I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,329 [My name is Cao Dan, a woman who combines beauty and talent! 】

the next day.

Sunday at my parents' house.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the doorbell rang.

Mom exclaimed, "Who is it?"

Dad said: "You will know if you open the door first."

The door opened, and standing outside was the uncle's family, holding many things in their hands, and Zhang Ye's two other cousins.

The uncle smiled and said: "Sister, brother-in-law."

The eldest aunt said: "Is your Majesty here too?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and nodded, "I didn't go back yesterday."

Dad greeted: "Come in quickly."

"Why are you still taking things?" Mom glanced at her, "There is nothing missing at home."

The uncle said: "They are all Xiaoye's favorite food."

The second sister blinked, "Where's my brother?"

The third sister looked towards the bedroom, "Are you still sleeping?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "I slept soundly."

Mom shouted to the bedroom: "Xiaoye, wake up, your uncle is here."

Zhang Ye's sleepy voice came from the room, "I know."

The eldest sister hurriedly said: "No need to call me brother, my brother will go to work tomorrow, so you need to sleep more."

Mom said: "It's okay. By the way, Dandan, did you win the first place in the most beautiful school beauty competition yesterday? We all took a rest after coming back from your grandma's house and didn't watch it."

When my aunt heard this, she said excitedly: "Take it, take it, there are more than 20 million votes."

The second sister also cheered: "My sister is very popular now. Her meager number of fans increased to 500,000 overnight, and they were all in the newspapers."

Mom said happily: "Where is it? Let me take a look."

Take out the newspaper.

Although the news is not on the front page of entertainment, it is still in a good position.

Dad asked with interest: "Is it true?"

Cao Dan said embarrassedly: "It's all because of my brother's face."

At this time, as soon as the bedroom door opened, Zhang Ye came out wearing pajamas and yawning. After saying hello to his uncle and aunt, he looked at his three cousins ​​and said, "Hey, why are you three again? Didn't we just say hello yesterday? Have you finished seeing me?"

The second sister smiled and said, "My sister is here to do something for you, so of course we have to come with her."

The third sister said happily: "Brother, besides you, our family now has another big star."

"What a big star." Cao Dan rolled his eyes at them, "Let's go."

Zhang Ye also saw those newspapers, picked them up and flipped through them, wondering: "What do you want from me?"

The eldest aunt spoke, "Xiao Ye, we just want to ask you what to do now. You see, Dandan is about to graduate from college this year. It's time to find a job. She doesn't know what she wants to do. No, after I picked up the most beautiful school beauty yesterday, someone from the entertainment company contacted Dandan. I don’t know how they found her phone number. They said they wanted to sign a management contract with her and let her develop in the entertainment industry."

Zhang Ye asked: "Is the contract big?"

The uncle scratched his head, "How do we understand?"

"What's the name of the company?" Zhang Ye asked.

Uncle: "One is called Fengnian? The other is called Huahai Entertainment?"

Zhang Ye shook his head, "They are all small companies, so it's best not to go."

The uncle said: "We have been discussing for a long time and still can't make up our minds, so I wanted to ask you, do you think this is feasible? The main reason is that the opportunity is rare. It would be a pity if it was wasted like this, but with Dandan's character, you also You know, she’s not as capable as you, and I’m worried that she won’t be able to survive.”

Cao Dan also looked at him.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "If you ask me, of course I don't recommend that my sister come to the entertainment industry. The water here is too deep. Why have I scolded her over the years? You must know that Dandan is relatively quiet. I guess she is not suitable here. But I said it’s useless, uncle and aunt, it’s up to Dandan to have her own thoughts.”

Cao Dan's lips remained silent.

Mom asked: "Dandan, what do you think?"

Cao Dan was silent for a long time.

Finally gritted his teeth and said: "I want to enter the entertainment industry."

Zhang Ye blinked and said, "You have thought about it."

"Brother, I've thought about it." Cao Dan made up his mind.

Mom smiled and said: "Yes, just do it if you think about it. They say that the entertainment industry is in deep water, but which industry is not? It's not easy to work in any industry. If Dandan wants to develop in the entertainment industry, isn't this still possible? What about your brother? You can’t curse? Your brother can, and you can’t fight? Your brother can!”

Zhang Ye fainted: "Mom, thank you for supporting me."

Everyone laughed.

Cao Dan also covered his mouth and laughed.

The eldest aunt quickly said: "Xiaoye, you have to help your sister more. If she wants to join an entertainment company, which one is better? How can she get in?"

The uncle said: "Yes, we don't understand either."

Zhang Ye said: "The brokerage companies that you just mentioned that contacted Dandan are all small companies with no reputation. If Dandan really wants to develop, let me think about it." He thought for a moment, "Zhang Yuan I am quite familiar with chess. In the entertainment company she works for, Lao Zhang himself owns shares. He is considered a shareholder and has a great say. You can consider it. If Dandan passes, there will be Lao Zhang who can take care of her. As for other entertainment companies, I will I haven’t had much dealings with you, and I don’t know a few people, so I can’t help—”

At this time, Wu Zeqing spoke.

