I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,331 [The Spring Festival Gala is really here! 】

There are still five hours left before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

Main control room.

Surrounded by surveillance screens.

Zhang Ye sits in command and directs the overall situation.

"Unit 10."

"Director, I'm here."

"The camera is off, a little to the left."


"The stage, the stage talks back."

"Director, your orders."

"Where's the screen that had problems yesterday?"

"It's been replaced with a new one."

"One final check."


All departments are doing final debugging!

There are four hours left before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

The leaders of the Spring Festival Gala working group are here. Look at their faces. No one has a relaxed expression. They are all tense. It is about to be time to test the results of this year's Spring Festival Gala. They are also nervous. The ratings task assigned above, The pressure on their shoulders made them breathless. This feeling was not that strong before, but as the countdown to the Spring Festival Gala began, the worry about gains and losses in their hearts became more and more serious.

"Director Zhang, how are the preparations going?"

"Everything is ready."

"Is there going to be no problem?"

"What can I say? I have done everything I can. If there is an emergency, just deal with it urgently. After all, it is a live broadcast and it cannot be perfect."

"When you say that, we have no idea what to do."

"Yes, Director Zhang, please explain to us."

"Can the ratings be stable this time?"

Everyone said something to each other.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone, leave it to me."

The leaders looked at each other and smiled bitterly. What kind of answer was this?

In recent years, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala have been getting lower year by year.

The year before last: 23%

The year before last: 22%

Last year: 19%

It has fallen below 20%, which is the lowest point in history. If it falls further, it will really be impossible to deliver. Tasks have been issued from above. This year’s Spring Festival Gala ratings must be stable. If the ratings can be restored Only by pulling back 20% can the task be considered completed.


Doesn’t look like much?

But can they really complete it?

Can they really stop the decline of the Spring Festival Gala?

There are still three hours before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

The backstage was packed with performers.

"Let's put on makeup!"

"It's too early."

"Where are my clothes? Where are my clothes?"

"Look in the cabinet?"

"Found it! It scared me to death!"

"Hey, where are my lines? Look at it again, I forgot my lines."

"Xiao Xu, don't be nervous!"

"How can you not be nervous?"

"Shall we rehearse again?"

Someone nervously went to the toilet again and again.

Some people were pacing back and forth, adjusting their breathing.

There are people inside who are regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala, such as Zhang Yuanqi, Ci Xiufang, and Zhang Xia. They are all very stable, especially Zhang Yuanqi, who has just arrived at CCTV. He is confident and has been to the Spring Festival Gala many times. With experience, you can naturally keep your composure, but it is different for others. Most of the actors are on the Spring Festival Gala stage for the first time. Needless to say, there is no need to mention the suffocating pressure and tension.

Zhang Ye arrived backstage at this time and encouraged them one by one.

"Little Hudie."

"Zhang, Teacher Zhang."

"Hey, why are you stuttering?"

"I, I, I'm nervous!"

"Aren't your legs stuttering?"


"It's okay if you stutter at the mouth, as long as your legs don't stutter."

"Pfft! Don't worry, I can spin!"

Hu Die was amused and relaxed a lot.

“Where are the migrant workers brothers?”

"we are at,

Teacher Zhang, we are here. "

"What do you mean? I heard that you two went to the toilet more than a dozen times?"

"Ah, uh."

“We’re a little scared and then it’s a reflex.”

"You have to hold it in when you get on stage. Hold it for three minutes and then get off stage after singing. I don't care if you use the restroom today. If you really can't hold it in, you can ask Xiao Hudie for advice. Look at others. If you don’t blink your eyes for four hours without going to the bathroom, don’t you think you two are shabby?”

Hu Die fainted!

The migrant workers brothers smiled bitterly.

Zhang Ye found Ci Xiufang's team again.

"Aunt Ci, are you still rehearsing?"

"Well, go through it two more times, otherwise I won't worry."

"Everyone, please take a rest. I don't recommend that you practice any more. Otherwise, the novelty will be gone. Once you practice, you will not be able to perform well, and you will no longer have the desire to perform. You were already very good during the rehearsal." , no need to be proficient, just listen to me and save your strength to perform on stage!"

"Yes, you are the director, I listen to you."

Finally, Zhang Ye found the deaf-mute dance team.

Qi Xiaomei is talking dumbly to the children, as if to encourage them.

Zhang Ye came over and said, "Teacher Qi, how are you?"

Qi Xiaomei turned around and said, "Ah, Director Zhang, the children are a little nervous about this, but don't worry, we will definitely complete the task and we won't let you down."

Zhang Ye nodded, looked at the girls, suddenly raised his hand, made a few gestures, paused, thought about it, and then made a few more gestures.

Qi Xiaomei was shocked!

The children were also stunned!


The first sentence is: Come on.

The second sentence is: You have no problem.

Zhang Ye couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw their expressions, "It's not standard, right? I just learned from others temporarily."

Qi Xiaomei shook her head vigorously, "No, standard, extremely standard!"

In order to encourage them, he, the general director of the Spring Festival Gala, who was so busy every day that he barely had time to sleep, actually learned mute for them?

The girls' eyes were a little red, and they were particularly moved. They looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes. They must dance well! You must not embarrass Teacher Zhang!

There are still two hours left before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

The gate opened and a large number of spectators came in and took their seats.

"Wow, so big?"

"Is the stage replaced with a new one?"

"It's really good, but I don't know how the light and shadow effects are. "

"It starts soon and you can see it."

"look forward to."

"Yeah, I don't know what this year will be like."

"Let's see what kind of answer sheet Zhang Ye can hand over."






Representatives from all walks of life were present.

There is still one hour left before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

Grandma’s house, everyone in the family is here.

Zhang Ye's three younger sisters screamed the loudest!

"Spring Festival Gala! Spring Festival Gala!"

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Right away."

"Oh, I can't wait!"

"You three come and eat first, and watch while you eat."

"I'm coming!"

There are still a few minutes left before the Spring Festival Gala starts.

All staff were attentive.

All staff are standing at their posts.

Zhang Ye had returned to the main control room a long time ago. He watched the second hand beating one by one, and his heart also fluctuated. He took a deep breath and calmed down, and he felt a little better.

finally reached!

The time has finally come!

Come on, guys are ready!

I wonder if you will like it? I don’t know if you can buy it, but this is my Spring Festival Gala, and this is my gift to you on New Year’s Eve!

Please accept it.

Zhang Ye said loudly:

"All departments prepare!"







time up!

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