at the deaf-mute children and said, "Let them show it off?"

"Are you curious about how they dance? Okay, no problem." Sun Jie said: "Teacher Qi, show it to Director Zhang."

Miss Qi immediately became excited, "Captain Sun, but the music?"

Sun Jie said impatiently: "No need for music, just dance casually."

Ha Qiqi smiled and said: "We are just curious, please trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Qi Xiaomei took a breath, turned around and made a few gestures to the children.

It's finally our turn!

Come on!

Come on, kids!

Qi Xiaomei shouted silently in her heart.

In an instant, a dozen girls suddenly danced.

Qi Xiaomei gestured.

Five of the girls were separated.

Qi Xiaomei changed her hand shape again.

The girl on the other side suddenly and miraculously performed the same action in unison!

This was the first time for Xiao Wang to see a deaf-mute person dancing. It was really a great experience.

Ha Qiqi also watched with great interest.

Only Zhang Ye said nothing, staring at each of them and every movement they made without blinking for a long time.

The dance is over.

Qi Xiaomei retracted her hand.

The dozen or so deaf-mute dancers all stood still and looked at Zhang Ye eagerly.

Sun Jie smiled and said: "That's probably how we dance. It all depends on Teacher Qi's command. Okay, Director Zhang, then I'll call the people from Team 8 and Team 9 to come over? You can pick and choose, there are many good talents among them."

Qi Xiaomei looked disappointed.

A dozen girls also lowered their heads in frustration.

Zhang Ye smiled, "No need, Captain Sun, I already have someone selected."

Sun Jie's eyes lit up and she said, "Oh? Which team is it? The first team? Or the second team? It doesn't matter, you pick whatever you want, we will cooperate fully." She turned around and immediately called the people from the first team and the second team.

Qi Xiaomei’s team was once again pushed to the back.

Qi Xiaomei bit her lip.

But the next moment, a scene appeared that stunned everyone!

Zhang Ye stepped forward, dodged the crowd, and walked up to the deaf-mute people, "Are you the leader of the group? What do you call me?"

Qi Xiaomei was confused, "My, my name is Qi Xiaomei."

Zhang Ye smiled and nodded, "You are curious, teacher, I have a dance here. The dance, costumes, movements, and music are all ready-made. I will give it to you. If you can practice this dance before the second round of the Spring Festival Gala, Once you practice until I feel satisfied, I will leave a good spot for you in this year’s Spring Festival Gala!”


Everyone is confused!

Sun Jie was dumbfounded and said: "Director Zhang, we have a more suitable team, you——"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "There is no one more suitable than them."

"But their physical condition is better than others -" Sun Jie said.

Zhang Ye repeated: "I want them!"

Xiao Wang said: "Director Zhang, you——"

Zhang Ye interrupted: "Needless to say, only they can dance my dance." He looked at Little Sister Qi and said: "Teacher Qi, I don't have much time left for you, is that okay?"

Qi Xiaomei covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes, "Yes! We can! We can!" She burst into tears, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Deaf girls don’t understand yet.

What's wrong?

Why is Teacher Qi crying?

The girl who understood hurriedly spoke dumbly to Teacher Qi with a questioning look on her face.

Miss Qi looked at it and immediately made a long series of gestures with trembling hands!

More than a dozen girls were stunned!

It's us?

It's us?

Director Zhang selected us?

The Spring Festival Gala...has chosen us! ?

Six or seven girls cried at that time!

There were three other girls shouting and hugging Miss Qi!



"Ah ugh!"

They were speechless and could only make some cries that no one could understand!





The picture of this moment is shocking!

Little Sister Qi hugged the children and cried loudly: "You are the best! I know it! I know you are the best!"

Eight years of hard training!

Eight years of waiting!

Eight years of anticipation!

They finally arrived at the Spring Festival Gala stage!

Zhang Ye is gone and he has other programs to arrange.

Sun Jie and all the people in the dance club were left staring with big eyes.


Why them?

Some people are envious!

Someone is jealous!

Someone sighed!

Little Sister Qi and the children are still crying. They are still immersed in great joy and cannot believe it!

At this time, Sun Jie was so angry that she shouted, "What are you doing! Get out of here!"

Everyone looked at Qi Xiaomei.

Little Sister Qi was startled, quickly put away her tears, and pulled the children out, "We'll go to training right away!"

Sun Jie was stunned, "This is the training room. Where are you going, Teacher Qi?"

Qi Xiaomei was used to being scolded, so she was stunned for a moment when she heard this, "Huh?"

Sun Jie looked at the other teams angrily, "Where are you! What are you showing me! Didn't you see that Teacher Qi and the children are going to train? Are there any eyesight? Quickly make room for Teacher Qi! Let me tell you, from today on, if anyone dares to disturb Teacher Qi and the others from their dance practice, I will kick you out! From today on, everything in the dance department will be dominated by Teacher Qi and the others!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Qi Xiaomei was also stunned!

Sun Jie came over and patted Little Sister Qi on the shoulder pleasantly, "Teacher Qi, good job. You guys did a good job. I know you can do it!"

Everyone in the first team and the second team was almost crying.

I go!

You changed your attitude too quickly! (To be continued.) Aishang Novel Network

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