Lao Wu drank tea and said, "You can go to other entertainment companies as you like."

These words are very domineering.

Probably only Lao Wu dared to say that.

Only then did everyone remember that there was a radio and television leader in the room, right? Zhang Ye was the most powerful thorn in the entertainment industry, and few dared to offend him. Wu Zeqing was one of the top three leaders in the radio and television industry. , just in charge of the entertainment industry, with these two people protecting them, wouldn’t Dandan just go sideways? If we don’t bully others, at least we won’t be bullied. If we can still be bullied like this, then that’s weird!

My mother said happily: "Yes, there is your sister-in-law."

Cao Dan hurriedly said: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

The second sister shouted: "Sister-in-law is mighty!"

My uncle and aunt were also overjoyed, "Zeqing, thank you."

With Wu Zeqing's words, they finally felt at ease.

This guy is not pretending!

Let your wife be robbed!

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, but changed his tone and said: "Actually, I still don't recommend Dandan to sign with a management company so early. Firstly, the restrictions are relatively high, and secondly, the bigger management companies have too many artists in reserve, making it difficult to get ahead. , don’t look at your meager hundreds of thousands of fans, what does it actually mean? Moreover, these popularity are only temporary and not fixed. After all, there are no works. In the end, the artist’s strength is to wait for the warmth of the most beautiful school beauty. , maybe next month, maybe next month, no one may pay attention to you, and what will you do next? How will the brokerage company promote you? How will it praise you? How vigorously? This is all hard to say, and you are now like this Even if you have little popularity, you can’t negotiate a good contract.”

Cao Dan humbly asked for advice: "Brother, what do you think we should do?"

Zhang Ye said: "I suggest you gain some fame first before talking about a management company. A management company is not necessary. Aren't you and I just living alone?"

My eldest aunt didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How can Dandan have such ability?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Isn't it me? By the way, what major did you study at Dandan University?"

My mother was speechless and said, "You don't even know your sister's major?"

Zhang Ye sweated and said, "Forgot, forgot."

Cao Dan said: "It's the director."



Suddenly he had an idea.

Zhang Ye confirmed: "Sister, let me ask again, are you really serious?"

Cao Dan nodded vigorously, "Brother, I'm really serious."

Zhang Ye hummed, "Okay, I'll write a few notebooks for you later. You can take them back and have a look. If you can do it, try it."

Cao Dan opened his eyes wide, "What book?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Funny little video."

The third sister said disgustedly: "How many people can watch this?"

The second sister was speechless and said: "Isn't this starting point too low? Celebrities all sing and film movies, but my sister makes funny videos? When will she be able to make a name for herself?"

Zhang Ye hummed: "What do you know? Can the things I took out be ordinary things?"

Mom said: "Is it really good?"

Dad also said: "Don't fool your sister."

Zhang Ye groaned and said, "Just watch it."

The eldest aunt said hurriedly: "Xiaoye, why don't you bother."

"Thank you, brother." Cao Dan said touchedly.

Short video?

Is it really possible?

In fact, everyone is skeptical.


Zhang Ye was very efficient and finished it in two hours.

A total of more than 20 short video plans were first proposed.

Everyone was very interested. They didn't care about eating anymore and gathered around to watch.

"This is?"


"One person plays multiple roles?"

"So short?"

"Is this okay?"

Zhang Ye looked at his eldest sister, "Did you take the photo?"

Cao Dan read the book carefully and said: "It can be shot. There are no technical obstacles and the equipment required is very simple. I also know how to edit later. This is what I learned. I am afraid of the changes in each character. I If the acting is not good, I have to go back and try to find out."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, then I don't care."

"Also, brother." Cao Dan said with a sad face: "Do you really want to say this?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "It must be there."

Cao Dan said: "Must have it in every video?"

Zhang Ye said: "Yes, every video must have it."

Cao Dan blushed and read again, "My name is Cao Dan, a woman who combines beauty and talent?"

Third sister: "Pfft!"

Second sister: "Hahahaha!"

Cao Dan glared, "Don't laugh."

But the more he said this, the harder the family laughed.

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Just be more domineering and confident when you speak."

Cao Dan cleared his throat and tried again, "My name is Cao Dan, a woman who combines beauty and talent!"


Zhang Ye brought over all of PAPI Jiang's works and fame route on Earth this time, hoping to see if his sister could copy them.

As for whether it can be successful?

As for where Cao Dan can go in the future?

Zhang Ye didn't care. The road had been given. All he could do was lead his sister into the industry. Cao Dan had to walk the rest of the road on his own.

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