I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,328 [Whose fucking sister is this? 】

morning. Tianlai Novel "⒉

An entertainment company.

"Ginny, the company will definitely let you take first place this time."

"But the pursuit is very tight."

"It's okay, the company bought you another 100,000 votes."

"Thank you, Sister Chen, thank you."

"We will buy as much as they catch up with us, don't be afraid."

"I see."

"Work hard in the future and don't let down everyone's expectations."

A certain villa.

"Dad! Why are you second?"

"Haha, Xiaohe, don't worry."

"I want to be first, second is useless!"

"Dad, I know. Don't worry. I've already found someone to help you run it. It closes at twelve o'clock in the evening. The first place will definitely be my precious daughter's."


"Really, isn't it just about spending money? Let's see who can swipe who!"

A certain university.

Girls dormitory.

"Chen Di, you are third!"


"Why do so many people accuse you of hacking your account?"

"Ignore them. They are the top two trumpets who came to hack me."

"You didn't swipe your ticket, did you?"

"Should I still pay by swiping my ticket?"

"Haha, yes, our Didi is so beautiful!"

"Yes, Didi must be the most beautiful school beauty!"

The competition for the most beautiful school beauty list is fierce!

The top three came and went. One moment she suddenly got 20,000 more votes, and the next she suddenly got 30,000 more votes. The increase in votes was so weird that all three of them vowed to win the first place!

Netizens are also watching the fun.

"It's getting white hot!"

"Why do these three people get so many votes?"

"The fourth place is several times less than them?"

"Haha, do you think it's all true? It's all fake."

"Ninety-five percent of it is water. It's so messy."

"I don't like any of these three."

"Let's see who among them can take first place."

"Now the most beautiful school beauty list is just to see who is rich. It's boring."

"Yes, the value of this list is getting lower and lower year by year."

"Damn it, my account was stolen by them! All the tickets were given to the three of them!"

"Me too, I complained, but it's useless!"

"Nasi, this is the most beautiful school beauty. Is this the blackest school beauty?"

"How ironic, hahaha."

But at this moment, an accident occurred!

A name suddenly appeared at the top of the list!

Thirty thousand votes!

Fifty thousand votes!

One hundred thousand votes!

Netizens were shocked!

"Holy crap, another brush!"

"Too fierce!"

"One hundred thousand more votes in five minutes?"

"Who is this?"

Then, in the blink of an eye, the number of votes for that person skyrocketed again!

Two hundred thousand!

Half a million!

one million!

It took no effort to get to the top spot!

Netizens were dumbfounded!

"Oh my God!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The excitement is getting louder now!"

"Awesome, here comes a school beauty who is darker than those three blackest school beauties!"

"It's so exciting!"

The changes in the list caught people off guard! Many people didn't even have time to react. They all watched in stunned silence as the person's vote count exploded upwards, jumping higher and higher. In the end, the vote count scared many people to the point of peeing, and everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong. Something seems wrong!


"This is not a vote-grabbing operation!"

"Holy crap, is this person crazy?"

"Who voted for him?"

"It's impossible for someone to swipe votes like this! It's impossible to swipe it!"

"Now a ticket has been sold to two yuan. Look at the number of votes now. Let me tell you, if this ticket costs two yuan, how much does it cost?"

"Of course she didn't do it!"

"What's going on upstairs?"

"I also voted for her, please read the celebrity Weibo!"

"Celebrity Weibo? Which celebrity?"

"—All the stars!"


"what does it mean?"

A certain villa.

"Dad! What's going on!"

"I do not know either!"

"Who is Cao Dan?"

"Is this girl crazy?"

"Dad, I want to take first place!"

"——Xiao He, otherwise forget it."


"This, this is too much!"

An entertainment company.

Someone ran in from outside.

"Sister Chen, look at the list!"

"What's wrong?"

"Ginny is no longer number one!"

"What? Then brush it up quickly!"

"I can't brush it up anymore."

"Why can't you get up? Spend money, and we can swipe as much as they swipe! We accept everyone who comes. How many votes does the first place have now?"

The man gulped, "Twelve million votes!"

Hearing this, Sister Chen almost somersaulted and fell to the ground!

Ginny almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!


Twelve million votes?

It took us a long time to get hundreds of thousands of votes, brother!

Who is this?

who is this?

A certain university.

The campus suddenly exploded.

"Holy crap, watch the selection of the most beautiful school beauty!"

"What? The first place has been replaced?"

"Are you from our school?"

"Cao Dan?"

"Is it Sister Dan?"

"Oh my God! Cao Dan is in our class!"

"More than 10 million votes?"

"Why is the gap between us and the second place so big?"

"Does Mr. Cao want to go to heaven?"

"That's awesome!"

"Sister Dan is invincible!"

"Ah, look at Weibo!"


Grandma’s house.

Everyone had just finished eating and were chatting.

The eldest sister answered a call from a classmate, "Hello, Lu Zi?"

The female classmate over there shouted: "Dandan, you are number one! You are going to be famous!"

The eldest sister was stunned, "What is the first place?"

Female classmate: "Damn it, you don't know? Look at the selection of the most beautiful school beauty. You already have more than 10 million votes, and it's still rising!"

The eldest sister shook her head repeatedly, "No way, I only have more than two thousand votes."

The female classmate shouted: "But now on Weibo, dozens of celebrities are canvassing for your votes!"

The eldest sister finally looked shocked, "What?"

The third sister asked: "Sister, what's wrong?"

The uncle asked: "What happened?"

Zhang Ye and others also looked over.

The eldest sister glanced at the list and was stunned. Then she glanced at Weibo again and was stunned. Then she flipped the phone screen dumbfounded and showed it to Zhang Ye and others.

The family was also shocked!

"The most beautiful school beauty?"

"Sister, you, are you number one?"

"Dandan, why do you have so many votes!"

"Hey, how did this come about?"

The eldest sister swiped the screen and jumped to the Weibo page.

This time it was Zhang Ye's turn to faint!

Chen Guangmei said: "My friend's sister, help me vote."

A certain second-tier singer made a modest comment: "Sister, the leader, please feel free to cast your votes."

Ci Xiufang said modestly, "I'm just a little sister, helping people."

Gao Xiliang modestly said: "Please vote for number o29121, my noble sister, please help! Please transfer! Thank you!"

There are countless replies below.


"Aunt Ci also plays this?"



"You must give Lao Chen some face."

"Haha, I voted."

All of a sudden, dozens of celebrities were canvassing votes for Zhang Ye's eldest sister!

The third sister shouted: "Damn it!"

The second sister said excitedly: "This is a big deal!"

My uncle and aunt both screamed!

Zhang Ye wiped his sweat, "I don't know, I don't have anyone to transfer to me!" He quickly took out his mobile phone and messaged them, "What's going on? Why is it so meager?"

Ci Xiufang replied first, "Huh? Aren't you canvassing for your sister's votes? I just transferred a small amount."

Gao Xiliang said: "You are my noble person, your sister's business is my business, it's okay to just take care of it."

Many people have similar responses.

It made Zhang Ye dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. Then he remembered that he was now the director of the Spring Festival Gala. He was no longer the same as before. In his circle of friends, what do you think the people who saw him thought? Alas, forget it, just let it go, I can't take it back anyway.

An entertainment company.

Sister Chen is almost scolding her!

Ginny asked blankly: "Sister Chen, are we still doing this?"

Sister Chen almost knocked her out with a kick!

Still brushing?

Brush your sister!

This is a difference of more than 10 million fucking votes!

Sister Chen also took a look at Weibo. She knew that she shouldn't even think about this first place, but she couldn't figure out why so many big names and artists in the entertainment industry stood up to canvass votes for a college student? what's up? Whose sister is this? All of you have been famous for a long time! There are first-line people, second-line people, and third-line people. Anyone can be a famous figure!

This is just a selection of the most beautiful school beauties!

What about you, all your great masters?

If you stand up and canvass for Cao Dan alone, we can't win! Are you sixty or seventy celebrities canvassing votes together? Damn it, why are you bullying people like this?

Sister Chen is almost crying!

Today's battle really scared her!

It's not just her.

Many media and people are also shocked!

Cao Dan?

Cao Dan?

Who the hell is this sister?

That night.

Voting closes.

Cao Dan was elected the most beautiful school beauty with 28 million votes! (To be continued.)

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